Theo vinayrpatelhmt
Cập nhật
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © LudoGH68
indicator("SMC Structures and FVG", overlay = true)
import LudoGH68/Drawings_public/1 as d

getLineStyle(lineOption) =>
lineOption == "┈" ? line.style_dotted : lineOption == "╌" ? line.style_dashed : line.style_solid

get_structure_highest_bar(lookback) =>

var int idx = 0
maxBar = bar_index > lookback ? ta.highestbars(high, lookback) : ta.highestbars(high, bar_index + 1)

for i = 0 to lookback - 1 by 1
if high[i+1] > high[i+2] and high <= high[i+1] and ((i+1) * -1) >= maxBar
idx := (i+1) * -1

idx := idx == 0 ? maxBar : idx

get_structure_lowest_bar(lookback) =>

var int idx = 0
minBar = bar_index > lookback ? ta.lowestbars(low, lookback) : ta.lowestbars(low, bar_index + 1)

for i = 0 to lookback - 1 by 1
if low[i+1] < low[i+2] and low >= low[i+1] and ((i+1) * -1) >= minBar
idx := (i+1) * -1

idx := idx == 0 ? minBar : idx

is_structure_high_broken(_highStructBreakPrice, _structureHigh, _structureHighStartIndex, _structureDirection) =>
var bool res = false

if (_highStructBreakPrice > _structureHigh and bar_index[1] > _structureHighStartIndex) or (_structureDirection == 1 and _highStructBreakPrice > _structureHigh)
res := true
res := false


// Fear Value Gap
isFvgToShow = input(true, title='Display FVG', group="Fear Value Gap")
bullishFvgColor = input(, 50), 'Bullish FVG Color', group="Fear Value Gap")
bearishFvgColor = input(, 50), 'Bearish FVG Color', group="Fear Value Gap")
mitigatedFvgColor = input(, 50), 'Mitigated FVG Color', group="Fear Value Gap")
fvgHistoryNbr =, 'Number of FVG to show', minval=1, maxval=50)
isMitigatedFvgToReduce = input(false, title='Reduce mitigated FVG', group="Fear Value Gap")

// Structures
isStructBodyCandleBreak = input(true, title='Break with candle\'s body', group="Structures")
isCurrentStructToShow = input(true, title='Display current structure', group="Structures")
bullishBosColor = input(color.silver, 'Bullish BOS Color', group="Structures")
bearishBosColor = input(color.silver, 'Bearish BOS Color', group="Structures")
bosLineStyleOption = input.string("─", title="BOS Style", group="Structures", options=["─", "┈", "╌"])
bosLineStyle = getLineStyle(bosLineStyleOption)
bosLineWidth =, title="BOS Width", group="Structures", minval=1, maxval=5)
bullishChochColor = input(color.yellow, 'Bullish CHoCH Color', group="Structures")
bearishChochColor = input(color.yellow, 'Bearish CHoCH Color', group="Structures")
chochLineStyleOption = input.string("─", title="CHoCH Style", group="Structures", options=["─", "┈", "╌"])
chochLineStyle = getLineStyle(chochLineStyleOption)
chochLineWidth =, title="MSB Width", group="Structures", minval=1, maxval=5)
currentStructColor = input(, 'Current structure Color', group="Structures")
currentStructLineStyleOption = input.string("─", title="Current structure Style", group="Structures", options=["─", "┈", "╌"])
currentStructLineStyle = getLineStyle(currentStructLineStyleOption)
currentStructLineWidth =, title="Current structure Width", group="Structures", minval=1, maxval=5)
structHistoryNbr =, 'Number of break to show', minval=1, maxval=50)

// Fibonacci 1
isFibo1ToShow = input(true, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo1")
fibo1Value = input.float(0.786, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo1")
fibo1Color = input(#64b5f6, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo1")
fibo1StyleOption = input.string("─", title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", options=["─", "┈", "╌"], inline = "Fibo1")
fibo1Style = getLineStyle(fibo1StyleOption)
fibo1LineWidth =, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", minval=1, maxval=5, inline = "Fibo1")

