ICT Killzones [Tsx]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © tradeforopp

indicator("ICT Killzones [Tsx]", "ICT Killzones [Tsx]", true, max_labels_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500)

// ---------------------------------------- Inputs --------------------------------------------------
var g_SETTINGS = "Settings"
max_days =, "Session Drawing Limit", 1, tooltip = "Only this many drawings will be kept on the chart, for each selected drawing type (killzone boxes, pivot lines, open lines, etc.)", group = g_SETTINGS)
tf_limit = input.timeframe("30", "Timeframe Limit", tooltip = "Drawings will not appear on timeframes greater than or equal to this", group = g_SETTINGS)
gmt_tz = input.string('GMT-4', "Timezone", options = ['GMT-12','GMT-11','GMT-10','GMT-9','GMT-8','GMT-7','GMT-6','GMT-5','GMT-4','GMT-3','GMT-2','GMT-1','GMT+0','GMT+1','GMT+2','GMT+3','GMT+4','GMT+5','GMT+6','GMT+7','GMT+8','GMT+9','GMT+10','GMT+11','GMT+12','GMT+13','GMT+14'], tooltip = "Note GMT is not adjusted to reflect Daylight Saving Time changes", group = g_SETTINGS)
lb_size = input.string('Normal', "Label Size", options = ['Auto', 'Tiny', 'Small', 'Normal', 'Large', 'Huge'], group = g_SETTINGS)
lb_color = input.color(, "Label Text Color", group = g_SETTINGS)
use_cutoff = input.bool(true, "Drawing Cutoff Time", inline = "CO", tooltip = "When enabled, all highs and lows will stop extending after this time", group = g_SETTINGS)
cutoff = input.session("1200-1201", "", inline = "CO", group = g_SETTINGS)

var g_KZ = "Killzones"
show_kz = input.bool(true, "Show Killzone Boxes", inline = "KZ", group = g_KZ)
show_kz_text = input.bool(true, "Display Text", inline = "KZ", group = g_KZ)
box_transparency =, "Box Transparency", 0, 100, group = g_KZ)
text_transparency =, "Text Transparency", 0, 100, group = g_KZ)

use_asia = input.bool(true, "", inline = "ASIA", group = g_KZ)
asia_text = input.string("Asia", "", inline = "ASIA", group = g_KZ)
asia = input.session("2000-0000", "", inline = "ASIA", group = g_KZ)
as_color = input.color(, "", inline = "ASIA", group = g_KZ)

use_london = input.bool(true, "", inline = "LONDON", group = g_KZ)
london_text = input.string("London", "", inline = "LONDON", group = g_KZ)
london = input.session("0200-0500", "", inline = "LONDON", group = g_KZ)
lo_color = input.color(, "", inline = "LONDON", group = g_KZ)

use_nyam = input.bool(true, "", inline = "NYAM", group = g_KZ)
nyam_text = input.string("NY AM", "", inline = "NYAM", group = g_KZ)
nyam = input.session("0930-1100", "", inline = "NYAM", group = g_KZ)
na_color = input.color(#089981, "", inline = "NYAM", group = g_KZ)

use_nylu = input.bool(true, "", inline = "NYLU", group = g_KZ)
nylu_text = input.string("NY Lunch", "", inline = "NYLU", group = g_KZ)
nylu = input.session("1200-1300", "", inline = "NYLU", group = g_KZ)
nl_color = input.color(color.yellow, "", inline = "NYLU", group = g_KZ)

use_nypm = input.bool(true, "", inline = "NYPM", group = g_KZ)
nypm_text = input.string("NY PM", "", inline = "NYPM", group = g_KZ)
nypm = input.session("1330-1600", "", inline = "NYPM", group = g_KZ)
np_color = input.color(color.purple, "", inline = "NYPM", group = g_KZ)

var g_LABELS = "Killzone Pivots"
show_pivots = input.bool(true, "Show Pivots", inline = "PV", group = g_LABELS)
show_labels = input.bool(true, "Show Labels", inline = "PV", group = g_LABELS)

ash_str = input.string("AS.H", "Session 1 Labels", inline = "L_AS", group = g_LABELS)
asl_str = input.string("AS.L", "", inline = "L_AS", group = g_LABELS)
as_alert = input.bool(false, "Alerts", inline = "L_AS", group = g_LABELS)

