Weighted Moving Average Price (WMAP) Band

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Weighted Moving Average Price (WMAP) Band : As it's name here a 236 Period WMAP used with 1.46 StdDev Uper and Lower Bands, You need to select Indicator Timeframe as 1 minute for butter result. it work for all type of market stock where trading is possible.
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RSI and ADX with Fibonacci Retracement (RAFR) : Here 14 Period of RSI and ADX used with All fibonacci Levels betwwen 0 to 100 as 14.60, 23.60, 38.20, 50.00, 61.80, 76.40, 61.80, 76.40 and 85.40, It's work well all types of stocks wildwise.
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Updated to V5 and ADX Removed.
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Wedding Edition(sonibrij)07Feb2022 : This edition of SMA Contain 20,50,200 and 500 with it's 0.50 and 1.50 bands, use Defaults Setting for all market.
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#rsonibrij : In this Update the Value of StdDev Changed to 0.618 and 1.618 for Upper and Lower Bands.
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Super Support and Resistance (#Born4Trade) : Celebrating my wife 20th Birthday and my page 5th birthday and just gifting you a Super Support and Resistance Indicator.
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You Need Only One Indicator , "Super Support and Super Resistance"
Feel the "NEXT GENERATION SETUP" Truly Original, Freely Tradable
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Just some improvment.
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Moving Average Price (MAP)
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Total Trading Time = 375m (9:15AM to 3:30PM)
Incase of 5m Time Frame
Daily Average Price = Total Trading Time in a Day/Trading Time Frame = 375/5 = 75
Weekly Average Price = Total Trading Time in a Week/Trading Time Frame = (375x5)/5 = 375
Monthly Average Price = Total Trading Time in a Month/Trading Time Frame = (375x5x4)/5 = 1500
for Bands StdDiv = 1.618
Use Default Setting for Butter Results.
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"20 SMA is the Direction of the Flow of the River"
I Want my DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY Average Price in the form of 20, What happends If my Trading Time Frame is 20 Minutes
Now I have Four Price in my Right Side
1) LTP
2) DAP = 375/20 = 18.75 ~ 19 SMA
3) WAP = 375x5/20 = 93.75 ~ 94 SMA
4) MAP = 375x5x4/20 = 375 SMA
The Daily Average Price, Weekly Average Price and Monthly Average Price is the Ultimate Price to Counter the Last Trading Price.
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Now, MAP = 500 SMA
WAP = 500/4 = 125 SMA
DAP = 125/5 = 25 SMA
Where TIMEFRAME doesn't matter.
born4tradeSimple Moving Average (SMA)

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