

FX_IDC:XAUUSD   Vàng / Đô la Mỹ
HEADER - This is a follow up of previous work. As a precaution, first rule of trading is don't lose money. As a reminder, second rule of trading is don't forget first rule. As usual, this is meant to used with - whenever possible - continuously updating notes. As always, when price moves against stated plan and updates have not been provided, assume plan is wrong and trade defensively.

SUMMARY - Israel-Gaza news and Middle East geopolitics is driving current price action. Therefore, attention should be paid to headlines about this subject around the clock as not to be caught off guard by highly irregular and volatile price action.

DETAILS - For how we got here, read previous posts. That said, this chart above is our plan for Sunday open through all of Monday. Because of the nature of the situation, it's a waste of time to plan further out in a detailed manner. We will take this a few steps at a time.
Bình luận:
1) so I don't "wing this"
2) and if you take trading seriously, you shouldn't either
3) so in that spirit, you should read the notes I posted in previous post
4) but specifically so you would not be caught off guard or unaware of something I already brought
5) when live in high vol moments, there's no time to explain, and I won't explain
6) about chart at top, same 4 lines as our trading basis where I left off last
7) I kept a 5th line faded at the bottom
8) I generalized 2 of the 4 scenarios into 3 scenarios
9) the orange one is now base case
10) if you want to know how or why, READ the previous notes
Bình luận:
11) expectations as of time of posting is basically the orange hilight
12) the line to watch is the dashed line in the skewed rectangle
13) the rectangle is the expected range of price action
14) with all that said, if we need to scrap this at 6:01 PM ET today when market re-opens
15) we will without hesitation
Bình luận:
16) FWIW later... here's extension of high vol momentum:
a) for chart above:
b) I left out the second part bc it's too early to think about it
Bình luận:
a) w/o consideration of news whatever
b) open should be gap up to or maybe just simple SPIKE TO 1941 and instantly dropping back to 1932.5 and so on following hi-light
Bình luận:
10/15F 10:55 AM ET - Middle East news flash:
a) Israel has called 300K of reservist, amassing, tanks, artillery, fighters, etc...
b) stating they will do this "very soon"
c) Netanyahu says Israel will be successful in its mission to wipe out Hamas...
d) Khamenei has sent a message through the UN security council that...
e) if Israel continues with its ground invasion IRAN WILL INTERVENE
f) Biden has calmed down stating that the millions of Palestinians in Gaza are innocent
g) Sec of Defense has stated carrier groups are to help defend Israel and prevent other state actors from "escalating the situation" not to help Israeli offensive
h) so what so what so what?
i) so tension... so let's see what oil is doing:
Bình luận:
j) oil futures vs spot gold
Bình luận:
Bình luận:
k) so oil reacted w/ HUGE Sunday gap but ALREADY CLOSED THE GAP
l) so it's ready, ready for what?
ready for $95+ by Tuesday's close
Bình luận:
m) gold setup is different and will not be as explosive, even in a higher upside vol situation than our base case
Bình luận:
o) despite all I said, remember, I said gold needed 1950 last week's Wednesday
p) and despite all my logical analysis, price action IS FACT
Bình luận:
q) I keep saying "bollingers demand" here's what that means:
Bình luận:
Bình luận:
s) in chart above left is oil futures in the right is gold spot)
t) in this situation I am not using gold futures (bc I found out that EVEN THOUGH I TRADE GOLD FUTURES OPTIONS, tradingview traders trade spot gold)
u) that's all that it is
v) ok so on the left after "closing the gap" oil is setup for it's wave to move to the top of its bollinger which is $94-95
Bình luận:
w) here's a break down of technicals for oil
Bình luận:
1) in chart above:
2) the "closing the gap" is very bullish in this situation (and other similar situations)
3) bc it gets all the shorter waves shorter than red wave IN BREAK OUT (read "in order") position
4) when this happens, price hits upper bound of 1-standard deviation of red wave:
5) like this:
Bình luận:
Bình luận:
6) so in this situation, even though the red wave is shorter than the dark gray or black wave (red x2), and the purple/navy wave (redx 4), orange wave (red x8)and so on...
