TF120min please break

Theo naratip
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TF 120 min looking forward for break today
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*break this week
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Stop loss 22.9/22.0 if break the last low it's gonna be very painful
24.2 follow buy. TP 25.0 26.0 26.5
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23.6 pls break last Hi 24.2 for god sake!
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stop lost 22.9 and 22.0
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23.7 now. First target price is 25.0
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wtf karen. noooooooooooooooo
23.3 then i'm outta here
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break last high 24.2 confirm sideway up -> up trend
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Pull back?
take profit at 23.5
Đóng lệnh: dừng lỗ
bye bye
Chart PatternsTrend Analysis

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