Above is the yearly chart for SPX from inception in 1957...the last 3 yearly candles (2021, 2022 & 2023) look nothing like its past history. The red dotted lines are closing HIGHS followed by weakness year/s. Typically year 3, after a weakness year, either breaks out OR we are still in bear mode. So we are in unchartered territory right now...neither the bulls nor the bears can claim any sort of victory!
This chart shows how getting to 5,000 SPX is becoming a HUGE task for the bulls. Why oh why could they not get an SPX yearly closing above 4,800 this year ? IMO this was imperative especially given the extremely low volume this past week.
Maybe the bulls remember all too well the troubles for NDX in 2000 at 4816.35 before its crash where it took 17 years to reach 5K.
Staying nimble is the key!