Library "lib_smc"
This is an adaptation of LuxAlgo's Smart Money Concepts indicator with numerous changes. Main changes include integration of object based plotting, plenty of performance improvements, live tracking of Order Blocks, integration of volume profiles to refine Order Blocks, and many more.
This is a library for developers, if you want this converted into a working strategy, let me know.
buffer(item, len, force_rotate)
item (float)
len (int)
force_rotate (bool)
buffer(item, len, force_rotate)
item (int)
len (int)
force_rotate (bool)
buffer(item, len, force_rotate)
item (Profile type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
len (int)
force_rotate (bool)
INTERNAL: detect swing points (HH and LL) in given range
len (simple int): range to check for new swing points
Returns: [idx, hh, ll] values are the price level where and if a new HH or LL was detected, else na
method init(this)
Namespace types: OrderBlockConfig
this (OrderBlockConfig)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
this (OrderBlock)
method clear_broken(this, broken_buffer)
INTERNAL: delete internal order blocks box coordinates if top/bottom is broken
Namespace types: map<int, OrderBlock>
this (map<int, OrderBlock>)
broken_buffer (map<int, OrderBlock>)
Returns: any_bull_ob_broken, any_bear_ob_broken, broken signals are true if an according order block was broken/mitigated, broken contains the broken block(s)
create_ob(id, mode, start_t, start_i, top, end_t, end_i, bottom, break_price, early_confirmation_price, config, init_plot, force_overlay)
INTERNAL: set internal order block coordinates
id (int)
mode (int): 1: bullish, -1 bearish block
start_t (int)
start_i (int)
top (float)
end_t (int)
end_i (int)
bottom (float)
break_price (float)
early_confirmation_price (float)
config (OrderBlockConfig)
init_plot (bool)
force_overlay (bool)
Returns: [any_bull_ob_broken, any_bear_ob_broken] signals are true if an according order block was broken/mitigated
method align_to_profile(block, align_edge, align_break_price)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
block (OrderBlock)
align_edge (bool)
align_break_price (bool)
method create_profile(block, opens, tops, bottoms, closes, values, resolution, vah_pc, val_pc, args, init_calculated, init_plot, force_overlay)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
block (OrderBlock)
opens (array<float>)
tops (array<float>)
bottoms (array<float>)
closes (array<float>)
values (array<float>)
resolution (int)
vah_pc (float)
val_pc (float)
args (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
init_calculated (bool)
init_plot (bool)
force_overlay (bool)
method create_profile(block, resolution, vah_pc, val_pc, args, init_calculated, init_plot, force_overlay)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
block (OrderBlock)
resolution (int)
vah_pc (float)
val_pc (float)
args (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
init_calculated (bool)
init_plot (bool)
force_overlay (bool)
track_obs(swing_len, hh, ll, top, btm, bull_bos_alert, bull_choch_alert, bear_bos_alert, bear_choch_alert, min_block_size, max_block_size, config_bull, config_bear, init_plot, force_overlay, enabled, extend_blocks, clear_broken_buffer_before, align_edge_to_value_area, align_break_price_to_poc, profile_args_bull, profile_args_bear, use_soft_confirm, soft_confirm_offset, use_retracements_with_FVG_out)
swing_len (int)
hh (float)
ll (float)
top (float)
btm (float)
bull_bos_alert (bool)
bull_choch_alert (bool)
bear_bos_alert (bool)
bear_choch_alert (bool)
min_block_size (float)
max_block_size (float)
config_bull (OrderBlockConfig)
config_bear (OrderBlockConfig)
init_plot (bool)
force_overlay (bool)
enabled (bool)
extend_blocks (simple bool)
clear_broken_buffer_before (simple bool)
align_edge_to_value_area (simple bool)
align_break_price_to_poc (simple bool)
profile_args_bull (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
profile_args_bear (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
use_soft_confirm (simple bool)
soft_confirm_offset (float)
use_retracements_with_FVG_out (simple bool)
method draw(this, config, extend_only)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
