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Buy Highground Enterprise for short term

Theo ShamoilShabbir
Cập nhật
Buy CMP with SL below Kijun. As can be seen the price has entered the cloud and would be eager to test whether it can move above the cloud. Nonetheless there is a good RR available at CMP till the price touches the Senkou B in 20-22 range. There is a massive uptick in the AD line, and
stock price is at a level above nifty 50, since its major top and positive divergence in terms of HH in Highground and flat movement in Nifty 50.

Happy Trading / Investing

Best Regards

Giao dịch đang hoạt động
Buy at CMP with SL 13.4 on closing basis.
Đóng lệnh: dừng lỗ
weak and SL reached
enterprisegroundhighTrend Analysis

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