Dual Colored Least Squares Moving Average + Crossover Alerts

Cập nhật
Dual Least Squares Moving Averages

Flexible Options (On/Off):
- Color change based on slope
- Background color change based on the slope of the slow moving average (LSMA 2).
- Crossover Arrows
- Crossover Alerts

How to Use on Your Own Chart & How to Set Alerts:
1. Click Add to Favorites
2. Add indicator to your chart, Click add Indicators > Favorites > Click on Dual LSMA
3. Click Add Alert, Select the condition Dual LSMA, then choose Long LSMA or Short LSMA
4. Click Create Alert

Let me know if it's useful for you! Also, if you have any new ideas and strategies based on this indicator, let me know. I love to hear (and learn) from all of the brilliant minds out there!
Phát hành các Ghi chú
added an additional background option.
Moving Averages

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