this (OrderBlock)
config (OrderBlockConfig)
extend_only (bool)
method draw(blocks, config)
INTERNAL: plot order blocks
Namespace types: array<OrderBlock>
blocks (array<OrderBlock>)
config (OrderBlockConfig)
method draw(blocks, config)
INTERNAL: plot order blocks
Namespace types: map<int, OrderBlock>
blocks (map<int, OrderBlock>)
config (OrderBlockConfig)
method cleanup(this, ob_bull, ob_bear)
removes all Profiles that are older than the latest OrderBlock from this profile buffer
Namespace types: array<PF.Profile>
this (array<Profile> type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
ob_bull (OrderBlock)
ob_bear (OrderBlock)
_plot_swing_points(mode, x, y, show_swing_points, linecolor_swings, keep_history, show_latest_swings_levels, trail_x, trail_y, trend)
INTERNAL: plot swing points
mode (int): 1: bullish, -1 bearish block
x (int): x-coordingate of swing point to plot (bar_index)
y (float): y-coordingate of swing point to plot (price)
show_swing_points (bool): switch to enable/disable plotting of swing point labels
linecolor_swings (color): color for swing point labels and lates level lines
keep_history (bool): weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
show_latest_swings_levels (bool)
trail_x (int): x-coordinate for latest swing point (bar_index)
trail_y (float): y-coordinate for latest swing point (price)
trend (int): the current trend 1: bullish, -1: bearish, to determine Strong/Weak Low/Highs
_pivot_lvl(mode, trend, hhll_x, hhll, super_hhll, filter_insignificant_internal_breaks)
INTERNAL: detect whether a structural level has been broken and if it was in trend direction (BoS) or against trend direction (ChoCh), also track the latest high and low swing points
mode (simple int): detect 1: bullish, -1 bearish pivot points
trend (int): current trend direction
hhll_x (int): x-coordinate of newly detected hh/ll (bar_index)
hhll (float): y-coordinate of newly detected hh/ll (price)
super_hhll (float): level/y-coordinate of superior hhll (if this is an internal structure pivot level)
filter_insignificant_internal_breaks (bool): if true pivot points / internal structure will be ignored where the wick in trend direction is longer than the opposite (likely to push further in direction of main trend)
Returns: [x, y, trail_x, trail_y, bos_alert, choch_alert] coordinates of internal structure that has been broken (x,y): start of structure, (trail_x, trail_y): tracking hh/ll after structure break, (bos_alert, choch_alert): signal whether a structural level has been broken
_plot_structure(x, y, is_bos, is_choch, line_color, line_style, label_style, label_size, keep_history)
INTERNAL: plot structural breaks (BoS/ChoCh)
x (int): x-coordinate of newly broken structure (bar_index)
y (float): y-coordinate of newly broken structure (price)
is_bos (bool): whether this structural break was in trend direction
is_choch (bool): whether this structural break was against trend direction
line_color (color): color for the line connecting the structural level and the breaking candle
line_style (string): style (line.style_dashed/solid) for the line connecting the structural level and the breaking candle
label_style (string): style (label.style_label_down/up) for the label above/below the line connecting the structural level and the breaking candle
label_size (string): size (size.small/tiny) for the label above/below the line connecting the structural level and the breaking candle
keep_history (bool): weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
structure_values(length, super_hh, super_ll, filter_insignificant_internal_breaks)
detect (and plot) structural breaks and the resulting new trend
length (simple int): lookback period for swing point detection
super_hh (float): level/y-coordinate of superior hh (for internal structure detection)
super_ll (float): level/y-coordinate of superior ll (for internal structure detection)
filter_insignificant_internal_breaks (bool): if true pivot points / internal structure will be ignored where the wick in trend direction is longer than the opposite (likely to push further in direction of main trend)
