YinYang Trend

Trend Analysis has always been an important aspect of Trading. There are so many important types of Trend Analysis and many times it may be difficult to identify what to use; let alone if an Indicator can/should be used in conjunction with another. For these exact reasons, we decided to make YinYang Trend. It is a Trend Analysis Toolkit which features many New and many Well Known Trend Analysis Indicators. However, everything in there is added specifically for the reason that it may work well in conjunction with the other Indicators prevalent within. You may be wondering, why bother including common Trend Analysis, why not make everything unique? Ideally, we would, however, you need to remember Trend Analysis may be one of the most common forms of charting. Therefore, many other traders may be using similar Trend Analysis either through plotting manually or within other Indicators. This all boils down to Psychology; you are trading against other traders, who may be seeing some of the similar information you are, and therefore, you may likewise want to see this information. What affects their trading decisions may affect yours as well.

Now enough about Trend Analysis, what is within this Indicator, and what does it do? Well, first let’s quickly mention all of its components, then we will, through a Tutorial, discuss each individually and finally how each comes together as a cohesive whole. This Indicator features many aspects:
  • Bull and Bear Signals
  • Take Profit Signals
  • Bull and Bear Zones
  • Information Tables displaying: (Boom Meter, Bull/Bear Strength, Yin/Yang State)
  • 16 Cipher Signals
  • Extremes
  • Pivots
  • Trend Lines
  • Custom Bollinger Bands
  • Boom Meter Bar Colors
  • True Value Zones
  • Bar Strength Indexes
  • Volume Profile

There are many things to cover within our Tutorial so let's get started, chronologically from the list above.


Bull and Bear Signals:
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We’ve zoomed out quite a bit for this example to help give you a broader aspect of how these Bull and Bear signals work. When a signal appears, it is displaying that there may be a large amount of Bullish or Bearish Trend Analysis occurring. These signals will remain in their state of Bull or Bear until there is enough momentum change that they change over. There are a couple Options within the Settings that dictate when/where/why these signals appear, and this example is using their default Settings of ‘Medium’. They are, Purchase Speed and Purchase Strength. Purchase Speed refers to how much Price Movement is needed for a signal to occur and Purchase Strength refers to how many verifications are required for a signal to occur. For instance:
  • 'High' uses 15 verifications to ensure signal strength.
  • 'Medium' uses 10 verifications to ensure signal strength.
  • 'Low' uses 5 verifications to ensure signal strength.
  • 'Very Low' uses 3 verifications to ensure signal strength.

By default it is set to Medium (10 verifications). This means each verification is worth 10%. The verifications used are also relevant to the Purchase Speed; meaning they will be verified faster or slower depending on its speed setting. You may find that Faster Speeds and Lower Verifications may work better on Higher Time Frames; and Slower Speeds and Higher Verifications may work better on Lower Time Frames.

We will demonstrate a few examples as to how the Speed and Strength Settings work, and why it may be beneficial to adjust based on the Time Frame you’re on:

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In this example above, we’ve kept the same Time Frame (1 Day), and scope; but we’ve changed Purchase Speed from Medium->Fast and Purchase Strength from Medium-Very Low. As you can see, it now generates quite a few more signals. The Speed and Strength settings that you use will likely be based on your trading style / strategy. Are you someone who likes to stay in trades longer or do you like to swing trade daily? Likewise, how do you go about identifying your Entry / Exit locations; do you start on the 1 Day for confirmation, then move to the 15/5 minute for your entry / exit? How you trade may determine which Speed and Strength settings work right for you. Let's jump to a lower Time Frame now so you can see how it works on the 15/5 minute.

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Above is what BTC/USDT looks like on the 15 Minute Time Frame with Purchase Speed and Strength set to Medium. You may note that the signals require a certain amount of movement before they get started. This is normal with Medium and the amount of movement is generally dictated by the Time Frame. You may choose to use Medium on a Lower Time Frame as it may work well, but it may also be best to change it to a little slower.

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We are still on the 15 Minute Time Frame here, however we simply changed Purchase Speed from Medium->Slow. As you can see, lots of the signals have been removed. Now signals may ‘hold their ground’ for much longer. It is important to adjust your Purchase Speed and Strength Settings to your Time Frame and personalized trading style accordingly.

