
No-Deal Brexit Coming - SHORT GBP/USD

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UnknownUnicorn3954476 Cập nhật   
FX:GBPUSD   Bảng Anh/ Đô la Mỹ

- 'they' don't want a deal, UK international
banking assets jump 10-20% on a devaluation.

- Thats a revaluation of £100bn-£200bn
onto UK banks books.

- Then all the short seller positions
Then banking deregulation

- We even avoid the EU tax cutdown law in Jan 2020

- Borish Johnson reiterates UK is leaving the EU on 31st October

- EU will take cue from Dublin, who have already said
non-starter deal

- First EU take on the deal is "cannot be serious";
"if this is the final offer then it is no deal"

- EU Lawmaker Lamberts says 'this does not bode well'
seems to be seeking a no-deal Brexit and wants to
blame the EU for this
Đóng lệnh: dừng lỗ:
Huge volatility after PM Johnson comes out from meeting PM Varadkar touting huge positivity on a deal has cause a stop. Will look for re-entry above 1.25 potentially
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