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US stocks updates. Anyone has a clue how this works?

Long on my bank account!

Goodbye crypto you bore me to death.
Time to look at US Stocks.

They say in FX (and I figured Oil too) what you have to do is understand the patterns then your job is doing the same trades automatically, which is what I am doing, my system is near perfect now. I think I am good to go, every week end I check the charts and feed my custom indicator, I got a few tweaks to make on it but it should be good to go next week nothign can stop me now. Except regulators...

See? Took me 1 month of manual trading + 1 month of semi-auto trading in FX to figure it out and from now on it is just autopilot.
They say "using a magical indicator to get easy trades finding the perfect system is what retail traders look for but it is not possible".
I said "Stay silent worm and watch as your god does exactly that!"
And I did it. Took 2 months.

But stocks, they say stocks are different... no autopilot is possible, you have to constantly analyse it...
Argmpf but I am so lazy. Now I am looking for patterns, and in particular I am looking to go with the trend on retraces, I think it is very possible I find a winning strategy here. Going to spend the week end typing values in an excel file... Just like what I did with FX... It's all happening over again.

Not that many ideas about stocks on TradingView, unless I missed those?
Ideas comments welcome...

Anyway, going full autopilot is pretty dull, at least I'll spend time having fun checking bagholder quotes to "get a feel" of a stock, and constantly check what direction it is going.

For now nothing. I will check a dozen stocks with high volume and clear trend this weekend.
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In the FX metals energy & commodities markets I am watching around 35 instruments & only 8 are trending ( Soybean) + Oil is not really trending but I wil still trade it because it is oil.
So there are a few but really not much.

EURUSD has not been really going anywhere for several weeks now, crazy booooore.

There are so many stocks. But I won't watch any that does not have at least 25MM usd daily volume every day.
Going to watch US and also UK stocks. FTSE Nasdaq Nyse AMEX.

I'll check this afternoon no need to hurry. Personally I will favor a swing trade strategy for stocks, it is more fun and works well the way stocks work, not like FX or Oil that zigzags in every direction and you better day trade. Going to hold anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks imo.

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I'd say short IPGP but I don't hve it with my broker :}
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Got the idea from Avasreader, only author posting about stocks on tv I know of.
Short this like there is no tomatos!

Cool so with my stock broker:

* Can't access the web platform and cannot install metatrader on my 9-5 job PC. Well I say 9-5 but I started at 2 pm today sorry I woke up late my bad.

* I can only trade from my phone, at least i still have this.

* Some decent volume stocks are not listed.

* My free margin is only 1.5 times my balance WTF??? God do I have to call and talk talk talk again?

Bye, just going to end myself I am done with all this.
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What is this...?

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Remember to check on this in a few months.
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Should I short this?
All financial companies have bearish divergence... Something must be brewing.

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Check what will happen here.
I am going to need a bunch of examples before I know how to approach this.
Going with the trend would be simplier and more profitable...
Why do I make it hard for myself

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Actually Nasdaq crashed, why is Apple still way up there?
I am going to short it.

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Giao dịch đang hoạt động
I feel so much better after taking this trade.
At least my addiction is not destructive like smoking drinking and other terribad one's.
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Oh actually I am not sure this one is good.
Whatever, I have completed 95% of my FX system, while I wait for ghost town to repopulate, I just work on my stock signals, hope I do not lose too much in the process XD
Going to make it all back within 2 days when FX FFUFUFFJFHFKFJH DOES SOMETHING dcopcdskodskoodsfk gosh HOW MUCH LONGER TDODOD DO I HAVE TO WAIT?
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Full disclosure that AAPL trade does not look perfect at all, but 200 got to be a psychological level, and zooming out we see we got a shot at shorting it at the top!
Who knows? Mega drop next and then recession :p

APPLE INC. - Still room for upside despite M1 bearish div.
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I am almost persuaded I shorted Apple too early.

The issue is this:

I can zoom out and take trades for long term (several weeks) and have a near perfect winrate.

BUT I cannot afford to allocate more than 10% of my money to trading stocks.
AND masterminds limited the leverage to 5:1 which means I will not be able to take many positions and make big gains.

