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Comparison - 1st Year of HBAR / BTC vs. 1st Year of LINK / BTC

Showing similarities between the two assets in their first full year of price development - HBAR / BTC vs LINK / BTC.

The two charts can be lined up to look more similar, this comparison is one to one on timing of price over the first full year:

- LINK / BTC launched September 19th, 2017, and from there showing price development over its first full year 2018-2019
- HBAR / BTC launched September 16th, 2019, and from there showing price development over its first full year 2020-Present Day

Additional comparisons of LINK and HBAR and LTC and HBAR - USD pairs:

2019-2020 LINK / USD - 2nd year bull run vs. HBAR / USD 2020-Present

Comparison 2020-2021 HBAR / USD vs 2019-2020 LINK / USD

2016-2017 LTC / USD Bull Run vs. HBAR /USD 2020-Present

Chart Comparison: 2017 Litecoin Bull Run vs. HBAR Today

(older chart comparison linked below under related ideas)

comparisonhbarHBARBTChbarlongHBARUSDLINKLINKBTCLINKUSDTrend Analysis

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