The Graph breaking up from two different channels

Theo DrDovetail
Cập nhật
Very close to hitting the teal channels breakout target, after that we head for the pink channels breakout target…also likely to go to the beginning of the red bearflag pole around 51 cents as is common with inverse Bart patterns. *not financial advice*
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The slightest nanopip below the 1st target I’d say that’s close enough in my book to say target hit. Much closer than horseshoes or handgrenades.
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Target most definitely hit. Price action is climbing the fuchsia colored dotted measured move line like a staircase.
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Getting closer to the second target.
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2nd target hit!
1wkAscending ChannelbullishbreakoutChart PatternsDescending ChannelGRTGRTUSDinversebartthegraphTrend Analysisweeklychart

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