7) it's congruent bollinger upper band IS IN THE SAME AREA OF THE AND ACTUALLY HIGHER THAN ORANGE BB
Bình luận:
8) all that is saying is IF CURRENT TENSIONS KEEP UP 95 on tuesday, $100+ end of the week
9) that's obvious
Bình luận:
10) and you don't need to get technical to understand why, this is the MIDDLE EAST
Bình luận:
x) but gold's bollingers (and waves) are not the same (obviously)
Bình luận:
1. to have the same bollingers would require same price action
2. had gold done this:
Bình luận:
3) it STILL WOULDN'T GIVE U THE SAME BOLLINGERS SET, bc we are talking 300 trading days for that exact setup)
Bình luận:
4) so here's what gold is expected to do vs ITS OWN bollingers vs
5) this is the "extension of high vol momentum posted way up this page:
Bình luận:
6) here it is again in 2 hr bar:
Bình luận:
7) its bollingers are "in order", it has to go "one by one" to red, dark gray, navy/purple/ orange
8) so it's not getting to 2030-2050 area until end of week
9) and if it does it would mean oil is north of $100 probably
10) get ready.....
Bình luận:
11) to pay much more for gasoline
Bình luận:
y) so despite all tensions, not much change to our status quo base case except... I could see gap up to 1950-1960 at open
Bình luận:
z1) and I mean the 1932 gap, NOT the 1832 gap (that should go without saying, but you never know w/ some newbies)
Bình luận:
1) my feel for the situation is that Iran is not bluffing
2) that implies they have SOME OK from Russia/China
3) bc we are reaching that stage in global geo politics where size of U.S. economy
4) is has failed to keep up with its dominance in geopolitics
5) does Israel want to overplay its hand here?
6) is it sure it is ready for this?
7) Iran is pushing all the right buttons
8) is there American political support for another war in the Middle East?
9) how much pain will regular everyday people take at the pump?
10) are we ready for $12 gasoline?
Bình luận:
5:45 PM ET 15 min to Sunday open
1) I'm so busy with life stuff right now
2) just be aware that for the next 30 hours this thing is #3 on my priority list
3) that said I will add as much as I can
Bình luận:
4) and once again for those that misunderstand....
6) not the other way around ok?
Bình luận:
7) how can it be #3?
8) I don't have risk on
Bình luận:
10/15, 5:57 PM ET, 3 MIN TO OPEN
a) so again, base case is drift to 1960 tomorrow by noon or around there
b) but aware of the other 2 scenarios I covered
c) keep an open mind
d) keep an eye on headline news
Bình luận:
a) there's really just 2 major routes
b) our current base case
c) and our previous base case from Saturday
Bình luận:
d) it was a 10 pt drop to 1921 and our major trend line is currently holding at 6:03 PM ET
Bình luận:
e) so here is 4-min bars right now:
Bình luận:
Bình luận:
f) so now we can eliminate all the gap up and runaway routes that's obvious
g) so what will it do now?
h) there's really just 2 routes that are worth covering
i) the third one isn't worth covering until it proves itself
j) so the time limit for this turn at 1920-ish will come in roughly 4 hours at the black arrow
k) this is roughly speaking 10:15-10:30 PM ET
l) bc price is fact, even though blue route is under dog WE WORRY ABOUT IT FIRST
n) if it does not...
o) odds STRONGLY FAVOR orange route
Bình luận:
a) if 1920 breaks early
b) odds would be coin-flipping between orange route and blue route
c) under 2018, I have to believe blue route is favorite
d) why?
e) bc price action says so
Bình luận:
f) the blue arrow in the chart above crossing the extension of the blue wave basically marks 1918.5, the first high from Friday
g) this is also the turn of the blue bollinger that corresponds with the blue wave
h) so what's the play right now?
