gbpnzd longs

Theo semp223
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Reasons for entry: It's good to have at least 2 but I have found 3. It is important to trade in discount or premium pd arrays for buying or selling, respectively.

1: htf pd array, daily fvg fill
2: EQ
3: Cisd
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Possible Turtle Soup of lows
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Inside Bar on Daily chart is a good sign the trend will continue... or reverse.
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Inside Bar on Daily chart is a good sign the trend will continue... or reverse.

Even better if they're stacked up.
Giao dịch đang hoạt động
Price closed below the bullish fair value gap. That's indication of more downside.
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Failed Final Flag Pattern
SMC trendline liquidity
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Moving the take profit order that is resting above the OB. Reason: This could potentially turn into a breaker block due to failed Order Block that acts as support for higher prices as the market runs towards internal liquidity. There is an un tapped FVG above that has not attempted to fill, and so there is still room for this to move.

Consolidating between a possible strong high and possible strong low.

If it's a strong high, it will do its job and take out the weak low.

If it's a strong low, it will do its job and take out the weak high.
Đóng lệnh: đạt mục tiêu
Reason: The market has officially tapped into the internal liquidity. Previously, there was not a swing point or IOFED. It's a good time to exit because this could potentially move lower.
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There's always that feeling when you book a 2R and the market goes even farther and you could have held on for a bit longer.
Trend Analysis

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