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- JASMYUSD has soared to +8.72% since i issued my alert in the morning
- Currently the idea represents a 4x move, this is the Maximum Favorable Exersuion (MFE)
- Generally when. a trade receives a 2x I do 1 of 2 things:
1) Either reduce half
2) Bring stop loss to breakeven
/Sometimes I use more avanced techniques but not the topic of conversation here/

Since JASMYUSD is very speculative name that can move a lot, I would look to use technique no.2 2) to improve my risk reward management and improve my worst case scenario.

Why 2) and not 1) - well, I knew the stock is thinned and as said in the previous alert, I did position size for this and will be willing to play the hand on larger move of smaller position size.

- what is important is to manage the risk of the trade and explained in this idea and the previous ideas linked is how you can manage it.

You can review the timestamps of the ideas and hence see that this is real time advice.

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