
Ontology USDT Could do its thing in Matter of time.

CognitoBTC Cập nhật   
BINANCE:ONTUSDT   Ontology / TetherUS
ONTUSDT has already spiked over 220% since the low of March levels.

This is a long term and has well calculated risk to reward ratio. Please do not take it as an financial advise.
Both cases are explained in chart close below demand zone could push us towards support zones. A push upwards from here can take us to next levels as mentioned in the chart.

Possible long entry could be a retest of EMa-200 on daily TF 0.5910 levels but a wick down from here looks highly likely Therefore try placing scattered bids within demand zone.
For mid term perspective i would say Take most of Profits in Trouble areas where EMA300 is sitting at 0.6836 .

Always take profit and use Stop loss. never risk more than you could afford losing.
Happy trading.

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Đóng lệnh: đạt mục tiêu:
hit in august
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