Bình luận:
i) ok so I gotta get going but this is what I cans see now:
Bình luận:
j) it is almost the same as Friday BUT WE ARE NOT AT MOMENT OF ENTRY YET
k) so bc Friday was so high vol, we got to that moment right after the 1905 checkdown minutes after open
l) but now that moment looks like 10:30-11:00 PM ET, probably closer to 10:30 (as it stands)
m) the bold diagonal is now the line to watch
n) long above 1919, keep a tight stop and gradually trail your stops
o) expectations are for 1960 by noon ET Monday so roughly 19 hours from now
Bình luận:
r) why? bc there's really only two major routes if it's not doing orange route
s) it's doing this AND IT SHOULD BE OBVIOUS
Bình luận:
u) ONLY THEN do we need to consider the third route
Bình luận:
v) I gotta go take care of life stuff ...
w) will check in if there's anything that worth checking in about
x) I don't see anything right now
Bình luận:
6:46 MM ET, MAY BE 8:45-9:30 now for entry bc of orange route shift forward about 75 mi like this:
Bình luận:
a) from this:
Bình luận:
b) to this:
Bình luận:
c) but this is still a maybe, but it makes sense
Bình luận:
d) 9:06 PM ET, no it doesn't make sense
Bình luận:
e) I don't have evidence it stays above the that line
f) I have evidence it "channels" underneath...
g) so no change to base case...
h) it's still 10:30?
Bình luận:
i) that's what it looks like, still 10:30-11:00, closer to 10:30
j) the odds of blue route is expiring soon...
Bình luận:
k) now we have to see orange route deliver
Bình luận:
l) I know it looks like it's starting to bounce on 30-sec bars...
m) but that's not evidence bc regressions say it's behind schedule
n) meaning it could checkdown later lower than 1921.. which has been holding since open
Bình luận:
o) if it does infact bottom here... and move up like I said earlier 8:45-9:30 PM above the line
p) that would be simply bc I misjudged the regressions and got lucky with it
q) not bc I actually read it right
Bình luận:
r) 9:24 PM ET so now it's orange route vs 3rd route, like this:
Bình luận:
Bình luận:
s) and past noon tomorrow, if orange doesn't play, it's another extrapolation like this:
Bình luận:
t) BUT AS OF RIGHT NOW, orange is favorite
Bình luận:
u) and I had the orange at the wrong spot so it should be like it was before (just replay chart at top):
Bình luận:
v) so I gotta get busy with other things, so before I I get to bed I will do a wrap up for tonight later around 10:45 PM, but let me say this about chart above:
w) so basically if orange route fails to play, gray route is basically going to:
1) move down to the next dashed/dotted trend line, so this one:
Bình luận:
Bình luận:
2) then it will "check up" vs resistance line we've been at since Friday
3) maybe once, or twice, or three, or four times,
4) then fail
5) then move to next dashed trend lin underneath...
6) that is basically gray route for ALL OF MONDAY
Bình luận:
7) as of this moment RIGHT NOW that's all that can be said about price action
8) orange route is still dominant favorite until 11:15 PM ET and it's 9:42 PM right now
Bình luận:
9) so if we move to 1918, 17, 16 in the next 30-45 minutes
10) orange route would still be the favorite (just not as dominant)
11) does that signal a return to blue route?
12) it SHOULD NOT, bc it's too late
13) AND BC IT'S TOO LATE, the attitude towards blue route is now:
14) "show me 1915-1916 for 10 minutes running first, prove it, then I"ll speculate"
Bình luận:
15) at 9:49 pm and 1921.xx a thorough line by line regression break down says...
16) orange route still favorite.. but not as dominant as I thought ...
17) I had thought 8-2 or 7-3 but it's less than 7-3 but more than 6-4
18) how do I get those numbers?
19) I split IRL to 10 different ratio'ed sets and 6 of them favor orange route, 3 favors gray route
20) the last one leans orange.. so more than 65%, so 2:1 right now is fair
21) but it staying under 1921 (and it is now 1920.68 as I type)....
Bình luận:
22) past 10:30 PM will soon make it a conditional favorite...
23) again that means it better move or it's over
Bình luận:
24) if you replay chart right now at top 9:55 PM, I don't have a reason to doubt orange not playing out but I DO and why?
