Monero/Bitcoin, is this accumulation?

Theo TraderT33
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I'm an absolute noob, so no idea what I'm doing but wanted to play with the wyckoff schematic. From the tutorials:

Springs or shakeouts usually occur late within a TR and allow the stock’s dominant players to make a definitive test of available supply before a markup campaign unfolds. A “spring” takes price below the low of the TR and then reverses to close within the TR; this action allows large interests to mislead the public about the future trend direction and to acquire additional shares at bargain prices. A terminal shakeout at the end of an accumulation TR is like a spring on steroids. Shakeouts may also occur once a price advance has started, with rapid downward movement intended to induce retail traders and investors in long positions to sell their shares to large operators. However, springs and terminal shakeouts are not required elements: Accumulation Schematic 1 depicts a spring, while Accumulation Schematic 2 shows a TR without a spring.

Test—Large operators always test the market for supply throughout a TR (e.g., STs and springs) and at key points during a price advance. If considerable supply emerges on a test, the market is often not ready to be marked up. A spring is often followed by one or more tests; a successful test (indicating that further price increases will follow) typically makes a higher low on lesser volume.

Again, no idea, I was just looking at the schematic and it reminded me of xmr/btc a bit.
Bình luận
I'd love for someone knowledgeable to probably criticize this idea to death. Can one tag users here? u/WyckoffMode?
tutorial can be found here btw:
moneroSupply and DemandxmrXMRBTC

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