Cập nhật
OMEN allows for swing trading and watching over all health of the trend. This set up is set for 15-30 minute charts and 30 minutes work best.
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Change in Cloud location
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A few more signals for those using it to swing trade.
Removed the Cloud for now
Those who plan on day trading use the "Trend" alerts
Everyone add a 55 EMA to your chart. It becomes a good support and resistance area. Be smart in these areas as signals get tight.
Always use your stop loss
Using with addition to TA will give great entries
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Trend Line adjustment
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Some Great updates.

Green arrow - LONG
Red arrow - SHORT
Orange arrow - CLOSE- Potential reversal ( can be used to counter trade)

Use your TA and use the indicator to help make decision based from your TA
IF price is falling or rising quickly don't use the ORANGE ARROWS
If price has found support or resistance- the further away from the 55 ema the orange dot is the greater chance of reversal trade
55 ema is a congestion zone allow trades to play out or stay out of trades on or near the 55 ema.
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Forgot to add:

ORAGNE DOT-- is a close trade signal and potential reversal
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Bullish Close -- Close Trade looking bullish
Bearish Close -- Close Trade looking bearish
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Per request from many users I added back the trend line so its easier to follow the market.
Also added in an indecision yellow arrow. Use this candles as support and resistance if price goes above this high of the yellow marked candle go long if it goes below the yellow marked candle short
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Less, but more accurate signals, can be used for scalping 5 minute and all the way to 1-4hr charts.
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Percent Deviation changed to Percent Divergence
default changed from "6" to "2"
Moving AveragesTrend AnalysisVolatility

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