25) bc 30 min ago the 10 ratios still orange route dominant close to 8-2 that's 4:1
26) now it's 2:1 (that's cut in half or am I wrong?)
27) no I'm right...
28) but remember, the only way to be right continuously is to WATCH ALL THE TIME TO CATCH ALL THE MOVES
29) and I gotta go do other things
Bình luận:
31) my strategy would be wait for 1916.5-1917.5 and buy there, but a HARD STOP AT 1915.5 and trail it up gradually
32) but just saying doesn't really mean much why?
33) I don't know if it will actually hit that low, I am just guessing
34) an educated guess, sure
35) sometimes, it's the same as a random guess
Bình luận:
36) for people who just started following my notes
37) please be aware, that the all the things that have gone wrong since 9/12 when we do this all the time...
38) always happened when I wasn't watching...
39) bc I couldn't give any warning of divergence of price action vs expectations
40) so please be aware, what I can't see, I can't say
41) good luck with it
Bình luận:
11:00 PM ET WRAP UP --
1) so I have a signal that bottom we were waiting for MAY HAVE hit at 10:55 PM ET about 1918.35 on ICE/ICD XAUUSD tickers bid/ask
2) I don't trust what it says right this second
3) I'm still looking
Bình luận:
4) so 11:04 PM ET, we are pretty much at CONDITIONAL FAVORITE...
5) that basically means 5-4-1 for orange vs gray
6) that's not comforting at all
Bình luận:
7) the problem is.. we may not know ANYTHING MORE even 2 hours later
8) regressions say we could be in gray area for another 130-140 minutes
9) so 1:45 AM ET, which will already Monday in ET
10) that's all I got...
11) I can't say more bc I don't know more
12) our base case is still valid
13) just not as valid as it was 90 minutes ago..
14) and I gotta get to bed bc I have too much going this coming week
15) from my feel of things... if you go long now at 1919.05 as I type...
Bình luận:
16) put a HARD STOP AT 1918.00, that's not a terrible move, and you are not risking a lot
18) and it does fall to to 1916.75, going long there with a 1915.75 stop would be even better
20) at that point... going short at 1916.75 with a 1917.75 stop would be almost just as strong...
21) I'm sorry there's just not that much value right now...
Bình luận:
22) there maybe more in 2-3 hours...
23) but I gotta get to bed
24) as a reminder...
25) if things go weird off the plan, just assume plan is wrong and move on but trade defensively
26) goodnight
27) if I wake up in the middle of then night, I will check in
Bình luận:
28) my buddy just said if you wanted to short, why not short now instead of waiting for 1916.75... that's true too
29) again, this area for next 2 hours or so is not looking like a great bet either direction
30) sometimes that is what it is...
31) watch the news, if you have conviction, take it with a tight stop
Bình luận:
32) ok at 11:22 PM it's dead heat 5:5 for 10 sets...
33) your call on this one, I'm going to bed, good luck
Bình luận:
12:15 AM ET BACK TO 6:4 for orange route.
Bình luận:
7:51 AM ET 1915.XX gray route it was.
a) replay chart at top
b) my last note last night was orange was back to 6:4
c) but it soon pulled the other way when I went to bed
d) so now what?
Bình luận:
e) 8:07 AM ET, regressions back continuation of the gray route
f) but there are two issues I should point out
g) first is that we are still in Mid East war news cycle...
h) so as hard as it was to foresee Friday's price action...
i) such swings to reestablish a trend that was expired and which odds were 19:1 or worse should be meticulously watched out for
j) so eye on the news
Bình luận:
k) and a check of of oil chart this morning showed it it went sideways since Sun open
l) not that gold has to follow oil anywhere, it does not even correlate
m) but oil's setup for 94-95 simply moved 12 later, nothing else could be said about it at this time
n) but again, Israel-Gaza-Iran news cycle still dominates price action right no
Bình luận:
o) now that we eliminated both blue and orange and it's playing gray..
p) we have to consider the gray morphing into red (I noted this halfway up the page)
q so...
Bình luận:
r) and LITERALLY AS I WAS TYPING notes in last 10 minutes it did that...