// Fibonacci 2
isFibo2ToShow = input(true, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo2")
fibo2Value = input.float(0.705, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo2")
fibo2Color = input(#f23645, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo2")
fibo2StyleOption = input.string("─", title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", options=["─", "┈", "╌"], inline = "Fibo2")
fibo2Style = getLineStyle(fibo2StyleOption)
fibo2LineWidth =, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", minval=1, maxval=5, inline = "Fibo2")

// Fibonacci 3
isFibo3ToShow = input(true, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo3")
fibo3Value = input.float(0.618, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo3")
fibo3Color = input(#089981, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo3")
fibo3StyleOption = input.string("─", title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", options=["─", "┈", "╌"], inline = "Fibo3")
fibo3Style = getLineStyle(fibo3StyleOption)
fibo3LineWidth =, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", minval=1, maxval=5, inline = "Fibo3")

// Fibonacci 3
isFibo4ToShow = input(true, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo4")
fibo4Value = input.float(0.5, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo4")
fibo4Color = input(#4caf50, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo4")
fibo4StyleOption = input.string("─", title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", options=["─", "┈", "╌"], inline = "Fibo4")
fibo4Style = getLineStyle(fibo4StyleOption)
fibo4LineWidth =, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", minval=1, maxval=5, inline = "Fibo4")

// Fibonacci 5
isFibo5ToShow = input(true, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo5")
fibo5Value = input.float(0.382, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo5")
fibo5Color = input(#81c784, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", inline = "Fibo5")
fibo5StyleOption = input.string("─", title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", options=["─", "┈", "╌"], inline = "Fibo5")
fibo5Style = getLineStyle(fibo5StyleOption)
fibo5LineWidth =, title = "", group="Structure Fibonacci", minval=1, maxval=5, inline = "Fibo5")

// Draw FVG into graph
FVGDraw(_boxes, _fvgTypes, _isFvgMitigated) =>

// Loop into all values of the array
for [index, value] in _boxes

// Processing bullish FVG
if(array.get(_fvgTypes, index))

// Check if FVG has been totally mitigated
if(low <= box.get_bottom(value))
array.remove(_boxes, index)
array.remove(_fvgTypes, index)
array.remove(_isFvgMitigated, index)
if(low < box.get_top((value)))
box.set_bgcolor(value, mitigatedFvgColor)

// Mitigated FVG Alert
if(not(array.get(_isFvgMitigated, index)))
alert("FVG has been mitigated", alert.freq_once_per_bar)
array.set(_isFvgMitigated, index, true)

// Reduce FVG if needed
box.set_top(value, low)

box.set_right(value, bar_index)

// Processing bearish FVG

// Check if FVG has been mitigated
if(high >= box.get_top(value))
array.remove(_boxes, index)
array.remove(_fvgTypes, index)
array.remove(_isFvgMitigated, index)
if(high > box.get_bottom((value)))
box.set_bgcolor(value, mitigatedFvgColor)

// Mitigated FVG Alert
if(not(array.get(_isFvgMitigated, index)))
alert("FVG has been mitigated", alert.freq_once_per_bar)
array.set(_isFvgMitigated, index, true)

// Reduce FVG if needed
box.set_bottom(value, high)

box.set_right(value, bar_index)

// Arrays variable
var array<line> structureLines = array.new_line(0)
var array<label> structureLabels = array.new_label(0)
var array<box> fvgBoxes = array.new_box(0)
var array<bool> fvgTypes = array.new_bool(0)
var array<bool> isFvgMitigated = array.new_bool(0)

// Price variables
var float structureHigh = 0.0
var float structureLow = 0.0
var float fibo1Price = 0.0
var float fibo2Price = 0.0
var float fibo3Price = 0.0
var float fibo4Price = 0.0
var float fibo5Price = 0.0

// Index variable
var int structureHighStartIndex = 0
var int structureLowStartIndex = 0
var int structureDirection = 0
var int fibo1StartIndex = 0
var int fibo2StartIndex = 0
var int fibo3StartIndex = 0
var int fibo4StartIndex = 0
var int fibo5StartIndex = 0