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Above we have now jumped down to the 5 Minute Time Frame. Our Purchase Speed is Slow and our Purchase Strength is Medium. We can see it looks pretty good, although there is some signal clustering going on in the middle there. If we change our Settings, we may be able to get rid of that.

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We have changed our Purchase Speed from Slow->Snail (Slowest it can go) and Purchase Strength from Medium->Very Low (Lowest it can go). Changing it from Slow-Snail helped get rid of the signal clustering. You may be wondering why we lowered the Strength from Medium->Very Low, rather than going from Medium->High. This is a use case scenario and one you’ll need to decide for yourself, but we noticed when we changed the Speed from Slow->Snail that the signal clustering was gone, so then we checked both High and Very Low for Strengths to see which produced the best looking signal locations.

Please remember, you don’t have to use it the exact way we’ve displayed in this Tutorial. It is meant to be used to suit your Trading Style and Strategy. This is why we allow you to modify these settings, rather than just automating the change based on Time Frames. You’ll likely need to play around with it, as you’ll notice different settings may work better on certain pairs and Time Frames than others.

Take Profit Signals:
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We’ve reset our Purchase Settings, everything is on defaults right now at Medium. We’ve enabled Take Profit signals. As you can see there are both Take Profit signals for the Bulls and the Bears. These signals are not meant to be used within automation. In fact, none of this indicator is. These signals are meant to show there has been a strong change in momentum, to such an extent that the signal may switch from its current (Bull or Bear) and now may be a good time to Take Profit. Your Take Profit Settings likewise has a Speed and Strength, and you can set them differently than your Purchase Settings. This is in case you want to Take Profit in a different manner than your Purchase Signals. For instance:

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In the example above we’ve kept Purchase Strength and Speed at Medium but we changed our Take Profit Speed from Medium->Snail and our Take Profit Strength from medium->Very Low. This greatly reduces the amount of Take Profit signals, and in some cases, none are even produced. This form of Take Profit may act more as a Trailing Take Profit that if it’s not hit, nothing appears.

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In this example we have changed our Purchase Speed from Medium->Fast, our Purchase Strength from Medium->Very Low. We’ve also changed our Take Profit Speed from Snail->Medium and kept our Take Profit Strength on Very Low. Now we may get our signals quicker and likewise our Take Profit may be more rare. There are many different ways you can set up your Purchase and Take Profit Settings to fit your Trading Style / Strategy.

Bull and Bear Zones:
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We have disabled our Take Profit locations so that you can see the Bull and Bear Zones. These zones change color when the Signals switch. They may represent some strong Support and Resistance locations, but more importantly may be useful for visualizing changes in momentum and consolidation. These zones allow you to see various Moving Averages; and when they start to ‘fold’ (cross) each other you may see changes in momentum. Whereas, when they’re fully stretched out and moving all in the same direction, it can provide insight that the current rally may be strong. There is also the case where they look like they’re ‘twisted’ together. This happens when all of the Moving Averages are very close together and may be a sign of Consolidation. We will go over a few examples of each of these scenarios so you can understand what we’re referring to.

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In this example above, there are a few different things happening. First we have the yellow circle, where the final and slowest Moving Average (MA) crossed over and now all of the MA’s that form the zone are Bullish. You can see this in the white circle where there are no MA’s that are crossing each other. Lastly, within the blue circle, we can see how some of the faster MA’s are crossing under each other. This is a bullish momentum change. The Faster moving MA’s will always be the first ones to cross before the Slower ones do. There is a color scheme in place here to represent the Speed of the MA within the Zone. Light blue is the fastest moving Bull color -> Light Green and finally -> Dark Green. Yellow is the fastest moving Bear color -> Orange and finally -> Red / Dark Red within the Zone.

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Next we will review a couple different examples of what Consolidation looks like and why it is very important to look out for. Consolidation is when Most, if not All of the MA’s are very tightly ‘twisted’ together. There is very little spacing between almost all of the MA’s in the example above; highlighted by the white circle. Consolidation is important as it may indicate a strong price movement in either direction will occur soon. When the price is consolidating it means it has had very little upwards or downwards movement recently. When this happens for long enough, MA’s may all get very similar in value. This may cause high volatility as the price tries to break out of Consolidation. Let's look at another example.