Bình luận:
s) so here is 8-min bars so you can see the trend lines we're watching:
t) add another one running parallel to resistance line FOR THE REST OFF THIS WEEK
Bình luận:
u) that's the bolded one...
Bình luận:
w) so here's my chart w/ one more trend line added, do you need them all
x) well yeah... bc this part is when price decides red or gray
y) and if gray, HOW EXACTLY IT WILL DO GRAY, and generally speaking it follows short /intermediate regressions but WITH RESPECT TO THOSE TREND LINES:
Bình luận:
z) so here's example of 2 ratios out of the 10 that I use (to judge short term direction and hilighted paths)
Bình luận:
1) for chart above:
2) these two say red is winning
3) and out of 10, red is winning 8:2 or better
4) but remember what happened with orange, it was 8:2 last night too
5) so WHILE HAVE HANDICAPS for those routes
6) we also need to be aware of how "odds have been playing overall"
7) or basically the overall 24 hour trend
8) that is all simply saying red is winning on expectations for 6 to 12 hours
9) but gray has the implied 12 to 24 hour trend
Bình luận:
10) and bc of the number of ways that this can turn out HOUR TO HOUR
11) there's to many extraoplations that are legit to consider them all like:
Bình luận:
Bình luận:
12) so instead of extrapolating them all, we just do:
Bình luận:
13) the generic 2 paths while we attention to trend lines (this is way more efficient)
Bình luận:
14) to produce hour to hour projections... it would have to be my job, and it's not
Bình luận:
15) but usually .... see how the orange wave in chart right above is "compressed into the gray wave?"
16) that USUALLY means whichever way it goes... it will a lot of this before the break:
Bình luận:
17) that's basically all that I got this morning.... will comment more in the after market
18) remember, if price moves against our plans, JUST SCRAP OUR PLANS AND TRADE DEFENSIVELY
19) plus please please please please if my work helps you out a lot, spread the the word for me to people you know by word of mouth
20) it's my only incentive to do it is to build interest of a legit following to make this work into something... and this is is my last, last attempt to do this after so many last attempts
Bình luận:
21) that most recent chart right above implies the break being after market today...
22) it could be like right after noon ET
Bình luận:
10:20 AM ET... 1919.XX
1) so red is still 7:3 or better
2) but the odds are reaching a steep curve where ...
3) in order to keep this thing going to 5:5 or 4:6 quickly
4) must trade above 1919 and closer to 1923
5) if it does NOT odds quickly shift to strong gray in 2 to 3 hours setting up for a sharp move to under 1900
Bình luận:
10/16, 10:40 AM ET... so not quite 1900 yet but here's what shaping up now that red vs gray is 6:4 but swinging 4:6 quickly:
Bình luận:
a) so chart above's green route is mapping the hour to hour expectation for gray route
b) but please understand that at this point in time...
d) with that said.. we should that trend line in obvious fashion around noon ET
e) get to 1900-1905 around 2PM ET
f) get a bounce to 1910-1915 by 5PM ET... but this is where there's a skipped hour ...
g) so it could 4PM ET or 7 Pm et...
h) when it bounces will determine how quickly the last two boxes get hit
i) could be 9PM and 11PM or
j) could be 11 PM and 3 AM..
k) chart above assumes everything moving w/ not hiccups
l) AND THERE ARE ALWAYS HICCUPS.. you just gotta catch them in time
Bình luận:
m) the hiccup for green route should be WHEN DOES IT MOVE UNDER 1895?
n) this chart assumes THE VERY FIRST OPPORTUNITY...
o) and I've been thinking about that methodology...
p) bc regression based theory always assumes first opportunity... so that can't be right...
q) but based on position... you are not supposed to forecast a second opportunity until it makes itself visible...
r) so here on out I will include a note at the start of each post to make you aware of that...
s) bc that seems like the best approach
Bình luận:
t) all that is just saying that at this point, when gray is still under dog to red
u) you don't know that it does grays' first extrapolation which is green OR
v) it's second extrapolation, maroon like this:
Bình luận:
w) at 10:53 AM ET red is still 5:4:1 vs gray
x) meaning that it's 5:4, the last set is roughly a tie..
