26 Th07 2019 18:35

Consensio With Signals 

Bitcoin / DollarBitfinex

Mô tả

Using the ideas from "Consensio" system, by Tyler Jenks, this Indicator shows a Buy and sell values, with 3 levels
using the position order of 3 smas: short, medium and large

There are 3 combinations indicating buy and 3 indicating sell:

Example: LSM (Long SMA Top, Then Short, Then Medium)

3 levels each. More level more power signal for buy or sell

MLS = Sell Level 1
LSM = Sell Level 2
LMS = Sell Level 3
SLM = Buy Level 1
SML = Buy Level 3
MSL = Buy Level 2

The triangles on top of the indicator shows any cross of the 3 SMAs and the level of buy/sell signal of the combination
Bình luận
A new version of this indicator with Forecast:

Consensio With Signals Forecasted
can you share the histogram as well? thanks in advance!
@aes0n, Its shared also... its called "Consensio Hystogram".
@Nakitxu, thanks! i searched for "Consensio" before asking and tradingview said 0 results.
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