FCEL Re-entry Point, NOW - looking LONG post 4th C-Wave!

Theo BDRTrigger33
Cập nhật
FCEL became a dump when it traced sub 2.1/s during a deep trough to a short (in duration) fourth consolidation wave. The sideways and downward motion appears to have come to its halt. While some pre-emptive panic caused a slight loss during that re-trace, the entry point at 2.9 looks SPLENDID with a target zone between 3.2 and 3.3 per share, which it could spike to in rapid fashion. It's is tough to say it's an auto-dump at 3.2-3.3, though; the full upside will be worked out LATER.

Notwithstanding the spook of the fourth consolidation zone, the overall trend is still ascending in a ziggurat fashion: As to whether it fully breaks that trend, we will watch and see. Either way, this is again in the formation of a nice LONG -- so I'm re-entering!


Bình luận
We're a full 1/2 buck over average cost as FCEL touches 3.4 here on Tuesday. I'm trying not to get overly excited, nor do I still, have a sell/exit point on this- at all - yet. I'll update w/ an idea, on it, if I get one.
Bình luận
Check that, It's wednesday. Anyway. Looking very nice as of mid-day WED.
Chart PatternsFCELfuelcellHarmonic PatternsnaturalenergysolarTrend Analysis

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