Candle Counting

Theo wpatte15
I was talking with one of the biggest hedge fund traders in the world the other day. He goes to me, "Brian, why don't you come and work for us, since you're a better trader than anyone at our firm?" Well I said I would, but there's no one there with an iq as high as mine, so I'd have no one to talk to when I'm eatin my sammiches. Man I'm a savant mate, I'm a f***ing CANDLE COUNTER. I tell people all the time, know your market. And that's your tip of the day really, I mean nobody out there knows Yen better than me. I mean the other day I was 70,000 in the hole, but I didn't get out, I was balls deep making a cheese sammich on the George Forman. Now I mean you can try and do what I'm doing, but understand something, I am 100% smarter than you, and your machines. In the industry, they call me Mr. Yen, I touch the sun, and my d*ck, regularly.

Mã nguồn mở

Theo tinh thần TradingView thực sự, tác giả của tập lệnh này đã xuất bản dưới dạng nguồn mở để các nhà giao dịch có thể hiểu và xác minh. Chúc mừng tác giả! Bạn có thể sử dụng miễn phí. Tuy nhiên, bạn cần sử dụng lại mã này theo Quy tắc nội bộ. Bạn có thể yêu thích nó để sử dụng nó trên biểu đồ.

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