loh_str = input.string("LO.H", "Session 2 Labels", inline = "L_LO", group = g_LABELS)
lol_str = input.string("LO.L", "", inline = "L_LO", group = g_LABELS)
lo_alert = input.bool(false, "Alerts", inline = "L_LO", group = g_LABELS)

nah_str = input.string("NYAM.H", "Session 3 Labels", inline = "L_NA", group = g_LABELS)
nal_str = input.string("NYAM.L", "", inline = "L_NA", group = g_LABELS)
na_alert = input.bool(false, "Alerts", inline = "L_NA", group = g_LABELS)

nlh_str = input.string("NYL.H", "Session 4 Labels", inline = "L_NL", group = g_LABELS)
nll_str = input.string("NYL.L", "", inline = "L_NL", group = g_LABELS)
nl_alert = input.bool(false, "Alerts", inline = "L_NL", group = g_LABELS)

nph_str = input.string("NYPM.H", "Session 5 Labels", inline = "L_NP", group = g_LABELS)
npl_str = input.string("NYPM.L", "", inline = "L_NP", group = g_LABELS)
np_alert = input.bool(false, "Alerts", inline = "L_NP", group = g_LABELS)

s_style = input.string(defval = 'Solid', title = "Style", options = ['Solid', 'Dotted', 'Dashed'], inline = "L_0", group = g_LABELS)
s_width =, "", inline = "L_0", group = g_LABELS)

var g_DWM = "DWM Open"
dow_labels = input.bool(true, "Day of Week Labels", inline = "DOW", group = g_DWM)
dow_yloc = input.string('Bottom', "", options = ['Top', 'Bottom'], inline = "DOW", group = g_DWM)
dow_xloc = input.string('Midnight', "", options = ['Midnight', 'Midday'], inline = "DOW", group = g_DWM)
dow_color = input.color(, "", inline = "DOW", group = g_DWM)

show_d_open = input.bool(false, "", inline = "DO", group = g_DWM)
d_open_str = input.string("D.OPEN", "", inline = "DO", group = g_DWM)
ds = input.bool(false, "Separators", inline = "DO", tooltip = "Mark where a new day begins. Unlimited will override the drawing limit", group = g_DWM)
ds_unlimited = input.bool(true, "Unlimited", inline = "DO", group = g_DWM)
d_color = input.color(, "", inline = "DO", group = g_DWM)

show_w_open = input.bool(false, "", inline = "WO", group = g_DWM)
w_open_str = input.string("W.OPEN", "", inline = "WO", group = g_DWM)
ws = input.bool(false, "Separators", inline = "WO", tooltip = "Mark where a new week begins. Unlimited will override the drawing limit", group = g_DWM)
ws_unlimited = input.bool(true, "Unlimited", inline = "WO", group = g_DWM)
w_color = input.color(#089981, "", inline = "WO", group = g_DWM)

show_m_open = input.bool(false, "", inline = "MO", group = g_DWM)
m_open_str = input.string("M.OPEN", "", inline = "MO", group = g_DWM)
ms = input.bool(false, "Separators", inline = "MO", tooltip = "Mark where a new month begins. Unlimited will override the drawing limit", group = g_DWM)
ms_unlimited = input.bool(true, "Unlimited", inline = "MO", group = g_DWM)
m_color = input.color(, "", inline = "MO", group = g_DWM)

dwm_style = input.string(defval = 'Solid', title = "Style", options = ['Solid', 'Dotted', 'Dashed'], inline = "D0", group = g_DWM)
dwm_width =, "", inline = "D0", group = g_DWM)

var g_OPEN = "Opening Price"
use_h1 = input.bool(true, "", inline = "H1", group = g_OPEN)
h1_text = input.string("True Day Open", "", inline = "H1", group = g_OPEN)
h1 = input.session("0000-0001", "", inline = "H1", group = g_OPEN)
h1_color = input.color(, "", inline = "H1", group = g_OPEN)

use_h2 = input.bool(false, "", inline = "H2", group = g_OPEN)
h2_text = input.string("06:00", "", inline = "H2", group = g_OPEN)
h2 = input.session("0600-0601", "", inline = "H2", group = g_OPEN)
h2_color = input.color(, "", inline = "H2", group = g_OPEN)

use_h3 = input.bool(false, "", inline = "H3", group = g_OPEN)
h3_text = input.string("10:00", "", inline = "H3", group = g_OPEN)
h3 = input.session("1000-1001", "", inline = "H3", group = g_OPEN)
h3_color = input.color(, "", inline = "H3", group = g_OPEN)