Bình luận:
y) 11:23 AM ET... just saw 1921.xx swinging back close to 7:3 red but these moments have a tendency to do that...
Bình luận:
a) if you replay chart at top, at this very second it looks like it's playing gray
b) but when I made this chart red was not yet an option
c) so now:
Bình luận:
d) remember, this entire stretch... blue went down, orange went down, since then...
e) red has yet to be an underdog to gray (never even went to 5:5)
f) but we should know within a couple hours, and it should be obvious
Bình luận:
g) last night before I went to bed, it swung to orange 6:4 too, just never got past that
h) but the thing about conditional favorites is that THEY USUALLY LOSE IF THEY SPEND TOO LONG SIDEWAYS
Bình luận:
i) unlike doing green as gray's first route with more clarity..
j) I can't do that for red.. bc there's so much room for error
k) meaning I can do it... but odds of that bull extrapolation being the right extrapolation hour to hour is much lower in this situation
l) I woudn't have confidence of it more than 15-30 min at a time...
m) sometimes it gets very clear closer closer to the break... just don't have enough time to do that for you
Bình luận:
n) so the 3 major variations of red route would be like this, so just be aware:
Bình luận:
o) the annoying part in moments like these... is a 10pt swing the other direction in less than 10 minutes changes the odds completely
p) so the correct trade seems to be long AND SHORT 1921.5 with long stop at 1921 and short stop at 1922 (a straddle)
Bình luận:
q) but it doesn't work that well bc of the zig zag over and and over so BOTH STOPS GET HIT... you just waste some change...
r) how do you fix that problem??
s) you have to 5-sec and 10 sec bars (bc too much happens in just 1 minute)
Bình luận:
t) so I'm tapping out until later tonight... it looks pretty favorable to red move here
u) but if long keep a strong stop go prevent the out of nowhere "swing rug pull" ...
v) or that 10 pt swing in less than 10 minutes...
Bình luận:
w) in the case that it does... green route will shift right about 2-3 hours .
x) meaning those targets are still valid but those times in those 4 boxes noted earlier need an extra 120 to 150 minutes
y) understand that all this shifts continuously
Bình luận:
z) regressions say something should give soon, fight now still close to 2:1 red vs green
Bình luận:
1) in chart above: green has shifted right 2-3 hours
2) mean while the multiple extrapolations of red have merged back into 1
Bình luận:
3) you know I read some of the gold analysts and forecasts on tradingview that gets featured a lot... 98% give you nothing... just tells you in simple terms what's happening
4) most of it is junk... and yet they get featured so much it is sick...
5) sick sick sick sick.... sigh
Bình luận:
6) 12:09 PM ET, 1920.81, red:green back to 6:4, bulls are hesitating way too long here
Bình luận:
7) 12:12 PM ET, 1920.53, bears have that window in next 35-min or so to "surprise rug pull 10pts)...
8) that does not mean that it's favored to happen... that just means that if it were to....
9) it should happen in 35-40 minutes... and if doesn't? well that depends on the exact wave structure at that time
10) so "doesn't" here means just moving to 1922-23 or
11) doesn't here means moving to 1918 and stall or
12) or doesn't her means moving to 1918 and swing hard back up...
13) all this you have to go to 15 second bars or less to read...
14) and they are about reliable AF
Bình luận:
15) to be clear about micro bars... 1, 5, 10, 15, 30 second bars..
16) great for risk discipline and day-trades (it's almost impossible without them)
17) useless to forecast with
Bình luận:
2:00 PM red:green at 4:6
Bình luận:
1) for chart above:
2) it "seems like" it should be 3:7, right??? no wrong...
3) it's barely 4:6...
4) I'm calling as I see it...
Bình luận:
5) replay chart at top... you can interpret this move one of two ways...
a) either it has "shifted right an hour or two.. or ...
b) it's that part that goes low... is just not that low
Bình luận:
c) my read is that it shifted right...
d) meaning think this dip is still coming in w/in 6-7 hours at most
Bình luận:
Bình luận:
e) in chart above:
f) that's the dip I'm talking about
Bình luận:
g) more like 2-4 hours
h) I just don't want to jinx it by saying that
Bình luận:
i) now that I said it, watch it not happen... (sh... Im said this just now to reverse the jinx)
Bình luận:
3:45 PM ET... Jinx maybe on...