Returns: [trend, bull_bos_alert, bull_choch_alert, top_x, top_y, trail_up_x, trail_up, hh, bear_bos_alert, bear_choch_alert, btm_x, btm_y, trail_dn_x, trail_dn, ll, hhll_x] trend: direction 1:bullish -1:bearish, (bull_bos_alert, bull_choch_alert, top_x, top_y, trail_up_x, trail_up): whether and which level broke in a bullish direction, trailing high, (bbear_bos_alert, bear_choch_alert, tm_x, btm_y, trail_dn_x, trail_dn): same in bearish direction
structure_plot(trend, bull_bos_alert, bull_choch_alert, top_x, top_y, trail_up_x, trail_up, hh, bear_bos_alert, bear_choch_alert, btm_x, btm_y, trail_dn_x, trail_dn, ll, color_bull, color_bear, show_swing_points, show_latest_swings_levels, show_bos, show_choch, line_style, label_size, keep_history)
detect (and plot) structural breaks and the resulting new trend
trend (int): crrent trend 1: bullish, -1: bearish
bull_bos_alert (bool): if there was a bullish bos alert -> plot it
bull_choch_alert (bool): if there was a bullish choch alert -> plot it
top_x (int): latest shwing high x
top_y (float): latest swing high y
trail_up_x (int): trailing high x
trail_up (float): trailing high y
hh (float): if there was a higher high
bear_bos_alert (bool): if there was a bearish bos alert -> plot it
bear_choch_alert (bool): if there was a bearish chock alert -> plot it
btm_x (int): latest swing low x
btm_y (float): latest swing low y
trail_dn_x (int): trailing low x
trail_dn (float): trailing low y
ll (float): if there was a lower low
color_bull (color): color for bullish BoS/ChoCh levels
color_bear (color): color for bearish BoS/ChoCh levels
show_swing_points (bool): whether to plot swing point labels
show_latest_swings_levels (bool): whether to track and plot latest swing point levels with lines
show_bos (bool): whether to plot BoS levels
show_choch (bool): whether to plot ChoCh levels
line_style (string): whether to plot BoS levels
label_size (string): label size of plotted BoS/ChoCh levels
keep_history (bool): weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
structure(length, color_bull, color_bear, super_hh, super_ll, filter_insignificant_internal_breaks, show_swing_points, show_latest_swings_levels, show_bos, show_choch, line_style, label_size, keep_history, enabled)
detect (and plot) structural breaks and the resulting new trend
length (simple int): lookback period for swing point detection
color_bull (color): color for bullish BoS/ChoCh levels
color_bear (color): color for bearish BoS/ChoCh levels
super_hh (float): level/y-coordinate of superior hh (for internal structure detection)
super_ll (float): level/y-coordinate of superior ll (for internal structure detection)
filter_insignificant_internal_breaks (bool): if true pivot points / internal structure will be ignored where the wick in trend direction is longer than the opposite (likely to push further in direction of main trend)
show_swing_points (bool): whether to plot swing point labels
show_latest_swings_levels (bool): whether to track and plot latest swing point levels with lines
show_bos (bool): whether to plot BoS levels
show_choch (bool): whether to plot ChoCh levels
line_style (string): whether to plot BoS levels
label_size (string): label size of plotted BoS/ChoCh levels
keep_history (bool): weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
enabled (bool)
_check_equal_level(mode, len, eq_threshold, enabled)
INTERNAL: detect equal levels (double top/bottom)
mode (int): detect 1: bullish/high, -1 bearish/low pivot points
len (int): lookback period for equal level (swing point) detection
eq_threshold (float): maximum price offset for a level to be considered equal
enabled (bool)
Returns: [eq_alert, x1, y1, x2, y2] eq_alert whether an equal level was detected and coordinates of the first and the second level/swing point
_plot_equal_level(show_eq, x1, y1, x2, y2, label_txt, label_style, label_size, line_color, line_style, keep_history)
INTERNAL: plot equal levels (double top/bottom)
show_eq (bool): whether to plot the level or not
x1 (int): x-coordinate of the first level / swing point
y1 (float): y-coordinate of the first level / swing point
x2 (int): x-coordinate of the second level / swing point
