BTC standing strong

Theo GazMema
BTC shorts on BITFINEX are at all time high. The level of shorts is higher then the level that created the drop to 6k last month. With all the pressure BTC has now it should have gone to 6k. Technical Analysis says it will go there. I think it will not, (I have BTC, LTC) there is the increasing support blue line and those people who kept that line strong on 6th of Feb will protect it with all they got. I buy more if it dips lower, and continue to buy in small parts. My average goes down, and whenever it turns up, i will be green in a day or two. I don't sell on red. Don't buy now if you can't accept the fact that it may go to 6k. Don't believe anyone on internet saying it will go this way, or that way. No one can predict the future. My winning trades have been whenever i averaged down, and sold after the price went above my average. It's like you put the actual price in the middle of UP vs Down. If it goes down, you have your buy options, like 2 or 3 options spread in parts, and if it goes up, you have you sell options of the coins you have now or you bought now. Whenever you set this, you will feel relaxed. If it goes down, you buy cheaper shopping time, if it goes up you sell what you just bought and make some money. I would not sell all at once. You don't now how high it can go. Sell in small parts, and spread it up. It is the only way, that i have made money more then 8 out of 10 trades. Any other option, is 50/50.
Trend Analysis

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