use_h4 = input.bool(false, "", inline = "H4", group = g_OPEN)
h4_text = input.string("14:00", "", inline = "H4", group = g_OPEN)
h4 = input.session("1400-1401", "", inline = "H4", group = g_OPEN)
h4_color = input.color(, "", inline = "H4", group = g_OPEN)

h_style = input.string(defval = 'Dotted', title = "Style", options = ['Solid', 'Dotted', 'Dashed'], inline = "H0", group = g_OPEN)
h_width =, "", inline = "H0", group = g_OPEN)

var g_VERTICAL = "Timestamps"
use_v1 = input.bool(false, "", inline = "V1", group = g_VERTICAL)
v1 = input.session("0000-0001", "", inline = "V1", group = g_VERTICAL)
v1_color = input.color(, "", inline = "V1", group = g_VERTICAL)

use_v2 = input.bool(false, "", inline = "V2", group = g_VERTICAL)
v2 = input.session("0800-0801", "", inline = "V2", group = g_VERTICAL)
v2_color = input.color(, "", inline = "V2", group = g_VERTICAL)

use_v3 = input.bool(false, "", inline = "V3", group = g_VERTICAL)
v3 = input.session("1000-1001", "", inline = "V3", group = g_VERTICAL)
v3_color = input.color(, "", inline = "V3", group = g_VERTICAL)

use_v4 = input.bool(true, "", inline = "V4", group = g_VERTICAL)
v4 = input.session("1200-1201", "", inline = "V4", group = g_VERTICAL)
v4_color = input.color(, "", inline = "V4", group = g_VERTICAL)

use_v5 = input.bool(false, "", inline = "V5", group = g_VERTICAL)
v5 = input.session("1000-1001", "", inline = "V5", group = g_VERTICAL)
v5_color = input.color(, "", inline = "V5", group = g_VERTICAL)

use_v6 = input.bool(true, "", inline = "V6", group = g_VERTICAL)
v6 = input.session("1200-1201", "", inline = "V6", group = g_VERTICAL)
v6_color = input.color(, "", inline = "V6", group = g_VERTICAL)

v_style = input.string(defval = 'Dotted', title = "Style", options = ['Solid', 'Dotted', 'Dashed'], inline = "V0", group = g_VERTICAL)
v_width =, "", inline = "V0", group = g_VERTICAL)
// ---------------------------------------- Inputs --------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------- Variables & Constants --------------------------------------------------
t_as = not na(time("", asia, gmt_tz))
t_lo = not na(time("", london, gmt_tz))
t_na = not na(time("", nyam, gmt_tz))
t_nl = not na(time("", nylu, gmt_tz))
t_np = not na(time("", nypm, gmt_tz))
t_co = not na(time("", cutoff, gmt_tz))

t_h1 = not na(time("", h1, gmt_tz))
t_h2 = not na(time("", h2, gmt_tz))
t_h3 = not na(time("", h3, gmt_tz))
t_h4 = not na(time("", h4, gmt_tz))

t_v1 = not na(time("", v1, gmt_tz))
t_v2 = not na(time("", v2, gmt_tz))
t_v3 = not na(time("", v3, gmt_tz))
t_v4 = not na(time("", v4, gmt_tz))
t_v5 = not na(time("", v5, gmt_tz))
t_v6 = not na(time("", v6, gmt_tz))

var as_hi_line = array.new_line()
var as_lo_line = array.new_line()
var lo_hi_line = array.new_line()
var lo_lo_line = array.new_line()
var na_hi_line = array.new_line()
var na_lo_line = array.new_line()
var nl_hi_line = array.new_line()
var nl_lo_line = array.new_line()
var np_hi_line = array.new_line()
var np_lo_line = array.new_line()

var d_sep_line = array.new_line()
var w_sep_line = array.new_line()
var m_sep_line = array.new_line()

var d_line = array.new_line()
var w_line = array.new_line()
var m_line = array.new_line()

var h1_line = array.new_line()
var h2_line = array.new_line()
var h3_line = array.new_line()
var h4_line = array.new_line()

var v1_line = array.new_line()
var v2_line = array.new_line()
var v3_line = array.new_line()
var v4_line = array.new_line()
var v5_line = array.new_line()
var v6_line = array.new_line()

var d_label = array.new_label()
var w_label = array.new_label()
var m_label = array.new_label()

