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Library "_arrayutils"
Library contains utility functions using arrays.

delete(​arr, index)
  remove an item from array at specific index. Also deletes the item
    arr: - array from which the item needs to be deleted
    index: - index of item to be deleted
  Returns: void

  remove the last item from array. Also deletes the item
    arr: - array from which the last item needs to be removed and deleted
  Returns: void

  remove an item from array at index 0. Also deletes the item
    arr: - array from which the first item needs to be removed and deleted
  Returns: void

unshift(​arr, val, maxItems)
  add an item to the beginning of an array with max items cap
    arr: - array to which the item needs to be added at the beginning
    val: - value of item which needs to be added
    maxItems: - max items array can hold. After that, items are removed from the other end
  Returns: resulting array

  remove and delete all items in an array
    arr: - array which needs to be cleared
  Returns: void

push(​arr, val, maxItems)
  add an item to the end of an array with max items cap
    arr: - array to which the item needs to be added at the beginning
    val: - value of item which needs to be added
    maxItems: - max items array can hold. After that, items are removed from the starting index
  Returns: resulting array

check_overflow(pivots, barArray, dir)
  finds difference between two timestamps
    pivots: pivots array
    barArray: pivot bar array
    dir: direction for which overflow need to be checked
  Returns: bool overflow

get_trend_series(pivots, length, highLow, trend)
  finds series of pivots in particular trend
    pivots: pivots array
    length: length for which trend series need to be checked
    highLow: filter pivot high or low
    trend: Uptrend or Downtrend
  Returns: int[] trendIndexes

get_trend_series(pivots, firstIndex, lastIndex)
  finds series of pivots in particular trend
    pivots: pivots array
    firstIndex: First index of the series
    lastIndex: Last index of the series
  Returns: int[] trendIndexes

  calculates sma for elements in array
    source: source array
  Returns: float sma

ema(source, length)
  calculates ema for elements in array
    source: source array
    length: ema length
  Returns: float ema

rma(source, length)
  calculates rma for elements in array
    source: source array
    length: rma length
  Returns: float rma

wma(source, length)
  calculates wma for elements in array
    source: source array
    length: wma length
  Returns: float wma

hma(source, length)
  calculates hma for elements in array
    source: source array
    length: hma length
  Returns: float hma

ma(source, matype, length)
  wrapper for all moving averages based on array
    source: source array
    matype: moving average type. Valud values are: sma, ema, rma, wma and hma
    length: moving average length length
  Returns: float moving average

getFibSeries(numberOfFibs, start)
  gets fib series in array
    numberOfFibs: number of fibs
    start: starting number
  Returns: float[] fibArray
Phát hành các Ghi chú

ma(source, matype, length)
  wrapper for all moving averages based on array
    source (float[]): source array
    matype (simple string): moving average type. Valud values are: sma, ema, rma, wma, hma, high, low, median, medianHigh, medianLow
    length (simple int): moving average length length
  Returns: float moving average

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