// Line variable
var line structureHighLine = na
var line structureLowLine = na
var line fibo1Line = na
var line fibo2Line = na
var line fibo3Line = na
var line fibo4Line = na
var line fibo5Line = na

// Label variable
var label fibo1Label = na
var label fibo2Label = na
var label fibo3Label = na
var label fibo4Label = na
var label fibo5Label = na
// ==========================================================================================
// ==========================================================================================
// Define FVG type
isBullishFVG = high[3] < low[1]
isBearishFVG = low[3] > high[1]

// Bullish FVG process
if(isBullishFVG and isFvgToShow)

// Add FVG into FVG's array
box _box = - 2, top=low[1], right=bar_index[1], bottom=high[3], border_style=line.style_solid, border_width=1, bgcolor=bullishFvgColor,, 100))
array.push(fvgBoxes, _box)
array.push(fvgTypes, true)
array.push(isFvgMitigated, false)

// Check if FVG to show is upper than user parameter
if(array.size(fvgBoxes) > fvgHistoryNbr + 1)

// Delete the FVG and its index from arrays
box.delete(array.get(fvgBoxes, 0))
array.remove(fvgBoxes, 0)
array.remove(fvgTypes, 0)
array.remove(isFvgMitigated, 0)

// Bearish FVG process
if(isBearishFVG and isFvgToShow)

// Add FVG into FVG's array
box _box = - 2, top=low[3], right=bar_index[1], bottom=high[1], border_style=line.style_solid, border_width=1, bgcolor=bearishFvgColor,, 100))
array.push(fvgBoxes, _box)
array.push(fvgTypes, false)
array.push(isFvgMitigated, false)

// Check if FVG to show is upper than user parameter
if(array.size(fvgBoxes) > fvgHistoryNbr + 1)

// Delete the FVG and its index from arrays
box.delete(array.get(fvgBoxes, 0))
array.remove(fvgBoxes, 0)
array.remove(fvgTypes, 0)
array.remove(isFvgMitigated, 0)

// Draw FVG
FVGDraw(fvgBoxes, fvgTypes, isFvgMitigated)
// ==========================================================================================
// ==========================================================================================
// Initialize value for bar 0
if(bar_index == 0)
structureHighStartIndex := bar_index
structureLowStartIndex := bar_index
structureHigh := high
structureLow := low

highest = bar_index > 10 ? ta.highest(10) : ta.highest(bar_index + 1)
highestBar = bar_index > 10 ? ta.highestbars(high, 10) : ta.highestbars(high, bar_index + 1)
lowest = bar_index > 10 ? ta.lowest(10) : ta.lowest(bar_index + 1)
lowestBar = bar_index > 10 ? ta.lowestbars(low, 10) : ta.lowestbars(low, bar_index + 1)
structureMaxBar = bar_index + get_structure_highest_bar(10)
structureMinBar = bar_index + get_structure_lowest_bar(10)
lowStructBreakPrice = isStructBodyCandleBreak ? close : low
highStructBreakPrice = isStructBodyCandleBreak ? close : high
isStuctureLowBroken = (lowStructBreakPrice < structureLow and lowStructBreakPrice[1] >= structureLow and lowStructBreakPrice[2] >= structureLow and lowStructBreakPrice[3] >= structureLow and bar_index[1] > structureLowStartIndex and bar_index[2] > structureLowStartIndex and bar_index[3] > structureLowStartIndex) or (structureDirection == 2 and lowStructBreakPrice < structureLow)
isStructureHighBroken = (highStructBreakPrice > structureHigh and highStructBreakPrice[1] <= structureHigh and highStructBreakPrice[2] <= structureHigh and highStructBreakPrice[3] <= structureHigh and bar_index[1] > structureHighStartIndex and bar_index[2] > structureHighStartIndex and bar_index[3] > structureHighStartIndex) or (structureDirection == 1 and highStructBreakPrice > structureHigh)

//if((low < structureLow and low[1] >= structureLow and low[2] >= structureLow and low[3] >= structureLow and bar_index[1] > structureLowStartIndex and bar_index[2] > structureLowStartIndex and bar_index[3] > structureLowStartIndex) or (structureDirection == 2 and low < structureLow))
// Check if structures to show is upper than user parameter
if(array.size(structureLines) >= structHistoryNbr)