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Above we have two more examples of what Consolidation looks like and how high Volatility may occur after the Consolidation is broken. Please note, not all Consolidation will create high Volatility but it is something you may want to look out for.

Information Tables displaying: (Boom Meter, Bull/Bear Strength, Yin/Yang State):

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Information tables are a very important way of displaying information. It contains 3 crucial pieces of information:
  1. Boom Meter
  2. Bull/Bear Strength
  3. Yin/Yang State

Boom Meter is a meter that goes from 0-100% and displays whether the current price is Dumping (0 - 29%), Consolidating (30 - 70%) or Pumping (71 - 100%). The Boom Meter is meant to be a Gauge to how the price is currently fairing. It is composed of ~50 different calculations that all vary different weights to calculate its %. Many of the calculations it uses are likewise used in other things, such as the Bull/Bear Strength, Bull/Bear Zone MA cross’, Yin/Yang State, Market Cipher Signals, RSI, Volume and a few others. The Boom Meter, although not meant to be used solely to make purchase decisions, may give you a good idea of current market conditions considering how many different things it evaluates.

Bull/Bear Strength is relevant to your Purchase Speed and Strength. It displays which state it is currently in, and the % it is within that state. When a % hits 0, is when the state changes. When states change, they always start at 100% initially and will go down at the rate of Purchase Strength (how many verifications are needed). For instance, if your Purchase Strength is set to ‘Medium’ it will move 10% per verification +/-, if it is set to High, it will move 6.67% per verification +/-. Bull/Bear Strength is a good indicator of how well that current state is fairing. For instance if you started a Long when the state changed to Bull and now it is currently at Bull with 20% left, that may be a good indication it is time to get out (obviously refer to other data as well, but it may be a good way to know that the state is 20% away from transitioning to Bear).

Yin/Yang State is the strongest MA cross within our Indicator. It is unique in the sense that it is slow to change, but not so much that it moves slowly. It isn’t as simple as say a Golden/Death Cross (50/200), but it crosses more often and may hold similar weight as it. Yin stands for Negative (Bearish) and Yang stands for Positive (Bullish). The price will always be in either a state of Yin or Yang, and just because it is in one, doesn’t mean the price can’t/won’t move in the opposite direction; it simply means the price may be favoring the state it is in.

16 Cipher Signals:
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Cipher Signals are key visuals of MA cross’ that may represent price movement and momentum. It would be too confusing and hard to decipher these MA’s as lines on a chart, and therefore we decided to use signals in the form of symbols instead. There are 12 Standard and 4 Predictive/Confirming Cipher signals. The Standard Cipher signals are composed of 6 Bullish and 6 Bearish (they all have opposites that balance each other out). There can never be 2 of the same signal in a row, as the Bull and Bear cancel each other out and it's always in a state of one or the other. When all 6 Bullish or Bearish signals appear in a row, very closely together, without any of the opposing signals it may represent a strong momentum movement is about to occur.

If you refer to the example above, you’ll see that the 6 Bullish Cipher signals appeared exactly as mentioned above. Shortly after the Green Circle appeared, there was a large spike in price movement in favor of the Bulls. Cipher signals don’t need to appear in a cluster exactly like the white circle in this photo for momentum to occur, but when it does, it may represent volatility more than if it is broken up with opposing signals or spaced out over a longer time span.

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Above is an example of the opposite, where all 6 Bearish Cipher signals appeared together without being broken by a Bullish Cipher signal or being too far spaced out. As you can see, even though past it there was a few Bullish signals, they were quickly reversed back to Bearish before a large price movement occurred in favor of the Bears.

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In the example above we’ve changed Cipher signals to Predictive and Confirming. Support Crosses (Green +) and Blood Diamonds (Red ♦) are the normal Cipher Signals that appear within the Standard Set. They are the first Cipher Signal that appears and are the most common ones as well. However, just because they are the first, that doesn’t mean they aren’t a powerful Cipher signal. For this reason, there are Predictive and Confirming Cipher signals for these. The Predictive do just that, they appear slightly sooner (if not the same bar) as the regular and the Confirming appear later (1+ bars usually). There will be times that the Predictive appears, but it doesn’t resort to the Regular appearing, or the Regular appears and the Confirming doesn’t. This is normal behavior and also the purpose of them. They are meant to be an indication of IF they may appear soon and IF the regular was indeed a valid signal.

