Krowns 10 PACK Combo (5 EMAs,5 SMAs) by Mr.Scrogers'Neighborhood

I wanted to have the full option of 10 MAs like you see Krown use in his recent videos...

This gives you 5 EMAs that are adjustable in value and color...
...As well as 5 SMAs that are also adjustable in value and color

*If you'd like to see the values in color at the top left like you see in Krown's videos here's what you do:
1) click on the settings gear icon in the upper right
2) next click on the 'background' tab
3) next check the 'indicator value' box off/on

*This will take up quite a bit of space so that's why I altered the code to give you a readout of what color each value is already...your choice though

If you find this to be useful please stop by my youtube channel 'Mr.Scrogers'Neighborhood' and give me a well as Krown's Crypto Cave youtube channel

I plan to post videos soon on TA, just for fun because I have no biases and will trade up and down regardless

Moving AveragesOscillatorsVolatility

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