2-Year MA Multiplier

This is a recreation of the chart from "Bitcoin Investor Tool: 2-Year MA Multiplier" at lookintobitcoin by Philip Swift.

It gives an idea of BTC swings on a 2 year period with the highs being marked by 5x the 2 year SMA. This could be useful on other alts like LTC and Eth.


// based on Bitcoin Investor Tool: 2-Year MA Multiplier
// lookintobitcoin com/charts/bitcoin-investor-tool/
study(title="2-Year MA", overlay=true)
avg = sma(close, 730)
avgMult = avg*5
avgPlot=plot(avg, color = green, linewidth = 1)
avgMultPlot=plot(avgMult, color = red, linewidth = 1)

fill(avgPlot, avgMultPlot)
Moving AveragesTrend Analysis

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