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Extremes are MA’s that have a very large length. They are useful for seeing Cross’ and Support and Resistance over a long period of time. However, because they are so long and slow moving, they might not always be relevant. It’s usually advised to turn them on, see if any are close to the current price point, and if they aren’t to turn them off. The main reason being is they stretch out the chart too much if they’re too far away and they also may not be relevant at that point.

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When they are close to the price however, they may act as strong Support and Resistance locations as circled in the example above.

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Pivots are used to help identify key Support and Resistance locations. They adjust on their own in an attempt to keep their locations as relevant as possible and likewise will adjust when the price pushes their current bounds. They may be useful for seeing when the Price is currently testing their level as this may represent Overbought or Oversold. Keep in mind, just because the price is testing their levels doesn’t mean it will correct; sometimes with high volatility or geopolitical news, movement may continue even if it is exhibiting Overbought or Oversold traits. Pivots may also be useful for seeing how far the price may correct to, giving you a benchmark for potential Take Profit and Stop Loss locations.

Trend Lines:
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Trend Lines may be useful for identifying Support and Resistance locations on the Vertical. Trend Lines may form many different patterns, such as Pennants, Channels, Flags and Wedges. These formations may help predict and drive the price in specific directions. Many traders draw or use Indicators to help create Trend Lines to visualize where these formations will be and they may be very useful alone even for identifying possible Support and Resistance locations.

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If you refer to the previous example, and now to this example, you’ll notice that the Trend Line that supported it in 2023 was actually created in June 2020 (yellow circle). Trend Lines may be crucial for identifying Support and Resistance locations on the Vertical that may withhold over time.

Custom Bollinger Bands:
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Bollinger Bands are used to help see Movement vs Consolidation Zones (When it's wide vs narrow). It's also very useful for seeing where the correction areas may be. Price may bounce between top and bottom of the Bollinger Bands, unless in a pump or dump. The Boom Meter will show you whether it is currently: Dumping, Consolidation or Pumping. If combined with Boom Meter Bar Colors it may be a good indication if it will break the Bollinger Band (go outside of it). The Middle Line of the Bollinger Band (White Line) may be a very strong support / resistance location. If the price closes above or below it, it may be a good indication of the trend changing (it may indicate one of the first stages to a pump or dump). The color of the Bollinger Bands change based on if it is within a Bull or Bear Zone.

What makes this Bollinger Band special is not only that it uses a custom multiplier, but it also incorporates volume to help add weight to the calculation.

Boom Meter Bar Colors:
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Boom Meter Bar Colors are a way to see potential Overbought and Oversold locations on a per bar basis. There are 6 different colors within the Boom Meter bar colors. You have:
  • Overbought and Very Bullish = Dark Green
  • Overbought and Slightly Bullish = Light Green
  • Overbought and Slight Bearish = Light Red
  • Oversold and Very Bearish = Dark Red
  • Oversold and Slightly Bearish = Orange
  • Oversold and Slightly Bullish = Light Purple

When there is no Boom Meter Bar Color prevalent there won’t be a color change within the bar at all.

Just because there is a Boom Meter Bar Color change doesn’t mean you should act on it purchase or sell wise, but it may be an indication as to how that bar is fairing in an Overbought / Oversold perspective. Boom Meter Bar Colors are mainly based on RSI but do take in other factors like price movement to determine if it is Overbought or Oversold. When it comes to Boom Meter Bar Color, you should take it as it is, in the sense that it may be useful for seeing how Individual bars are fairing, but also note that there may be things such as:
  • When there is Very Overbought (Dark Green) or Very Oversold (Dark Red), during massive pump or dumps, it will maintain this color. However, once it has lost ‘some’ momentum it will likely lose this color.
  • When there has been a massive Pump or Dump, and there is likewise a light purple or light red, this may mean there is a correction or consolidation incoming.