Look, imagine you use all the leverage at your disposition, 5, and you take a whole 10% over the course of a month. THis is a 50% gain, but on 10% of your money, so basically you made 5%. I make 5% in a week or less with FX (ok not in the past month but it has been dead).

With 20 leverage 5% becomes 20% ... With no risk if you do this correctly...
To all in on 1 trade with full leverage you got to be a complete imbecile...
And these bottom feeders pick trash trades too...
It's a gauss distribution trust me. Ye so 79% retail traders lose money, this does not mean 79% are bottom feeders. Commissions means more lose than win, but it is a gauss or normal distribution. You got very few at the very left, the piss for brains.
And the rules are made for them and also to help the big guys (big brokers & big traders), the little traders with potential are fucked, as usual. Same shit all the time. Since I started school I learned this lesson. Always the idiots get privileged.

But anyway, governments and officials are so stupid they pull something to an extreme with idiotic rules, then they pull it the other way.
Only problem is they have slow brains hence the time when they reverse their rules 180° is going to be in a long while...

You need 500.000 euros to be able to go pro (unless you worked with a financial institution, then you are privileged, nice "equality").

I don't want to trade badly and ruin an account because of idiotic rules so I will just start how I SHOULD be trading and when I feel too limited I will open an account in AUS or NZ for CFD's.

Well they got 20:1 leverage...
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Found this answer on quora, to the question
"If a trader makes 100–200% annual returns, then how is Warren Buffett the best investor in the world?"

I'm a professional trader. I know a lot of people who have put up massive returns for 10+ years. But not one is in Warren Buffett's league.


Buffett can take advantage of the eighth wonder of the world. None of us can.

The eighth wonder of the world is compound interest.

Imagine that you make 20% per year. If you have a little bit of money, 20% won’t give you a lot of money after just one year. But if you reinvest your profits, you have 20% more money every year. Over time you build up a lot of money — for example, $1,000 invested at 20%/yr for 30 yrs becomes $250,000. Buffett has been at it for more than 50 years; after 50 years, that $1,000 would become $9 million!

The magic of Buffett’s strategy is its ability to scale. When Buffett makes 20%, he can do it on $150 thousand or $150 million or $150 billion. This is not true for ordinary traders!

When buyers come into a market the price is pushed up. Then, when they sell to take their profits, the price is pushed down. The more money you have to move around the more impact you have on the market, so you must buy at higher prices and sell at lower prices — that is, your profit margins fall.

So where do the biggest investors put their money?

... TBC
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If Buffett wants to deploy $100 billion of capital without spooking his stocks’ prices, there aren’t a lot of different companies he can consider. He can choose Coke versus Pepsi, Goldman Sachs versus Bank of America, IBM versus Apple. And guess how many other A-list investors are looking at those same stocks?

An ordinary person can look at 5,000 stocks, but Buffett can only look at 50. And he’s looking at the 50 with the most eyes on them.

The traders who put up massive annual returns aren’t limited like this. Today my biggest profit was in an obscure Chinese shipping company. Not a regular in the CNBC headlines? That’s because it could fit inside Coca-Cola one hundred times over and nobody would notice. Guess how many people with Warren Buffett’s elite skills were competing with me? Zero.

Then it gets even worse!

Buffett has 400 million shares of Coca-Cola. Yesterday the stock traded only 22 million. So even if he could take every single share sold, it would take him a month to get out of his position. At his scale, Buffett has to spend months or years just putting his money into a stock, then he has to wait years for it to make a move, then he has to spend months or years getting out. And if it ever turns against him, sorry, he’s stuck holding onto that loser.

Let’s compare that with the kind of trading that produces 100%+ returns. Of my 10 best trades of the last year, I didn’t hold a single one for more than three hours of the trading day. While writing this, Sprint and T-Mobile had news, and I got in and out of an entire position in under sixty seconds. So not only is Buffett constrained to the 50 (or so) most crowded stocks in the market, his fund is this lumbering giant that can’t make a move before the traders running nimble money have already booked their profit.