var h1_label = array.new_label()
var h2_label = array.new_label()
var h3_label = array.new_label()
var h4_label = array.new_label()

var as_hi_label = array.new_label()
var as_lo_label = array.new_label()
var lo_hi_label = array.new_label()
var lo_lo_label = array.new_label()
var na_hi_label = array.new_label()
var na_lo_label = array.new_label()
var nl_hi_label = array.new_label()
var nl_lo_label = array.new_label()
var np_hi_label = array.new_label()
var np_lo_label = array.new_label()

var as_box = array.new_box()
var lo_box = array.new_box()
var na_box = array.new_box()
var nl_box = array.new_box()
var np_box = array.new_box()

transparent = #ffffff00

d_o =, "D", open, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
w_o =, "W", open, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
m_o =, "M", open, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
// ---------------------------------------- Variables & Constants --------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------- Functions --------------------------------------------------
get_label_size(_size) =>
result = switch _size
'Tiny' => size.tiny
'Small' => size.small
'Normal' => size.normal
'Large' => size.large
'Huge' => size.huge
'Auto' =>

get_line_type(_style) =>
result = switch _style
'Solid' => line.style_solid
'Dotted' => line.style_dotted
'Dashed' => line.style_dashed

get_box_color(_color, _transparency) =>
result =, _transparency)

adjust(_hline, _lline, _hlabel, _llabel, _ulabel, _box) =>

_top = show_kz ? _box.get_top() : _hline.get_y1()
_bot = show_kz ? _box.get_bottom() : _lline.get_y1()

if high > _top
_hline.set_xy1(bar_index, high)

if low < _bot
_lline.set_xy1(bar_index, low)


check_high(_line) =>
result = false
broke = false
if high > _line.get_y1()
result := true
broke := true
else if (use_cutoff ? t_co : false)
result := true
[result, broke]

check_low(_line) =>
result = false
broke = false
if low < _line.get_y1()
result := true
broke := true
else if (use_cutoff ? t_co : false)
result := true
[result, broke]

check_open(_line, _label) =>
result = false
if (use_cutoff ? t_co : false)
result := true

check_array(_arr) =>
if _arr.size() > max_days
// ---------------------------------------- Functions --------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------- Core Logic --------------------------------------------------
s_style := get_line_type(s_style)
dwm_style := get_line_type(dwm_style)
h_style := get_line_type(h_style)
v_style := get_line_type(v_style)

lb_size := get_label_size(lb_size)

var color as_box_color = get_box_color(as_color, box_transparency)
var color lo_box_color = get_box_color(lo_color, box_transparency)
var color na_box_color = get_box_color(na_color, box_transparency)
var color nl_box_color = get_box_color(nl_color, box_transparency)
var color np_box_color = get_box_color(np_color, box_transparency)

var color as_text_color = get_box_color(as_color, text_transparency)
var color lo_text_color = get_box_color(lo_color, text_transparency)
var color na_text_color = get_box_color(na_color, text_transparency)
var color nl_text_color = get_box_color(nl_color, text_transparency)
var color np_text_color = get_box_color(np_color, text_transparency)

var h1_co = false
var h2_co = false
var h3_co = false
var h4_co = false

var as_stop_hi = false
var as_stop_lo = false

var lo_stop_hi = false
var lo_stop_lo = false

var na_stop_hi = false
var na_stop_lo = false

var nl_stop_hi = false
var nl_stop_lo = false

var np_stop_hi = false
var np_stop_lo = false

as_broke_hi = false
as_broke_lo = false

lo_broke_hi = false
lo_broke_lo = false

na_broke_hi = false
na_broke_lo = false

nl_broke_hi = false
nl_broke_lo = false

np_broke_hi = false
np_broke_lo = false

// day_str = switch dayofweek

// if dayofweek != dayofweek[1]
//, high, str.tostring(dayofweek))

if timeframe.in_seconds("") <= timeframe.in_seconds(tf_limit)
// Asia
if use_asia
if t_as and not t_as[1]
as_stop_hi := false
as_stop_lo := false

if show_kz
as_box.unshift(, high, bar_index, low, border_color = as_box_color, bgcolor = as_box_color, text = show_kz_text ? asia_text : na, text_color = as_text_color))

if show_pivots
as_hi_line.unshift(, high, bar_index, high, style = s_style, color = as_color, width = s_width))
as_lo_line.unshift(, low, bar_index, low, style = s_style, color = as_color, width = s_width))

