21 Th06 2020 19:35

ridethepig | Equities Breaking Down! Giá xuống

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📌 Flows to illustrate end-game cycle chains

-> Here we are tracking a very advanced flow, the struggle for
to complete the final ⚠️ breakdown and trigger capitulation in debt. This would be more natural to develop ahead of US elections as it would imply maximum pain giving enough energy to help form a base on 'surprise' Trump victory.

To keep the pressure on we will see the usual talking heads; Fauci, Gates and the rest push for further lockdowns, but the correct flow was indeed called earlier in the month to switch from the 3,200 SPX which is when we went underweight US Equities. In the Dow, 26,500 is now acting strong resistance and will be difficult for buyers to crack that ahead of Elections; remember we also have no-deal Brexit and Covid all still to play for...

The unaware will continue to buy blindly, unpacking the scrabble box and load thinking its a one-quarter wonder recession - retail participation is shooting through the roof. It was a necessary ✅ to clear before we can see the Sovereign Debt Crisis. Smart hands are tracking the claims number and understand that recoveries DO NOT look like this:

Fortunately we were ahead of the weakness in Global Equities and Vol, but the rally has been difficult to defend:

This next leg lower can now be played. Seller's positioning after Witching with this little loosening move created the room to attack. In the immediate time; look to target a sweep of the lows before adding any US exposure for the next business cycle.

Notice how we still did not get into the 15,500 zone called earlier at the lows:

The courage to intentionally let retail hang oneself for weeks; just on account on a remote possibility of a second wave; is now sadly going to be rewarded. Look at defaults coming to our theatres very soon, sellers smell blood and have suddenly awakened to fresh activity!

We also have the VIX Panic Cycle entering into play right on time as forecast, it has been game, set and match for all of those trading VIX flows live:

Thanks as usual for keeping the support coming with likes, comments, charts and etc!

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For those tracking Gold and the Sovereign Debt Crisis:

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For those tracking SPX

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Of all the authors on TV, ridethepig is one of my favourites. Thanks for sharing your view, keep it up!
Thanks so much @ReallyMe for the kind words!
Thank you so much for the kind words @ReallyMe
I think only covid19 will bring DJIA to the downside otherwise there is a positive outlook for the market
Record number of positive cases in California, Florida, Arizona and South Carolina... @YBearBull, this is still the first wave too. Second is expected into the fall/winter and we have no vaccine until Q3 / Q4 2021. Not sure what is positive about this, despite the hard sell politicians are pushing the facts say otherwise. Bonds have called called bs and scream there is more pain to come!!
thanks for sharing your best ideas.
I learn many subjects from your ideas.
God bless you
Thanks @SEYED98, thats very good to hear.
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