8 Th01 2018 17:39

Why I'm Making a Damn Fortune Short Bitcoin  Giá xuống

Bitcoin / U.S. dollarBitstamp

Mô tả

thanks to a market legend I am making a fortune short bitcoin after selling it $17,070. See my ideas! thanks for sharing
Bình luận
Where was your ideas then? Lol
@emregungor85, He bought low, sold high.. Legendary !!
@Benjamix, I am not calling myself a legend. I am referring to someone else. Do you have issues with English? I can send a CD
@cribeirobt, I picked it too, but unlike you I see a symmetrical triangle bullish continuation consolidation.... hence the violent resistance being experienced in the high 13k zone.. if it does drop lower, excellent, time to double down baby !! Best of luck !
This sounds like a plug for that jerk that insults everyone and claims 100% success (in reality that guy has ~40% success). He's the only one I know on here that calls himself a "market legend."
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