9 Th04 2017 14:28

LTC going up slowly Giá lên

Litecoin / BitcoinPoloniex

Mô tả

Hello TradingView!

My name is Evans Jahja. I'm a newcomer on Crypto, and this is my first ever post, as I am still learning.

After the sudden drop from 0.0094 to about 0.008, I've been starting to learn how to better read charts and found this website called TradingView. The article by jsburgos attached really inspired me to try out this charting technique, and maybe I'd be better at understanding how cryptos (currently I'm used to LTC and BTC, as well as ETH) works.

It seems the price will rise to 0.0089, with stop of around 0.0081.

It's my first prediction, so... I doubt it's anywhere near reliable.


Giao dịch đang hoạt động

Update prediction, Fibonacci.

Bình luận

Bình luận
haha fist prediction and fail
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