if show_labels
as_hi_label.unshift(, high, ash_str, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, style = label.style_label_down, size = lb_size))
as_lo_label.unshift(, low, asl_str, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, style = label.style_label_up, size = lb_size))
else if t_as
adjust(show_pivots ? as_hi_line.get(0) : na, show_pivots ? as_lo_line.get(0) : na, show_labels ? as_hi_label.get(0) : na, show_labels ? as_lo_label.get(0) : na, show_labels, show_kz ? as_box.get(0) : na)
else if not t_as and as_hi_line.size() > 0
if not as_stop_hi
[_r, _b] = check_high(as_hi_line.get(0))
if _r
as_stop_hi := true
if _b
as_broke_hi := true
if as_alert
alert("Broke " + str.tostring(ash_str), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
if not as_stop_lo
[_r, _b] = check_low(as_lo_line.get(0))
if _r
as_stop_lo := true
if _b
as_broke_lo := true
if as_alert
alert("Broke " + str.tostring(asl_str), alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// London
if use_london
if t_lo and not t_lo[1]
lo_stop_hi := false
lo_stop_lo := false

if show_kz
lo_box.unshift(, high, bar_index, low, border_color = lo_box_color, bgcolor = lo_box_color, text = show_kz_text ? london_text : na, text_color = lo_text_color))

if show_pivots
lo_hi_line.unshift(, high, bar_index, high, style = s_style, color = lo_color, width = s_width))
lo_lo_line.unshift(, low, bar_index, low, style = s_style, color = lo_color, width = s_width))

if show_labels
lo_hi_label.unshift(, high, loh_str, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, style = label.style_label_down, size = lb_size))
lo_lo_label.unshift(, low, lol_str, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, style = label.style_label_up, size = lb_size))
else if t_lo
adjust(show_pivots ? lo_hi_line.get(0) : na, show_pivots ? lo_lo_line.get(0) : na, show_labels ? lo_hi_label.get(0) : na, show_labels ? lo_lo_label.get(0) : na, show_labels, show_kz ? lo_box.get(0) : na)
else if not t_lo and lo_hi_line.size() > 0
if not lo_stop_hi
[_r, _b] = check_high(lo_hi_line.get(0))
if _r
lo_stop_hi := true
if _b
lo_broke_hi := true
if lo_alert
alert("Broke " + str.tostring(loh_str), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
if not lo_stop_lo
[_r, _b] = check_low(lo_lo_line.get(0))
if _r
lo_stop_lo := true
if _b
lo_broke_lo := true
if lo_alert
alert("Broke " + str.tostring(lol_str), alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// NY AM
if use_nyam
if t_na and not t_na[1]
na_stop_hi := false
na_stop_lo := false

if show_kz
na_box.unshift(, high, bar_index, low, border_color = na_box_color, bgcolor = na_box_color, text = show_kz_text ? nyam_text : na, text_color = na_text_color))

if show_pivots
na_hi_line.unshift(, high, bar_index, high, style = s_style, color = na_color, width = s_width))
na_lo_line.unshift(, low, bar_index, low, style = s_style, color = na_color, width = s_width))

if show_labels
na_hi_label.unshift(, high, nah_str, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, style = label.style_label_down, size = lb_size))
na_lo_label.unshift(, low, nal_str, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, style = label.style_label_up, size = lb_size))
else if t_na
adjust(show_pivots ? na_hi_line.get(0) : na, show_pivots ? na_lo_line.get(0) : na, show_labels ? na_hi_label.get(0) : na, show_labels ? na_lo_label.get(0) : na, show_labels, show_kz ? na_box.get(0) : na)
else if not t_na and na_hi_line.size() > 0
if not na_stop_hi
[_r, _b] = check_high(na_hi_line.get(0))
if _r
na_stop_hi := true
if _b
na_broke_hi := true
if na_alert
alert("Broke " + str.tostring(nah_str), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
if not na_stop_lo
[_r, _b] = check_low(na_lo_line.get(0))
if _r
na_stop_lo := true
if _b
na_broke_lo := true
if na_alert
alert("Broke " + str.tostring(nal_str), alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// NY Lunch
if use_nylu
if t_nl and not t_nl[1]
nl_stop_hi := false
nl_stop_lo := false