y2 (float): y-coordinate of the second level / swing point
label_txt (string): text for the label above/below the line connecting the equal levels
label_style (string): style (label.style_label_down/up) for the label above/below the line connecting the equal levels
label_size (string): size (size.tiny) for the label above/below the line connecting the equal levels
line_color (color): color for the line connecting the equal levels (and it's label)
line_style (string): style (line.style_dotted) for the line connecting the equal levels
keep_history (bool): weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
equal_levels_values(len, threshold, enabled)
detect (and plot) equal levels (double top/bottom), returns coordinates
len (int): lookback period for equal level (swing point) detection
threshold (float): maximum price offset for a level to be considered equal
enabled (bool): whether detection is enabled
Returns: [eqh_alert, eqh_x1, eqh_y1, eqh_x2, eqh_y2, eql_alert, eql_x1, eql_y1, eql_x2, eql_y2] (eqh_alert, eqh_x1, eqh_y1, eqh_x2, eqh_y2) whether an equal high was detected and coordinates of the first and the second level/swing point, (eql_alert, eql_x1, eql_y1, eql_x2, eql_y2) same for equal lows
equal_levels_plot(eqh_x1, eqh_y1, eqh_x2, eqh_y2, eql_x1, eql_y1, eql_x2, eql_y2, color_eqh, color_eql, show, keep_history)
detect (and plot) equal levels (double top/bottom), returns coordinates
eqh_x1 (int): coordinates of first point of equal high
eqh_y1 (float): coordinates of first point of equal high
eqh_x2 (int): coordinates of second point of equal high
eqh_y2 (float): coordinates of second point of equal high
eql_x1 (int): coordinates of first point of equal low
eql_y1 (float): coordinates of first point of equal low
eql_x2 (int): coordinates of second point of equal low
eql_y2 (float): coordinates of second point of equal low
color_eqh (color): color for the line connecting the equal highs (and it's label)
color_eql (color): color for the line connecting the equal lows (and it's label)
show (bool): whether plotting is enabled
keep_history (bool): weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
Returns: [eqh_alert, eqh_x1, eqh_y1, eqh_x2, eqh_y2, eql_alert, eql_x1, eql_y1, eql_x2, eql_y2] (eqh_alert, eqh_x1, eqh_y1, eqh_x2, eqh_y2) whether an equal high was detected and coordinates of the first and the second level/swing point, (eql_alert, eql_x1, eql_y1, eql_x2, eql_y2) same for equal lows
equal_levels(len, threshold, color_eqh, color_eql, enabled, show, keep_history)
detect (and plot) equal levels (double top/bottom)
len (int): lookback period for equal level (swing point) detection
threshold (float): maximum price offset for a level to be considered equal
color_eqh (color): color for the line connecting the equal highs (and it's label)
color_eql (color): color for the line connecting the equal lows (and it's label)
enabled (bool): whether detection is enabled
show (bool): whether plotting is enabled
keep_history (bool): weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
Returns: [eqh_alert, eql_alert] (eqh_alert) whether an equal high was detected, (eql_alert) same for equal lows
_detect_fvg(mode, enabled, o, h, l, c, filter_insignificant_fvgs, change_tf)
INTERNAL: detect FVG (fair value gap)
mode (int): detect 1: bullish, -1 bearish gaps
enabled (bool): whether detection is enabled
o (float): reference source open
h (float): reference source high
l (float): reference source low
c (float): reference source close
filter_insignificant_fvgs (bool): whether to calculate and filter small/insignificant gaps
change_tf (bool): signal when the previous reference timeframe closed, triggers new calculation
Returns: [cnd, top, mid, btm] whether a new FVG was detected and its top/mid/bottom levels
_clear_broken_fvg(mode, upper_boxes, lower_boxes)
INTERNAL: clear mitigated FVGs (fair value gaps)
mode (int): detect 1: bullish, -1 bearish gaps
upper_boxes (array<box>): array<box> that stores the upper parts of the FVG boxes
lower_boxes (array<box>): array<box> that stores the lower parts of the FVG boxes
_plot_fvg(mode, show, top, mid, btm, border_color, extend_box)
