Fibonacci Moving Average

Simple idea from an article I read online I decided to code:

Take EMA's for periods based on the fibonacci sequence - 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 etc. and average them into one MA - the result is the Fibonacci MA (FMA)

Therefore - note the FMA does not use Length - but Range/Interval of how many steps of the Fibonacci Sequence to include.

Seems to be good for finding support/resistance for the price - so added some extra features:
Using up to 3 in at different periods - when they stretch apart it means price is very deviated and will reverse.
Added a price OHLC line if you want to move the indicator to a sub-panel for nice visualisation.

I believe you could look at the 4, 8 and 10, where the longest MA (10,11 FMA) indicates overall bull or bear trend (whether on top or bottom) and you could probably code in alerts for price crossing up or crossing down on the faster (4 FMA)
Moving Averages

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