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$GME - They are now shorting while resetting FTDs

Hi ya'll,

I'm not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice.

I believe i've refined the T+21 and T+35 FTD reset cycle down much better and i'm able to give you a better visualization of WHAT I THINK is happening. Obviously i can't prove any of this. Obviously i don't have access to Citadel's or Bill's Family office to check their positions, so yeah, i have no proof.
That having been said, i thought of starting to count the T+21 and T+35 cycles that Market Makers are allowed to leave an FTD in limbo until they decide to properly deliver and close it or reset it (e.g kick the can down the road) by borrowing shares from their buddies or buying deep ITM options.

In February - March
I'm see that 2 days before T+21, there's movement. Usually it's up by quite a bit.
I'm also seeing that between 6-10 days later just before T+35 hits, the price goes up again 1 more time.

I suspect that some family offices (not Citadel) were covering here.

In March - May
I'm see that 2 days before T+21, there's movement. Usually the movement is DOWN, so it's a dip.
I'm also seeing that between 6-10 days later just before T+35 hits, the price used to go up by a bit, but now on average it remains constant and doesn't move up or down by a significant amount.

What are they doing?
Based on what i see on this chart, i believe that in the T+21 period that happened yesterday 3 of May, they also shorted GME. We know this by the data from fintel, gme.crazyawesomecompany and other borrow info sites. Today they returned those borrowable shares which indicates they were done with their current T+21 shorting. I believe that on T+21 there's bullish momentum from minor covering (because they can't fully cover at these prices) and they suppress the price by borrowing and shorting GME. With this theory and their borrowing habits, everything makes sense suddenly.

Additionally, right before T+35 (around T+25-30) they tend to do another minor round of tiny tiny covering which they also try to suppress but can't fully do so due to them having used all the borrowable shares they previously spent 1-2 weeks accumulating to short the T+21 cycle down. This is why right before every T+35 the price returns back to the price it was before they shorted T+21.

I've marked with a flag every impotant moment in time where there was GME momentum up or down. I also marked the points in the future that will have moment up or down.
Important dates: May 14, May 24 and June 3.

Incidentally, their last T+35 cycle ends exactly on June 7. On June 9 it's the shareholders meeting for GME. Nice timing. They want to milk this cow as much as they can till then.
The horrible mistake they're going to make from today onwards is that IF THEY SHORT GME AGAIN TODAY ONWARDS... well the T+21 and T+35 for those shorts may fall within a possibly bullish period for GME because 9'th of June is Shareholders Meeting and earnings. You don't want to be caught doing minor covering/shorting within a bullish period especially for GME. If your covering creates even a bit of bullish moment, a tinkle of fomo from retail can ignite a rocket they never expected to go off. I believe they are greedy and stupid, so they will continue shorting even after today.

I personally "want to" believe that May the 14'th is the day, simply because this day coincides 100% PERFECTLY with January 28'ths Mega Mega Mega huge amount of FTDs that were supposedly not closed, but only reset. How does it coincide with the 28'th of January? Well, From January 28 to May 14, the T+35 rule perfectly fits 3 times. Also on this date, we're 2 days before T+21 for the previous shorting period and if you've been reading, that means GME will move down or up due to minor covering or will go down because they'll short more. So it's a double whammy. It's BOTH the next T+35 period where all of the accumulated FTD's from January are going to be reset and some are bound to leak through while they might use Deep ITM calls to reset them, on the same day, they'll have the option to also cover the past T+21 shorts of approximately 750k-3mil shares.

Don't get hung up on dates. Be responsible. Temper your expectations. Be wary of the date yes, but don't overhype them. No one can read the future. This is an educated guess based on the past and i'd like to believe it's accurate. Look forward to the date, but don't create a hype bandwagon otherwise when nothing happens on the 14'th of May, you'll be disappointed and cry in a corner in fetal position because you overhyped this DD.
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