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Theo UnknownUnicorn846565
Welcome back Friends and Foes
(We dont discriminate)...
...Except maybe Bcash Fan Boys... ;)

Today the coin of choice is the mighty GameCredits!
I chose this coin because I noticed a solid long term market cycle playing out.
Prices have now landed on trending support not once but, on two separate occasions. The second of which came after a major breakout of descending resistance.
This indicates that a new emotional market cycle will arise in the old ones place. Only, this one will be far greater!

Accumulate while prices are cheap!
Buys on the trend line are the safest way to trade market cycles :)
See Ya'll on the Moon. :)

God Bless, JolleyCrypto
Beyond Technical AnalysisGAMEGAMEBTCgamecreditsgamecreditsbtcmarketcyclesTrend Analysis

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