if show_kz
nl_box.unshift(, high, bar_index, low, border_color = nl_box_color, bgcolor = nl_box_color, text = show_kz_text ? nylu_text : na, text_color = nl_text_color))

if show_pivots
nl_hi_line.unshift(, high, bar_index, high, style = s_style, color = nl_color, width = s_width))
nl_lo_line.unshift(, low, bar_index, low, style = s_style, color = nl_color, width = s_width))

if show_labels
nl_hi_label.unshift(, high, nlh_str, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, style = label.style_label_down, size = lb_size))
nl_lo_label.unshift(, low, nll_str, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, style = label.style_label_up, size = lb_size))
else if t_nl
adjust(show_pivots ? nl_hi_line.get(0) : na, show_pivots ? nl_lo_line.get(0) : na, show_labels ? nl_hi_label.get(0) : na, show_labels ? nl_lo_label.get(0) : na, show_labels, show_kz ? nl_box.get(0) : na)
else if not t_nl and nl_hi_line.size() > 0
if not nl_stop_hi
[_r, _b] = check_high(nl_hi_line.get(0))
if _r
nl_stop_hi := true
if _b
nl_broke_hi := true
if nl_alert
alert("Broke " + str.tostring(nlh_str), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
if not nl_stop_lo
[_r, _b] = check_low(nl_lo_line.get(0))
if _r
nl_stop_lo := true
if _b
nl_broke_lo := true
if nl_alert
alert("Broke " + str.tostring(nll_str), alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// NY PM
if use_nypm
if t_np and not t_np[1]
np_stop_hi := false
np_stop_lo := false

if show_kz
np_box.unshift(, high, bar_index, low, border_color = np_box_color, bgcolor = np_box_color, text = show_kz_text ? nypm_text : na, text_color = np_text_color))

if show_pivots
np_hi_line.unshift(, high, bar_index, high, style = s_style, color = np_color, width = s_width))
np_lo_line.unshift(, low, bar_index, low, style = s_style, color = np_color, width = s_width))

if show_labels
np_hi_label.unshift(, high, nph_str, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, style = label.style_label_down, size = lb_size))
np_lo_label.unshift(, low, npl_str, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, style = label.style_label_up, size = lb_size))
else if t_np
adjust(show_pivots ? np_hi_line.get(0) : na, show_pivots ? np_lo_line.get(0) : na, show_labels ? np_hi_label.get(0) : na, show_labels ? np_lo_label.get(0) : na, show_labels, show_kz ? np_box.get(0) : na)
else if not t_np and np_hi_line.size() > 0
if not np_stop_hi
[_r, _b] = check_high(np_hi_line.get(0))
if _r
np_stop_hi := true
if _b
np_broke_hi := true
if np_alert
alert("Broke " + str.tostring(nph_str), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
if not np_stop_lo
[_r, _b] = check_low(np_lo_line.get(0))
if _r
np_stop_lo := true
if _b
np_broke_lo := true
if np_alert
alert("Broke " + str.tostring(npl_str), alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// Vertical Lines
if use_v1
if t_v1 and not t_v1[1]
v1_line.unshift(, high, bar_index, low, style = v_style, width = v_width, extend = extend.both, color = v1_color))
if use_v2
if t_v2 and not t_v2[1]
v2_line.unshift(, high, bar_index, low, style = v_style, width = v_width, extend = extend.both, color = v2_color))
if use_v3
if t_v3 and not t_v3[1]
v3_line.unshift(, high, bar_index, low, style = v_style, width = v_width, extend = extend.both, color = v3_color))
if use_v4
if t_v4 and not t_v4[1]
v4_line.unshift(, high, bar_index, low, style = v_style, width = v_width, extend = extend.both, color = v4_color))
if use_v5
if t_v5 and not t_v5[1]
v5_line.unshift(, high, bar_index, low, style = v_style, width = v_width, extend = extend.both, color = v5_color))
if use_v6
if t_v6 and not t_v6[1]
v6_line.unshift(, high, bar_index, low, style = v_style, width = v_width, extend = extend.both, color = v6_color))