True Value Zones:
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True Value zones are our custom way of displaying something that is similar to a Bollinger Band that can likewise twist like an MA cross. The main purpose of it is to display where the price may reside within. Much like a Bollinger Band it has its High and Low within its zone to specify this location. Since it has the ability to cross over and under, it has the ability to specify what it thinks may be a Bullish or Bearish zone. This zone uses its upper level to display what may be a Resistance location and its lower level to display what may be a Support location. These Support and Resistance locations are based on Momentum and will move with the price in an attempt to stay relevant.

You may use these True Values zones as a gauge of if the price is Overbought or Oversold. When the price faces high volatility and moves outside of the True Value Zones, it may face consolidation or likewise a correction to bring it back within these zones. These zones may act as a guideline towards where the price is currently valued at and may belong within.

Bar Strength Indexes:
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Bar Strength Indexes are our way of ranking each bar in correlation to the last few. It is based on a few things but is highly influenced on Open/Close/High/Low, Volume and how the price has moved recently. They may attempt to ‘rate’ each bar and how Bullish/Bearish each of these bars are. The Green number under the bar is its Bullish % and the Red number above the bar is its Bearish %. These %’s will always equal 100% when combined together. Bar Strength Indexes may be useful for seeing when either Bullish or Bearish momentum is picking up or when there may be a reversal / consolidation.

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These Bar Strength Indexes may allow you to decipher different states. If you refer to the example above, you may notice how based on how the numbers are changing, you may see when it has entered / exited Bullish, Bearish and Consolidation. Likewise, if you refer to the current bar (yellow circle), you can see that the Bullish % has dropped from 93 to 49; this may be signifying that the Bullish movement is losing momentum. You may use these changes in Bar Indexes as a guide to when to enter / end trades.

Volume Profile:
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Volume Profile has been something that has been within TradingView for quite some time. It is a very useful way of seeing at what Horizontal Price there has been the most volume. This may be very useful for seeing not only Support and Resistance locations based on Volume, but also seeing where the majority of Limit Orders are placed. Limit Orders are where traders decide they want to either Buy / Sell but have the order placed so the trade won’t happen until the price reaches a certain amount. Either through many orders from many traders, or a single order from a ‘Whale’ (trader with a lot of capital); you may see Support and Resistance at specific Price Points that have large Volume.

Many Volume Profile Indicators feature a breakdown of all the different locations of volume, along with a Point Of Control (POC) line to designate where the most Volume has been. To try and reduce clutter within our already very saturated Toolkit Indicator, we’ve decided to strip our Volume Profile to only display this POC line. This may allow you to see where the crucial Volume Support and Resistance is without all of the clutter.

You may be wondering, well how important is this Volume Profile POC line and how do I go about using it? Aside from it being a gauge towards where Support and Resistance may be within Volume, it may also be useful for identifying good Long/Short locations. If you think of the line as a ‘Battle’ between the Bulls and Bears, they’re both fighting over that line. The Bears are wanting to break through it downwards, and the Bulls are wanting to break through it upwards. When one side has temporarily won this battle, this means they may have more Capital to push the price in their direction. For instance, if both the Bulls and the Bears are fighting over this POC price, that means the Bears think that price is a good spot to sell; however, the Bulls also deem that price to be a good point to buy. If the Bulls were to win this battle, that means the Bears either canceled their orders to reevaluate, or all of their orders have been completed from the Bulls buying them all. What may happen after that is, if the Bulls were able to purchase all of these Limit Sell Orders, then they may still have more Capital left to continue to pressure the price upwards. The same may be true for if the Bears were to win this ‘Battle’.

How to use YinYang Trend as a cohesive whole:
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Hopefully you’ve read and understand how each aspect of this Indicator works on its own, as knowing how/what they each do is important to understanding how it is used as a cohesive whole. Due to the fact that this Toolkit of an Indicator displays so much data, you may find it easier to use and understand when you’re zoomed in a little, somewhat like we are in this example above.

