1,000,000 to 100 THB 2nd trade

Theo tofinse
Cập nhật
Now all TF 1D, 4H, 1H become confluently downtrend
,long wick SL hunt is shown

also support 4H is seem to be broke
so now we can consider this support to become resistance

Bình luận
price go down 38 pips

i move SL to Entry point
now this trade cannot be loss
Bình luận
i move SL to 0.90340

now this trade can only profit
Giao dịch được đóng thủ công
i close this trade manually becaseu price make 2 un-decision doji candle near POC of weekly volume profile that now act as support

this trade i win 28 pips
Trend Analysis

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