16 Th12 2017 08:42

LTC will stay above $300 !! Giá xuống

Litecoin / U.S. dollarBitstamp

Mô tả

Hi Guys,

The new low limits for LTC have been corrected to 300...very soon you will be seing the same and you couldn't purchase for anything less than $300 after this weekend. So you wanna treasure some in, NOW is the time to do so!

In Analysis We trust! ----2Pac
Bình luận
hey man looking at this markup I see things I used to do. 2 people that could greatly help you understand structure and supply and demand our. Anal Mangel and Sam Seiden. Look them up on youtube. Best of luck friend and thanks for following. peace and love.
so ..why did you label this as a short trade if you are long on LTC?
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