TXRH a western theme restuarant stock LONG

Theo AwesomeAvani
Cập nhật
TXRH is here on a weekly chart with a linear regression line overlaid along with a Keltner

Channel indicator. Below the chart is the Chop Zone indicator. TXRH has been in a trend up

for more than six months. There were corrections in January and April. I conld suppose

another correction may occur in July whne trading volumes are lower for the summer.

In the meanwhile < I see TXRH as a good long trade until the anticipated July pullback or

the chop zone signal falls into the chop zone. TXRH is at an all time high. Typically it may not

be the best place to take a long trade but in this case I believe that the momentum will

persist and the trade will be quite profitable.
Bình luận
TXRH slowly moving up. Full position and patient.
Bình luận
Slwo and steady. Low maintenance trade.
Bình luận
More of the same.
Giao dịch đang hoạt động
Overall, TXRH moved a net 3% in a week of price action. Patient and holding.
CAKEOscillatorsrestuarantstocksTrend LinesTXRHValue

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