Forex SWING Trader

This strategy is mainly designed for swing trading applied to FOREX.

In this case we make use of 2 moving averages but with different time frame, lets say 1h and 1 day.

When they cross above we would initially have a long trade, but in this strategy we trade it in reverse, so we would actually enter a short position.
The same for short trade.

At the same time we make use of hours for entry, so we can filter even better between the trades, and select the best possible hours for entries.

For exit we have 2 conditions : one is when we receive an opposite signal ( by default ).
The other is when a certain movement between moving averages, like lets say 1% of price movement, we will exit. This can act both as TP and SL.

1hourchartForexforexanalysisforextradingGBPNZDMoving AveragesreverseswingtradingTrend Analysis

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