BITCOIN, Prices for April, 2024 and What to expect after the cy

BITCOIN, Prices for April, 2024 and What to expect after the cycle end.

New Support = $75,878.55.


Execution Price = $91,966.07, $92,208.05 follow by, $94,022.88

Distribution Price = $96,805.62

Expect drop between mid April until mid June to the following prices:











Retest Incomplete during Nov, 2023, expect as low as $38,126.02.


New Support = $75,878.55


Execution Price = $91,966.07, $92,208.05 follow by, $94,022.88

Distribution Price = $96,805.62

Expect drop between mid April until mid June to the following prices:










Retest Incomplete during Nov, 2023, expect as low as $38,126.02

For Repeat Cycle Expect as low as the following prices:









Let's explain the main reason why Bitcoin or any other global assets moves up and down rather than a third part.

Step1: How the market moves within 3 years economic range.

First you need to understand the 4 phases of a market cycle within 5 years economic range:

No matter what market you are referring to, all go through the same phases and are cyclical.
they rise, peak, dip, and then bottom out. when one market cycle is finished, the next one begins.

Accumulation phase

Mark-up phase

Distribution phase

Mark-down phase.

Market cycle has four stages: expansion, peak, contraction, and trough.

Now let’s calculate the mark-down phase starting from Nov 2021, until Nov 2022. And the Peak started from Jan 2023 until March 2024, to be continue as the cycle is not over yet.

Now we calculate expansion, peak, contraction, and trough between year 2021, 2022,2023 and 1st quarter of 2024.

To calculate the time between these dates, let's break it down:

From April 15, 2021, to March 30, 2022, is less than 1 year.

From March 30, 2022, to January 2023 is less than 1 year.

From January 2023 to March 14, 2024, is about 1 year and 2 months.

Adding these together, we get approximately 2 years and 2 months between April 15, 2021, and March 14, 2024.

Now let’s explain why Market went up to March ending price at $73,738.43.

Pay attention to this area:

Year 2023 confirmed a support over year 2022.

A support represent X Right Price in any Market or future prices is confirmed! When support is confirmed the fundamental of market move is to create a repeat cycle and each support requires to hold a retest at the support that was confirmed.

Now let’s see if Market has followed the correct fundamental of support & the Resistance. Just Follow my Note where is say Retest Incomplete ( Expect as low), this = market did not do the correct Retest within each support was confirmed.

Beyond Technical Analysis

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