Block v.2

Cập nhật
See the candles with less noise and use the block for directions and find bottom and tops each time the color of blocks changes.
Its get updated !
Phát hành các Ghi chú
In this new update it only shows the blocks that changes direction (local high and low maybe all time high and lows) and it connects them with dot so you can find your waves that you want to work with.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
In this update you can change thickness of line and change its color !
You can learn how to use this boxes and lines by watching Mostafa Pazooki videos in youtube!
Good Luck
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Increased max boxes that shows on the chart
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Fixed the problem with market gaps that made noise in the wave drawing
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Added sensitivity factor to the calculation of blocks so make the noise less
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Bug fixed
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Bugs Fixed
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Bugs fixed!
Made sensitivity more usefull
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Fixed merging the boxes algo
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Updated block finding algo and deletd line drawing
i try to add it in next updates
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added border for blocks
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Added border to the boxes
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swaped projects
Trend Analysis

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