$PLTR - Mega bullish wedge about to end...

Theo leenixusu
Hi ya all,

This is all my opinion and my own strategy. I'm not a financial advisor, just an ape that threw a bunch of money into PLTR based on this trade idea.

The 'Thesis'
See the mega bullish wedge that's been forming on GME for ages now. It also intersects with previous MEGA support possibly making the upswing date tomorrow or within this week. The idea is that the bullish wedge has possible ending points, one is tomorrow (within this week) and the other one ends on the 14'th of April, though it's possible for a breakout to start sooner and it often does (not with PLTR though, PLTR is always exactly on time).

Depending on your risk appetite, you can grab some PLTR shares now, or calls from now. Chances are, this is the bottom. If this is NOT the bottom, and in fact we have 20 more days to go to the end of the bullish wedge (i absolutely doubt it), then the bottom is ~$20-$21. A solid strat is to buy some now so you can be strapped onto the possible rocket and buy some later if it dips. Personally i've thrown a lot at it at $24.12 because i feel like we're not going to have a fakeout to $21 to shake some weak hands (pretty sure i'm going to be wrong on this one and i'm going to have to BTFD at $21 ish).

Basically pick one of the bullish wedges on the chart or both and make your bets. Shares are as always safer than calls. Don't forget PLTR's float is ~1.5 billion-ish shares and only a small fraction of those are bought.

I think this will ride to at least $39 with a max to $72 if market conditions during the next 30 days are not windy and with perfectly sunny weather. If weather is not great, we could see a simple run up to $35 and maybe max out at $39 and that'll be that.
I like to dream big, so i'm gonna say the range is $39 - $72 by sometime late April or maybe all the way into June, who bloody knows.

As usual i might be a chump and this could all be wrong. I'm literally trying to predict the future. Let's see how that works out for the boatload of super super far OTM contracts and 0 shares i bought.
Not revealing my positions not to expose them to bots and data miners. Sorry, but cry all you want. Believe it or not, there's lots of eyes watching.
Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternspalantardspalantirPLTRTrend Analysiswsb

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