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Theo ShreeKrishna_F
Cập nhật
This scrip is ready for its last move up
Look for buy set up , trail your stop once price move away form your buy price

Good luck
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so far from 335 to 351 , Trail the stop to cost + Brokerage and let the trade run ,
if you stopped out , ignore it for a while until it make one more sharp reversal
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One can book Profits before Storm Come
Giao dịch được đóng thủ công
We booked our holding Yesterday , Our Holding was long due form 235 in cash ,
The forecast i made for 379 it might go or might not go so we booked both

Long term holding in Cash , and Futures lot
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Some one PM me a 15 days ago about this scrip , its time for you to book
Wave Analysis

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