Moving Average-TREND POWER v2.0-(AS)

Cập nhật
-This indicator is a waaaay simpler version of my other script - Moving Average-TREND POWER v1.1-(AS).

-Script counts number of bars below or above selected Moving Average (u can se them by turning PLOT BARS on). Then multiplies number of bars by 0.01 and adds previous value. So in the uptrend indicator will be growing faster with every bar when price is above MA. When MA crosess price Value goes to zero so it shows when the market is ranging.
If Cross happens when number of bars is higher than Upper threshold or below Lower threshold indicator will go back to zero only if MA crosses with high in UPtrend and low in DNtrend. If cross happens inside THSs Value will be zero when MA crosses with any type of price source like for example (close,high,low,ohlc4,hl etc.....).This helps to get more crosess in side trend and less resets during a visible trend

Just select what type of MA you want to use and Length. Then based on your preference set values of THSs'

-Script was created and tested on EURUSD 5M.
-For bigger trends choose slowerMAs and bigger periods and the other way around for short trends (FasterMAs/shorter periods)
-Below script code you can find not used formulas for calculating indicator value(thanks chat GPT), If you know some pinescript I encourage you to try try them or maybe bulid better ones. Script uses most basic one.
-Pls give me some feedback/ideas to improve and check out first version. Its way more complicated for no real reason but still worth to take a look'
-Also let me know if you find some logical errors in the code.

Enjoy and till we meet again.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
minor issue fixed - thanks to WolverineMan for spotting it
consolidationfiltermoving_averageMoving AveragesrangingrangingmarkettrendtrendanalyisisTrend AnalysistrendfiltertrendtradingVolatility

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