If we refer to the example above, you may like us, deduce a few things:

1. The current price may be VERY Overbought. This may be seen by a few different things:
  • The Boom Meter Bar Colors have been exhibiting a Dark Green color for 6 bars in a row.
  • The price has continuously been moving the High (red) Pivot Upwards.
  • Our Boom Meter displays ‘Pumping’ at 100%.
  • The price broke through a Downward Trend Line that was created in February of 2022 at 45,000 like it was nothing.
  • The Bar Strength Index hit a Bullish value of 93%.
  • The Price broke out of the Bollinger Bands and continues to test its upper levels.
  • The Low is much greater than our fastest moving MA that creates the Purchase Zones.
  • The Price is vastly outside of the True Value Zone.
  • The Bar Strength Index of our current bar is 50% bullish, which is a massive decrease from the previous bar of 93%. This may indicate that a correction is coming soon.

2. Since we’ve identified the current price may be VERY Overbought, next we need to identify if/when/to where it may correct to:
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We’ve created a new example here to display potential correction areas. There are a few places it has the ability to correct to / within:
  • The downward Trend Line (red) below the current bar sitting currently at 32,750. This downward Trend Line is at the same price point as the Fastest MA of our Purchase Zone which may provide some decent Support there.
  • Between two crucial Pivot heights, within a zone of 30,000 to 31,815. This zone has the second fastest MA from the Purchase Zone right near the middle of it at 31,200 which may act as a Support within the Zone. Likewise there is the Bollinger Band Basis which is also resting at 30,000 which may provide a strong Support location here.
  • If 30,000 fails there may be a correction all the way to the bottom of our True Value Zone and the top of one of our Extremes at 27,850.
  • If 27,850 fails it may correct all the way to the bottom of our Purchase Zone / lowest of our Extremes at 27,350.
  • If all of the above fails, it may test our Volume Profile POC of 26,430. If this POC fails, the trend may switch to Bearish and continue further down to lower levels of Support.

The price can always correct more than the prices mentioned above, but considering overall this Indicator is favoring the Bulls, we will tailor this analysis in Favor of the Bullish Momentum maintaining even during this correction. For these reasons, we think the price may correct between the 30,000 and 31,815 zone before continuing upwards and maintaining this Bullish Momentum.

Please note, these correction estimates are just that, they’re estimates. Aside from the fact that the price is very overbought right now and our Bar Strength Index may be declining (bar hasn’t closed yet); the Boom Meter Strength remains at 100%, meaning there may not be much Bearish momentum changes happening yet. We just want to show you how an Preemptive analysis may be done before there are even Bearish Cipher Signals appearing.

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Using this Indicator, you may be able to decipher Entry and Exits. In the previous example, we went over how you may use it to see where a correction (Exit / Take Profit) may be and how far this correction may go. In this example above we will be discussing how to identify Entry locations. We will be discussing a Bullish Buy entry but the same rules apply for a Bearish Sell Entry just the opposite with the Cipher Signals.

If you refer to where we circled in white, this is where the Purchase Zones faced Consolidation. When the Purchase Zones all get tight and close together like that, this may represent Volatility and Momentum in either direction may occur soon.

This was then followed by all 6 of the Standard Cipher Signals closely in succession to each other. This means the Momentum may be favoring the Bulls. If this was likewise all 6 of the Bearish Cipher Signals closely in succession, than the momentum change would favor the Bears.

If you were looking for an entry, and you saw Consolidation with the Purchase Zones and then shortly after you saw the Green Circle and Blue Flag (they can swap order); this may now be a good Entry location.

We will conclude this Tutorial here. Hopefully this has taught you how this Trend Analysis Toolkit may help you locate multiple different types of important Support and Resistance locations; as well as possible Entry and Exit locations.


1. Bull/Bear Zones:
1.1. Purchase Speed (Bull/Bear Signals and Take Profit Signals):
  • Speed determines how much price movement is needed for a signal to occur.
  • 'Sonic' uses the extremities to try and get you the best entry and exit points, but is so quick, its speed may reduce accuracy.
  • 'Fast' may attempt to capitalize on price movements to help you get SOME or attempt to lose LITTLE quickly.
  • 'Medium' may attempt to get you the most optimal entry and exit locations, but may miss extremities.
  • 'Slow' may stay in trades until it is clear that momentum has changed.
  • 'Snail' may stay in trades even if momentum has changed. Snail may only change when the price has moved significantly (This may result in BIG gains, but potentially also BIG losses).

