BTCSvL. P- Modeling. Pt 2. The Fuel for the Flying V of Death

Theo Glitch420
Cập nhật
ETH shorts drop to 8/1 gann.

We go up.

ETH longs skyrocket .

Gigantic BTC short opens about 40%+ .
Gigantic ETH short opens. Unknown.

ETH longs now at ultra all time high. Time for Long squeeze of unbelievable proportions.

BTC enters the 2000 range.
ETH enters the below 50 range.

We create a flying V of death.
but i way..



Bình luận
ETHUSD shorts are about to bounce off the 8/1 gann like predicted. Both BTCUSD shorts and ETH shorts are at the reversion means on the 8/1 GANN.

Overshoot past the mean is high probability.
This would validate the second part of the prediction. The opening of gigantic BTC and ETH shorts. But to do that we have to have a final EXIT blast.

Once we blast. We should make one M. and take a samurai sword to the legs. ảnh chụp nhanh
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Bình luận
Shifted bubbles. Targets nailed.

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Beyond Technical Analysisgeometriclinearregressionmodeling

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