// Delete the line and its index from arrays
d.delete_line(array.get(structureLines, 0), array.get(structureLabels, 0))
array.remove(structureLabels, 0)
array.remove(structureLines, 0)

// Create BOS line
if(structureDirection == 1)
array.push(structureLines,, structureLow, bar_index, structureLow, xloc=xloc.bar_index, extend=extend.none, color=bearishBosColor, style=bosLineStyle, width=bosLineWidth))
array.push(structureLabels, + structureLowStartIndex) / 2, structureLow, text="BOS", style=label.style_none, textcolor=bearishBosColor))

// Create CHoCH line
array.push(structureLines,, structureLow, bar_index, structureLow, xloc=xloc.bar_index, extend=extend.none, color=bearishChochColor, style=chochLineStyle, width=chochLineWidth))
array.push(structureLabels, + structureLowStartIndex) / 2, structureLow, text="CHoCH", style=label.style_none, textcolor=bearishChochColor))

// Update values for new structure
structureDirection := 1
structureHighStartIndex := structureMaxBar
structureLowStartIndex := bar_index
structureHigh := high[bar_index - structureHighStartIndex] //highest
structureLow := low

// Check for breakout
else if(isStructureHighBroken)

// Check if structures to show is upper than user parameter
if(array.size(structureLines) >= structHistoryNbr)

// Delete the line and its index from arrays
d.delete_line(array.get(structureLines, 0), array.get(structureLabels, 0))
array.remove(structureLabels, 0)
array.remove(structureLines, 0)

// Create BOS line
if(structureDirection == 2)
array.push(structureLines,, structureHigh, bar_index, structureHigh, xloc=xloc.bar_index, extend=extend.none, color=bullishBosColor, style=bosLineStyle, width=bosLineWidth))
array.push(structureLabels, + structureHighStartIndex) / 2, structureHigh, text="BOS", style=label.style_none, textcolor=bullishBosColor))

// Create CHoCH line
array.push(structureLines,, structureHigh, bar_index, structureHigh, xloc=xloc.bar_index, extend=extend.none, color=bullishChochColor, style=chochLineStyle, width=chochLineWidth))
array.push(structureLabels, + structureHighStartIndex) / 2, structureHigh, text="CHoCH", style=label.style_none, textcolor=bullishChochColor))

// Update values for new structure
structureDirection := 2
structureHighStartIndex := bar_index
structureLowStartIndex := structureMinBar
structureHigh := high
structureLow := low[bar_index - structureLowStartIndex] //lowest
if(high > structureHigh and (structureDirection == 0 or structureDirection == 2))
if(not(isStructBodyCandleBreak) or not(isStructBodyCandleBreak and bar_index[1] > structureHighStartIndex and bar_index[2] > structureHighStartIndex and bar_index[3] > structureHighStartIndex))
structureHigh := high
structureHighStartIndex := bar_index
else if(low < structureLow and (structureDirection == 0 or structureDirection == 1))
if(not(isStructBodyCandleBreak) or not(isStructBodyCandleBreak and bar_index[1] > structureLowStartIndex and bar_index[2] > structureLowStartIndex and bar_index[3] > structureLowStartIndex))
structureLow := low
structureLowStartIndex := bar_index

structureRange = math.abs(structureHigh - structureLow)

// Affichage de la structure actuelle
d.delete_line(structureHighLine, na)
d.delete_line(structureLowLine, na)
structureHighLine :=, structureHigh, bar_index, structureHigh, xloc.bar_index, color=currentStructColor, style = currentStructLineStyle, width = currentStructLineWidth)
structureLowLine :=, structureLow, bar_index, structureLow, xloc.bar_index, color=currentStructColor, style = currentStructLineStyle, width = currentStructLineWidth)