// Horizontal Lines
if use_h1
if t_h1 and not t_h1[1]
h1_co := false

h1_line.unshift(, open, bar_index, open, style = h_style, width = h_width, color = h1_color))
h1_label.unshift(, open, h1_text, style = label.style_label_left, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, size = lb_size))
else if not t_h1 and h1_line.size() > 0
if not h1_co
if not check_open(h1_line.get(0), h1_label.get(0))
h1_co := true

if use_h2
if t_h2 and not t_h2[1]
h2_co := false

h2_line.unshift(, open, bar_index, open, style = h_style, width = h_width, color = h2_color))
h2_label.unshift(, open, h2_text, style = label.style_label_left, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, size = lb_size))
else if not t_h2 and h2_line.size() > 0
if not h2_co
if not check_open(h2_line.get(0), h2_label.get(0))
h2_co := true

if use_h3
if t_h3 and not t_h3[1]
h3_co := false

h3_line.unshift(, open, bar_index, open, style = h_style, width = h_width, color = h3_color))
h3_label.unshift(, open, h3_text, style = label.style_label_left, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, size = lb_size))
else if not t_h3 and h3_line.size() > 0
if not h3_co
if not check_open(h3_line.get(0), h3_label.get(0))
h3_co := true

if use_h4
if t_h4 and not t_h4[1]
h4_co := false

h4_line.unshift(, open, bar_index, open, style = h_style, width = h_width, color = h4_color))
h4_label.unshift(, open, h4_text, style = label.style_label_left, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, size = lb_size))
else if not t_h4 and h4_line.size() > 0
if not h4_co
if not check_open(h4_line.get(0), h4_label.get(0))
h4_co := true

// DWM - Separators
if ds
if d_o != d_o[1]
d_sep_line.unshift(, high, bar_index, low, style = dwm_style, width = dwm_width, extend = extend.both, color = d_color))
if ws
if w_o != w_o[1]
w_sep_line.unshift(, high, bar_index, low, style = dwm_style, width = dwm_width, extend = extend.both, color = w_color))
if ms
if m_o != m_o[1]
m_sep_line.unshift(, high, bar_index, low, style = dwm_style, width = dwm_width, extend = extend.both, color = m_color))

// DWM - Open Lines
if show_d_open
if d_o != d_o[1]
d_line.unshift(, d_o, bar_index, d_o, style = dwm_style, width = dwm_width, color = d_color))
d_label.unshift(, d_o, d_open_str, style = label.style_label_left, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, size = lb_size))
else if d_line.size() > 0
if not check_open(d_line.get(0), d_label.get(0))

if show_w_open
if w_o != w_o[1]
w_line.unshift(, w_o, bar_index, w_o, style = dwm_style, width = dwm_width, color = w_color))
w_label.unshift(, w_o, w_open_str, style = label.style_label_left, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, size = lb_size))
else if w_line.size() > 0
if not check_open(w_line.get(0), w_label.get(0))

if show_m_open
if m_o != m_o[1]
m_line.unshift(, m_o, bar_index, m_o, style = dwm_style, width = dwm_width, color = m_color))
m_label.unshift(, m_o, m_open_str, style = label.style_label_left, color = transparent, textcolor = lb_color, size = lb_size))
else if m_line.size() > 0
if not check_open(m_line.get(0), m_label.get(0))

new_dow_time = dow_xloc == 'Midday' ? time - timeframe.in_seconds("D") / 2 * 1000 : time
new_day = dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz) != dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz)[1]
dow_top = dow_yloc == 'Top'

monday = "MONDAY"
tuesday = "TUESDAY"
wednesday = "WEDNESDAY"
thursday = "THURSDAY"
friday = "FRIDAY"

plotchar(dow_labels and timeframe.isintraday and dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz) == 2 and new_day, location = dow_top ? : location.bottom, char = "", textcolor = dow_color, text = monday)
plotchar(dow_labels and timeframe.isintraday and dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz) == 3 and new_day, location = dow_top ? : location.bottom, char = "", textcolor = dow_color, text = tuesday)
plotchar(dow_labels and timeframe.isintraday and dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz) == 4 and new_day, location = dow_top ? : location.bottom, char = "", textcolor = dow_color, text = wednesday)
plotchar(dow_labels and timeframe.isintraday and dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz) == 5 and new_day, location = dow_top ? : location.bottom, char = "", textcolor = dow_color, text = thursday)
plotchar(dow_labels and timeframe.isintraday and dayofweek(new_dow_time, gmt_tz) == 6 and new_day, location = dow_top ? : location.bottom, char = "", textcolor = dow_color, text = friday)









if not ds_unlimited
if not ws_unlimited
if not ms_unlimited
// ---------------------------------------- Core Logic --------------------------------------------------
CyclesPine utilitiessentiment

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