5 Th02 2024 10:57

$GME - That time of the year again Giá lên

GameStop CorporationNYSE

Mô tả

It's a bit early to celebrate, but i see decent signs of another GME run happening soon, at least within February. I i said, it's a bit early and the data needs several more days of prints to verify, if that's the case, i'd be setting this post to "Trade Cancelled" and i'd make a new one in it's place when its time.

Now that warnings have been given, it looks like we might be having a strange and weirdly early run on GME, possibly covering before earnings, repositioning and dumping it on earnings.

If the above is true, Vix may be on its way to 19 by next week, SPY may be wanting to dump.

The data

There is a spike in progress. If it doesnt fizzle out, we're going to see some price action soon. The timeframe is still unclear. Initially i think we could see something next week but i need more data to verify. It is possible that this may be a buildup for a post-opex run, but it's still too early to say.

This run doesn't quite fill all my criteria for a run, but i'm posting it just in case. I also have secondary data indicating that this is already a dud/no run, but here we are anyway.

So we may see something:
-Next Week
-Around the 22'nd
-Or not at all

Updates daily. If i think nothing's happening i'll be setting the post to "Trade Cancelled". I wont be reading or replying to comments.

Bình luận

So far so good. According to this we may be anywhere between days or weeks from something happening. According to this chart, we'd be days away, but according to other variants of this chart that i have, we could still be weeks away.

Today's print i think will decide wether this is a fakeout/dud/dump or wether something will happen as one more move down invalidates everything whilst a move up would continue this trend showing a run is happening.

Nice job on that excessive call buying yesterday by the way. As usual with these callouts, you all moved the price by a whole dollar and a half... I noticed most people bought weeklies which is an interesting way to lose money in my opinion and a strange interpretation of my post and data.

Regardless i'm interested to see what the effect of this kind of sudden excessive call buying does just before what would have been a run and wether this kills the run, deflates it or makes it stronger. From my few years of experience with this, i'd say it kills it and deflates it.

I'm curious to see what happens. I bought a tiny amount, i'll be buying more only after my data shows some more verification as this could easily be another dump especially thanks to the excessive greed of the communities reading this/these posts.

Bình luận

Congratulations Gentlemen, 80% confidence for a run. That's good enough for me.

Posting a slight variant of my data chart as it shows what i want to show a bit better:
Full Chart:

Good luck to weekly fomo buyers, share buyers and "Oh it went up by 0.10 cents, better sell another CC" and "Oh he posted, better inverse" folk. I hope not everyone gets blown up. The drop 2 days ago was superbly interesting as everyone went and bought weeklies. Lets see what you do today and how much lower you can drop it.

The timeframe i'll give you is "soon". I have dates in mind and i'm not sharing them as to not give all the eternal share holder CC sellers a date on which to safely sell their CC's and thus suppress another run.

In the future, i'm launching my own platform where this data will be partially free, partially paid. This way i can finally filter out trolls and people making money risk free whilst suppressing these runs by selling CC's at the perfect time etc. You're gona need to have more skin in the game soon.

Last update on this run. I'm letting myself be the one priviledged to further data updates on whether the last 20% chance of a run is good to go or fails suddenly for no reason.

Good luck.

Bình luận

Not good. It started downtrending before anything had a chance to happen. Could be an excessive move caused by CPI and it may recover and continue uptrending eventually but for now it doesn't look good.

I do expect a small uptrend before this starts to fail.

Đã hủy lệnh

I exited a position of 428 Calls for March 8 with a loss.

I expect a small bump in price due to people selling their calls + the delayed effect of what's shown in my chart, but it won't be the run i was looking for.

Till next time.

Bình luận

Well looks like CPI might've been an outliar. Half my data charts moved upwards yesterday indicating some bullishness. Also other factors happened yesterday as expected which are good for a supposed run.

My data however is only half bullish at best. Need a few more days of data to verify. At this moment in time i'm not entering a position until the data shows something more concrete than a maybe.

Giao dịch đang hoạt động
Good luck. I'm back in for a ludicrous amount that will basically bankrupt me. It's on.

1 Mil or nothing.

Bình luận

Heh and again it seems its back down again.

Any time i open my mouth this happens. I guess i need to stop posting. Need to exit on Monday.

Đã hủy lệnh

Aand i'm out. No more updates. You can check my website when its ready.
Bình luận
The little bit of call buying had absolutely nothing to do with the price going down. There was a ton of PUT buying and that is why the price went down. You have
a very small handful of people following your calls, They are not moving the stock at all.
Lee, I love your GME posts however the stock going down had nothing to do with you posting. The whole market was down due to a bad
economic number.
What’s the update sir 😃
Thanks for info. Always look forward to your posts.
How's the data looking tonight?
I got it pegged to go down to 11 or 10.50 before going up to 15.20
@juanrabbit868, why 15.2?
@LT1 It’s a resistance line that the “March” run has bounced off twice in the past. It’s why I’m sceptical about a run happening this early (this week) before it has dropped further. It needs more runway for the run to take off or it’ll be breaking some key resistance lines on the way up. So, I think it needs to drop more. Today’s green could be a fake out. If the run is coming in February instead of March this time, then the rest of this week might be really bloody. Either way, I bought some far out ITM calls to hedge my puts. I trust my boy Lee.
@juanrabbit868, Interesting.
@juanrabbit868, last two years there's been a February mini run and then a nice March run as well
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