3 Th12 2020 09:26

Can we get out of this box? part 2  


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Will history repeat itself?
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hi, in case it would break up where do you think it would be the target? Telecom Italia has some deal to close about the network potential split, in Italy they are talking about one single network with partecipation of all telecom competitors. The first step would be the merge of the Enel fiber network 'Open Fiber' and in these days it could be sold to Australian Maquire fund, this could start the process for one single telecom network in Italy and the potential split of telecom italia network. The Italy network has some geo strategic value because is the bridge with middle east, KKR USA fund has acquired some quotes of telecom Italia network and is interested in the potential single network in Italy. These things could start some good UP movement
@Rocco888, now after 2 years the company lost half of it value , we can learn that even if media give attention to this company the ultimate factor for price growth are fundamentals
@YBearBull, :-) the italian telecom sector is ultra competitive, the major competitors are there
Must say I see some kind of commercial change in the company, I am italian and I receive 2/3 time a day a phone call from them to convince me to come back
Seem there will be some kind of restructure for exampe sell the network, I hear also whispering of BO but nothing is sure
Given this low price could be also some new shares in the market
For me it will go lower probably 0.1/0.12 it's a safe price to enter
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