Cập nhật
This is a basic Proportional Integral Differential controller,
BUT with a modification to reduce the i portion via a recentering speed variable.

Here is its operating principle:
Place a standard MA (sma/ema,...).
Add this indicator and connect the output of the MA to the input.

The result is the "control/correction" parameter which is based on it.

kP = immediate effect of a change in value
kI = long-term impact of a change in value
kIc = reduction of the value at each tick
kD = value of the differential (damping)

on close = subtraction of the close from the output value
InputModule = the data source input indicator
exponent = the power factor of the output
smoother = final smoothing

You will see some updates here when I have some ideas what to do with this indicator :-)

Have fun
Phát hành các Ghi chú
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