Tradesharpe Session Bias

This script is designed for traders who want help defining their session bias it is for people who trade in sessions which will most likely be 1 4h candle. The way I trade using Price action to get my daily bias, to either look for sells or buys or both I look at the previous daily candle close and previous 4hr candle close before analyzing the structure on the lower time frames to get my session bias of bullish/bearish. so this indicator compares the daily and 4hr candles to develop a bias for example
previous daily bullish + Previous 4hr Bullish = BULLISH BIAS
previous daily Bearish + Previous 4hr Bearish = BEARISH BIAS
if Daily bullish 4hr bearish = MIXED SESSION
if daily bearish 4hr bullish = MIXED SESSION

MIXED SESSION = Can argue both buys and sells
BEARISH SESSION = Best to look for Sells only based on my trading style
BULLISH SESSION = Best to look for Buys only based on my trading style
Phát hành các Ghi chú
This script is designed for traders who want help defining their session bias it is for people who trade in sessions which will most likely be 1 4h candle. The way I trade using Price action to get my daily bias, to either look for sells or buys or both I look at the previous daily candle close and previous 4hr candle close before analyzing the structure on the lower time frames to get my session bias of bullish / bearish . so this indicator compares the daily and 4hr candles to develop a bias for example
previous daily bullish + Previous 4hr Bullish = BULLISH BIAS
previous daily Bearish + Previous 4hr Bearish = BEARISH BIAS
if Daily bullish 4hr bearish = MIXED SESSION
if daily bearish 4hr bullish = MIXED SESSION

MIXED SESSION = Can argue both buys and sells
BEARISH SESSION = Best to look for Sells only based on my trading style
BULLISH SESSION = Best to look for Buys only based on my trading style
biasCandlestick analysissessiontrend

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