1.2. Purchase Strength (Bull/Bear Signals and Take Profit Signals):
Strength ensures a certain amount of verifications required for signals to happen. The more verifications the more accurate that signal is, but it may also change entry and exit points, and you may miss out on some of the extremities. It is highly advised to find the best combination between Speed and Strength for the TimeFrame and Pair you are trading in, as all pairs and TimeFrames move differently.
  • 'High' uses 15 verifications to ensure signal strength.
  • 'Medium' uses 10 verifications to ensure signal strength.
  • 'Low' uses 5 verifications to ensure signal strength.
  • 'Very Low' uses 3 verifications to ensure signal strength.

2. Cipher Signals:
Cipher Signals are very strong EMA and SMA crosses, which may drastically help visualize movement and help you to predict where the price will go. All Symbols have counter opposites that cancel each other out (YinYang). Here is a list, in order of general appearance and strength:
  • White Cross / Diamond (Predictive): The initial indicator showing trend movement.
  • Green Cross / Diamond (Regular): Confirms the Predictive and may add a fair bit of strength to trend movement.
  • Blue Cross / Diamond (Confirming): Confirms the Regular, showing the trend might have some decent momentum now.
  • Green / Red X: Gives momentum to the current trend direction, possibly confirming the Confirming Cross/Diamond.
  • Blue / Orange Triangle: may confirm the X, Possible pump / dump of decent size may be coming soon.
  • Green / Red Circle: EITHER confirms the Triangle and may mean big pump / dump is potentially coming, OR it just hit its peak and signifies a potential reversal correction. PAY ATTENTION!
  • Green / Red Flag: Oddball that helps confirm trend movements on the short term.
  • Blue / Yellow Flag: Oddball that helps confirm trend movements on the medium term (Yin / Yang is the long term Oddball).

3. Bull/Bear Signals:
Bear and Bull signals are where the momentum has changed enough based on your Purchase Speed and Strength. They generally represent strong price movement in the direction of the signal, and may be more reliable on higher TimeFrames. Please don’t use JUST these signals for analysis, they are only meant to be a fraction of the important data you are using to make your technical analysis.

4. Take Profit Signals:
Take Profit signals are guidelines that momentum has started to change back and now may be a good time to take profit. Your Take Profit signals are based on your Take Profit Speed and Strength and may be adjusted to fit your trading style.

5. Information Tables:
Information tables display very important data and help to declutter the screen as they are much less intrusive compared to labels. Our Information tables display: Boom Meter, Purchase Strength of Bull/Bear Zones and Yin/Yang State.
  • Boom Meter: Uses over 50 different calculations to determine if the pair is currently 'Dumping' (0-29%), 'Consolidating' (30-70%), or 'Pumping' (71-100%).
  • Bull / Bear Strength: Shows the strength of the current Bull / Bear signal from 0-100% (Signals start at 100% and change when they hit 0%). The % it moves up or down is based on your 'Purchase Strength'.
  • Yin / Yang state: Is one of the strongest EMA/SMA crosses (long term Oddball) within this Indicator and may be a great indication of which way the price is moving. Do keep in mind if the price is consolidating when changing state, it may have the highest chance of switching back also. Once momentum kicks in and there is price movement the state may be confirmed. Refer to other Cipher Symbols, Extremes, Trend, BOLL, Boom %, Bull / Bear % and Bar colors when Bull / Bear Zones are consolidating and Yin / Yang State changes as this is a very strong indecision zone.

6. Bull / Bear Zones:
Our Bull / Bear zones are composed of 8 very important EMA lengths that may act as not only Support and Resistance, but they help to potentially display consolidation and momentum change. You can tell when they are getting tight and close together it may represent consolidation and when they start to flip over on each other it may represent a change in momentum.

7. MA Extremes:
Our MA Extremes may be 3 of the most important long term moving averages. They don’t always play a role in trades as sometimes they’re way off from the price (cause they’re extreme lengths), but when they are around price or they cross under or over each other, it may represent large changes in price are about to occur. They may be very useful for seeing strong resistance / support locations based on price averages. Extremes may transition from a Support to a Resistance based on its position above or below them and how many times the price has either bounced up off them (Supporting) or Bounced back down after hitting them (Resistance).