// Affichage du Fibonnacci 1 de la structure actuelle
d.delete_line(fibo1Line, fibo1Label)
fibo1Price := structureDirection == 1 ? structureHigh - (structureRange - structureRange * fibo1Value) : structureLow + (structureRange - structureRange * fibo1Value)
fibo1StartIndex := structureDirection == 1 ? structureHighStartIndex : structureLowStartIndex
fibo1Line :=, fibo1Price, bar_index, fibo1Price, xloc.bar_index, color = fibo1Color, style = fibo1Style, width = fibo1LineWidth)
fibo1Label := + 20, fibo1Price, text = str.tostring(fibo1Value) + "(" + str.tostring(fibo1Price) + ")", style = label.style_none, textcolor = fibo1Color)

// Affichage du Fibonnacci 2 de la structure actuelle
d.delete_line(fibo2Line, fibo2Label)
fibo2Price := structureDirection == 1 ? structureHigh - (structureRange - structureRange * fibo2Value) : structureLow + (structureRange - structureRange * fibo2Value)
fibo2StartIndex := structureDirection == 1 ? structureHighStartIndex : structureLowStartIndex
fibo2Line :=, fibo2Price, bar_index, fibo2Price, xloc.bar_index, color = fibo2Color, style = fibo2Style, width = fibo2LineWidth)
fibo2Label := + 20, fibo2Price, text = str.tostring(fibo2Value) + "(" + str.tostring(fibo2Price) + ")", style = label.style_none, textcolor = fibo2Color)

// Affichage du Fibonnacci 3 de la structure actuelle
d.delete_line(fibo3Line, fibo3Label)
fibo3Price := structureDirection == 1 ? structureHigh - (structureRange - structureRange * fibo3Value) : structureLow + (structureRange - structureRange * fibo3Value)
fibo3StartIndex := structureDirection == 1 ? structureHighStartIndex : structureLowStartIndex
fibo3Line :=, fibo3Price, bar_index, fibo3Price, xloc.bar_index, color = fibo3Color, style = fibo3Style, width = fibo3LineWidth)
fibo3Label := + 20, fibo3Price, text = str.tostring(fibo3Value) + "(" + str.tostring(fibo3Price) + ")", style = label.style_none, textcolor = fibo3Color)

// Affichage du Fibonnacci 1 de la structure actuelle
d.delete_line(fibo4Line, fibo4Label)
fibo4Price := structureDirection == 1 ? structureHigh - (structureRange - structureRange * fibo4Value) : structureLow + (structureRange - structureRange * fibo4Value)
fibo4StartIndex := structureDirection == 1 ? structureHighStartIndex : structureLowStartIndex
fibo4Line :=, fibo4Price, bar_index, fibo4Price, xloc.bar_index, color = fibo4Color, style = fibo4Style, width = fibo4LineWidth)
fibo4Label := + 20, fibo4Price, text = str.tostring(fibo4Value) + "(" + str.tostring(fibo4Price) + ")", style = label.style_none, textcolor = fibo4Color)

// Affichage du Fibonnacci 1 de la structure actuelle
d.delete_line(fibo5Line, fibo5Label)
fibo5Price := structureDirection == 1 ? structureHigh - (structureRange - structureRange * fibo5Value) : structureLow + (structureRange - structureRange * fibo5Value)
fibo5StartIndex := structureDirection == 1 ? structureHighStartIndex : structureLowStartIndex
fibo5Line :=, fibo5Price, bar_index, fibo5Price, xloc.bar_index, color = fibo5Color, style = fibo5Style, width = fibo5LineWidth)
fibo5Label := + 20, fibo5Price, text = str.tostring(fibo5Value) + "(" + str.tostring(fibo5Price) + ")", style = label.style_none, textcolor = fibo5Color)

Phát hành các Ghi chú
fvg fib levels using smart money concept
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Mã nguồn mở

Theo tinh thần TradingView thực sự, tác giả của tập lệnh này đã xuất bản dưới dạng nguồn mở để các nhà giao dịch có thể hiểu và xác minh. Chúc mừng tác giả! Bạn có thể sử dụng miễn phí. Tuy nhiên, bạn cần sử dụng lại mã này theo Quy tắc nội bộ. Bạn có thể yêu thích nó để sử dụng nó trên biểu đồ.

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