INTERNAL: plot (and clear broken) FVG (fair value gap)
mode (int): plot 1: bullish, -1 bearish gap
show (bool): whether plotting is enabled
top (float): top level of fvg
mid (float): center level of fvg
btm (float): bottom level of fvg
border_color (color): color for the FVG box
extend_box (int): how many bars into the future the FVG box should be extended after detection
fvgs_values(o, h, l, c, filter_insignificant_fvgs, change_tf, enabled)
detect (and plot / clear broken) FVGs (fair value gaps), and return alerts and level values
o (float): reference source open
h (float): reference source high
l (float): reference source low
c (float): reference source close
filter_insignificant_fvgs (bool): whether to calculate and filter small/insignificant gaps
change_tf (bool): signal when the previous reference timeframe closed, triggers new calculation
enabled (bool): whether detection is enabled
Returns: [bullish_fvg_alert, bull_top, bull_mid, bull_btm, bearish_fvg_alert, bear_top, bear_mid, bear_btm] (bullish_fvg_alert, bull_top, bull_mid, bull_btm): whether a new bullish FVG was detected and its top/mid/bottom levels, (bearish_fvg_alert, bear_top, bear_mid, bear_btm): same for bearish FVGs
fvgs_plot(bullish_fvg_alert, bull_top, bull_mid, bull_btm, bearish_fvg_alert, bear_top, bear_mid, bear_btm, color_bull, color_bear, extend_box, show)
bullish_fvg_alert (bool)
bull_top (float)
bull_mid (float)
bull_btm (float)
bearish_fvg_alert (bool)
bear_top (float)
bear_mid (float)
bear_btm (float)
color_bull (color): color for bullish FVG boxes
color_bear (color): color for bearish FVG boxes
extend_box (int): how many bars into the future the FVG box should be extended after detection
show (bool): whether plotting is enabled
Returns: [bullish_fvg_alert, bull_top, bull_mid, bull_btm, bearish_fvg_alert, bear_top, bear_mid, bear_btm] (bullish_fvg_alert, bull_top, bull_mid, bull_btm): whether a new bullish FVG was detected and its top/mid/bottom levels, (bearish_fvg_alert, bear_top, bear_mid, bear_btm): same for bearish FVGs
fvgs(o, h, l, c, filter_insignificant_fvgs, change_tf, color_bull, color_bear, extend_box, enabled, show)
detect (and plot / clear broken) FVGs (fair value gaps)
o (float): reference source open
h (float): reference source high
l (float): reference source low
c (float): reference source close
filter_insignificant_fvgs (bool): whether to calculate and filter small/insignificant gaps
change_tf (bool): signal when the previous reference timeframe closed, triggers new calculation
color_bull (color): color for bullish FVG boxes
color_bear (color): color for bearish FVG boxes
extend_box (int): how many bars into the future the FVG box should be extended after detection
enabled (bool): whether detection is enabled
show (bool): whether plotting is enabled
Returns: [bullish_fvg_alert, bearish_fvg_alert] (bullish_fvg_alert): whether a new bullish FVG was detected, (bearish_fvg_alert): same for bearish FVGs
id (series int)
dir (series int)
left_top (chart.point)
right_bottom (chart.point)
break_price (series float)
early_confirmation_price (series float)
ltf_high (array<float>)
ltf_low (array<float>)
ltf_volume (array<float>)
plot (Box type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
profile (Profile type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
trailing (series bool)
extending (series bool)
awaiting_confirmation (series bool)
touched_break_price_before_confirmation (series bool)
soft_confirmed (series bool)
has_fvg_out (series bool)
hidden (series bool)
broken (series bool)
show (series bool)
show_last (series int)
show_id (series bool)
show_profile (series bool)
args (BoxArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
txt (series string)
txt_args (BoxTextArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
delete_when_broken (series bool)
broken_args (BoxArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
broken_txt (series string)
broken_txt_args (BoxTextArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
broken_profile_args (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
use_profile (series bool)
profile_args (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)