Theo NaughtyPines
Cập nhật
... for a total .08 debit and opening the April 18th 11 short call for a .30 credit.

Notes: Now that earnings are in the rear view, continuing to chip away at cost basis. Scratch at 7.65. Unfortunately, the short call is currently below my cost basis if assigned on the 22 shortie (22 -7.65 = 14.35/share) ... .
Giao dịch đang hoạt động
No way I don't get assigned shares in April. The 11 calls are no bid here, so can't do much but wait for them to expire worthless. In preparation for assignment and covering, selling the May 8's against for .36. Cost basis of 13.99. The 8's are below my cost basis, so this isn't ideal ... .
Giao dịch đang hoạt động
Will be assigned shares with a cost basis of 13.99 and covered by the May 8's.
Giao dịch đang hoạt động
Continuing to chip away at cost basis here by rolling the May 8's to the June 8's for a .27 credit. Cost basis of 13.72.
Giao dịch đang hoạt động
Rolling the June 8's to the October 9's for a .28/contract credit; cost basis of 13.44.
Beyond Technical Analysisoptionsstrategiespremiumsellingshortcallussteel

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