1) ok so when this chart was made, it was intended to serve for 30 hours..
2) looks like we only made 20 hours
3) that's saying that I need to reassess the intermediate trends for updated routes
4) bc I found that when I watch 2, 4, 8-min bars all the time... I get a bit lost
5) and need to regroup w/ intermediate trends
Bình luận:
Bình luận:
a) every now and then.. the major moves that are extrapolated start to "mirror image at current price
b) so this one of those moments
c) my experience with these moments is that it should break soon...
d) but early in the morning, I said it would break 3 hours ago and here we are still so take that FWIW
e) at some point, Israel news should make splash again
f) that's my feel for the moment, I have nothing else to add
Bình luận:
g) 4:12 PM ET... I do have more to add...
h) but all of it is DEPENDENT ON THIS BREAK and which way this goes
i) so in that sense it's waste of time to discuss it early
Bình luận:
j) meanwhile in oil futures:
Bình luận:
k) oil is showing weakness as it has missed its second opportunity to move up massively
l) not a "giant difference" for this setup, but THIS IS THE SECOND TIME IT SHIFTED 12 HOURS LATER
m) that's a huge degree of hesitation in my book
n) but my book also says it's not over... so one day at a time, yeah?
Bình luận:
4:21 PM, NEWS FLASH... (news to me maybe not to you)
1) HAMAS offers to release hostages if airstrikes stops
2) rumors spread that Israel considering ceasefire, they say it's not true
3) Biden is mulling a visit to Israel to calm things down
4) Putin has spoke to all major players of this situation
5) China's foreign ministry says Israel is overtepping
6) Saudis agree with Blinken to calm things down
7) so it SEEMS LIKE the collective global leadership is SMARTER THAN THEY WERE ahead of WWI and WWII
8) maybe we have learned that 60 million dead helps no one...
9) in that sense, I think green beats red, but it may take hours and hours to work this out
Bình luận:
8:39 PM ET idc/ice xauusd bid hit 1914.04
Bình luận:
a) hesitant bears need to man up and push to 1910
b) nothing to say until I see 1910 amd reaction to 1910
c) which sets up 1903-1905
Bình luận:
d) even though bulls committed several turnovers...
e) bears have yet to make impression on short and intermediate curves
Bình luận:
f) and that would be 9 under 1907.5 low this way early this AM, so 1898-99
Bình luận:
a) all the short term hour to hour stuff looks ugly right now
b) first interpretation is very annoying and unpredictable zig zag for some time
c) I'm going going to end this post here bc I don't have enough time to make something useful...
d) and honestly, I don't know when I will next ...
e) have a good one
Bình luận:
f) FWIW, I can't see this line breaking for next 9 hours, or until 9 AM ET:
g) I don't think it breaks soon after that either
h) I have no technical reason why it should break soon
Bình luận:
i) and I'm not going to watch it to find out either
Bình luận:
j) before I wrap this up, I will say this
k) there is a setup for a "surprise spike down"
l) but it's not something you can "forecast" bc it's not in the trends, hence it's a "surprise"
m) I only say this bc I've seen this setup a few times, but there's no rhyme or reason
n) it's something that has to be watched hour to hour to catch it 10-20 min before it happens
o) so that's a wrap
Bình luận:
a) so first here's that line that I said wouldn't break:
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Bình luận:
b) and it hasn't broken
c) so I just woke up for 14 min and put this together so you would have something to go by today while I drive to Houston Texas for 12 hours straight
d) so this hasn't been "thoroughly vetted" but something is better than nothing
e) so just take it with a side of salt ok?
Bình luận:
f) first I added these lines and got this:
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g) so here is what we are working with today:
Bình luận:
h) in chart above: orange path is base case
i) blue path is implied momentum
j) gray path is when orange breaks down
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