8. Pivots:
Pivots may be a very important indicator of support and resistance for horizontal price movement. Pivots may represent the current strongest Support and Resistance. When the Pivot changes, it means a new strong Support or Resistance has been created. Sometimes you'll notice the price constantly pushes the pivot during a massive Pump or Dump. This is normal, and may indicate high levels of volatility. This generally also happens when the price is outside of the Bollinger Bands and is also Over or Undervalued. The price usually consolidates for a while after something like this happens before more drastic movement may occur.

9. Trend Lines:
Trend lines may be one of the best indicators of support and resistance for diagonal price movement. When a Trend Line fails to hold it may be a strong indication of a dump. Keep a close eye to where Upward and Downward Trend Lines meet. Trend lines can create different trading formations known as Pennants, Flags and Wedges. Please familiarize yourself with these formations So you know what to look for.

10. Bollinger Bands (BOLL):
  • Bollinger Bands may be very useful, and ours have been customized so they may be even more accurate by using a modified calculation that also incorporates volume.
  • Bollinger Bands may be used to see Movement vs Consolidation Zones (When it’s wide vs narrow). It also may be very useful for seeing where the correction areas are likely to be. Price may bounce between top and bottom of the BOLL, unless perhaps in a pump or dump. The Boom Meter may show you whether it is currently: Dumping, Consolidation or Pumping, along with Boom Meter Bar Colors, may be a good indication if it will break the BOLL. The Middle Line of the BOLL (White Line) may be a very strong support / resistance line. If the price closes above or below it, it may be a good indication of the trend changing (it may be one of the first stages to a pump or dump).

11. Boom Meter Bar Colors:
Boom Meter bar colors may be very useful for seeing when the bar is Overbought or Underbought. There are 6 different types of boom meter bar colors, they are:
  1. Dark Green: RSI may be very Overbought and price going UP (May be in a big pump. NOTICE, chance of small dump correction if Cherry Red bar appears).
  2. Light Green: RSI may be slightly Overbought and price going UP (chance of small pump).
  3. Light Purple: RSI may be very Underbought and price going UP (May have chance of small correction).
  4. Dark Red: RSI may be very Underbought and price going DOWN (May be in a big dump. NOTICE, chance of small pump correction if Light Purple bar appears).
  5. Light Orange: RSI may be slightly Underbought and price going DOWN (chance of small dump).
  6. Cherry Red: RSI may be very Overbought and price going DOWN (Chance of small correction).

12. True Value Zone:
True Value Zones display zones that represent ranges to show what the price may truly belong within. They may be very useful for knowing if the Price is currently not valued correctly, which generally means a correction may happen soon. True Value Zones can swap from Bullish to Bearish and are represented by Red for Bearish and Green for Bullish. For example, if the price is ABOVE and OUTSIDE of the True Value Zone, this means it may be very overvalued and might correct to go back inside the True Value Zone. This correction may be done by either dumping in price back into the zone, or consolidating horizontally back into it over a longer period of time. Vice Versa is also true if it is BELOW and OUTSIDE of the True Value Zone.

13. Bar Strength Index:
Bar Strength Index may display how Bullish/Bearish the current bar is. The strength is important to help see if a pump may be losing momentum or vice versa if a dump may correct. Keep in mind, the Bar Strength Index does a small 'refresh' to account for new bars. It may help to keep the Index more accurate.

14. Volume Profile:
Volume Profiles may be important to know where the Horizontal Support/Resistance is in Price base on Volume. Our Volume Profile may identify the point where the most volume has occurred within the most relevant timeframe. Volume Profiles are helpful at identifying where Whales have their orders placed. The reason why they are so helpful at identifying whales is when the volume is profiled to a specific area, there may likely be lots of Limit Buy and/or Sells around there. Limit Buys may act as Support and Limit Sells may act as Resistance. It may be very useful to know where these lie within the price, similar to looking at Order Book Data for Whale locations.

If you have any questions, comments, ideas or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us.

bollingersbandbuysellsignalcipherpatternMoving AveragespatterntradingPivot points and levelspurchasersidivergenceTrend Analysistrendlineanalysisvolumeanalysiszonetrading

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