I guarantee you that if Warren Buffett were not constrained by scale, he could put up percentages every bit as gaudy as traders like me. He prefers to make billions.

The eighth wonder of the world is compound interest.

Let’s run some simplified numbers. Imagine that a hotshot trader makes 200% returns every year on his $1,000,000 account, which would be an elite level of success to say the least. The only caveat is that he has to take his profit out every year because the trades can’t scale up any further. He would make $2 million per year — good money if you can find it. After 30 years he would have $60 million in total profits.

Now let’s imagine we invested that money with Warren Buffett instead. Say that instead of 200% he can make 20%, but he can scale indefinitely. That first year, a $1,000,000 account would kick off $200,000, just a fraction of the hotshot trader’s payday. But after 30 years we wouldn’t have $60 million. Thanks to compound interest, we would have $250 million. And where the hotshot trader would have $100 million after 50 years, we would have $9 billion!

Now, you might be thinking: Wouldn’t the trader put those excess profits in outside investments and therefore have more money in the end? Sure, absolutely. But where would he invest that money — his own account, or Warren Buffett’s fund? So who’s the better investor: the guy with higher numbers on a stat sheet, or the guy that the other guy wants to invest his money with?

That’s the magic of compound interest. And that’s what makes Warren Buffett’s success so incredible: 20% that can scale beats 200% that can’t scale every time.

I'll be the first trader to not only make more than 200% annually, but compound it muahahaha I believe I can fly!
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If you have a next level brain like me you can diversify hard and invest in hundred of stocks and trade NO LIMIT!
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84% that took this poll

Think Apple will be up in 3 months. Oh poor unsuspecting fools.
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Is it going to go to 250 before dropping thought? 300?

I bet I get stop lossed and right after that it drops. I hate this.
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Stock is overbought and %B is going down.
Sell off please?
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Đóng lệnh: dừng lỗ
Stoopid Apple bubble. Well I hope I did not get stopped at the top.

I actually have a ton of research left to do...
Am taking to day off tomorrow to sleep as much as I need then it's back to research.

I will sum up what I got here:

1- Going with the trend premium setups (when currencies are trending clearly...):
a- Very rare. Looking at daily chart.
b- Not so rare, as rare as it is rare for something to trend. Zooming on 4H to join a trend (on the daily chart).
c- Using moving averages for an entry: RESEARCH NEEDED.

2- Catching possible end of trends (always daily chart). Decent setups:
With RSI (+ %B) divergence. More oscillator could be used but it gets too much of a chore then... I am not sure where to enter & where to SL. Depends on alot of factors. MORE RESEARCH NEEDED.

3- Trading sideways:
I would see at least 2-3 possible entries, but I think that sucks, and there is a tiny risk to get caught in a mighty slippage when something breaks out of consolidation. Pass

Same as FX perhaps. Except my 1-a setups I need to do RESEARCH, on all the rest.

a)RESEARCH NEEDED, but I think a very simple strategy based on divergence at swing high/low looking at the weekly chart will have a very high winrate. This takes time, patience is required, that is the only downside of the strat.

b) Going with trends: I have no idea what TF is optimal, or where to enter...

Bitcoin: oh whatever.

I actually have so many things to look at before I can say I know what I am doing...
I spends months, several hours a day, doing research previously, and it feels like I made little progress and I need to do 10 times that, but my head will explode.

I will check 10 examples for each case and call it a day. I would rather lose money than make hundreds of horus of research.
Only joining trend for stocks is going to be harder, but maybe I get lucky...

And then I write everything down so I don't have to think about it or mix it up.

I had an easy, very profitable method with FX trends, that every thing stopped moving is good, forced me to learn more.
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I want to short qcom but right now I cannot do an analysis of it as I have a job as I am not self-made like certain people.
If I go in blind I will lose again I do not possess the imaginary skills of self-made billionaires we see in magazines.
Best I set alerts on higher TF so I get all the high qulity setups, the higher the TF the better it gets.
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lol wat
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Earnings are even worse than expected.

Is this a pump and dump stock?

That kind of crap seel to happen regularly...

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