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Important Levels for 29/09/2022.
The buyers tried hard but once we reached the VA of the last session the sellers got in and did close well.
For tomorrow, 16870-16882 can be an important zone. If we see a flat opening and price falls immediately the short positions should have an SL of 16885 and targets shall be the old buyer reference of 16751-16765. But a better trade would be if e have any gap up near today's VA of 16950-16982 and then shorts will give us a good RR with initial target of PDL @ 16835 and next target of 16751-16765 as mentioned.
For longs i will wait and take longs with reduced quantity if we see the buyers defending 16835-16850 levels and take positions only above 16882 for targets of 16950-16982 and the old seller reference of 17030-17067.
Safe traders can give longs a miss for tomorrow.
Bình luận
We are seeing a good gap up and a open almost at the levels decided to take shorts. First 5 mins if we see selling volumes coming in the trade will be active.
Bình luận
Issue with trading view futures showing october contracts levels will change, dont trade

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