ETH Long/Short Ratio BITFINEX - (ALPHRACTAL)Indicator Description: ETH Long/Short Ratio BITFINEX - (ALPHRACTAL)
The ETH Long/Short Ratio BITFINEX - (ALPHRACTAL) indicator provides a detailed analysis of Ethereum (ETH) long and short positions in USD and USDT on the Bitfinex exchange. This indicator is ideal for traders who want to monitor market behavior and better understand the relationship between long and short positions.
USD and USDT Long/Short Ratio:
Calculates and displays the ratio between long and short ETH positions in USD and USDT.
Helps identify market trends and the relative strength between buyers and sellers.
Color Configuration:
Allows customization of chart colors for clear and distinct visualization of USD and USDT ratios.
Uses colors with adjustable transparency to enhance chart visibility.
Label Display:
Option to show or hide labels indicating the type of ratio (USD or USDT) at the latest chart value.
Labels are useful for quickly identifying the visualized ratio.
Display Control:
Option to enable or disable the display of individual USD and USDT ratio charts.
Flexibility to view only the relevant data for your analysis.
How to Use:
Add the indicator to your chart to visualize the long/short ratios of ETH in USD and USDT.
Adjust colors and transparency as per your preference for better visual distinction.
Use the option to show or hide labels for quick identification of the data.
Analyze the relationship between long and short positions to make informed trading decisions, observing market buying and selling trends.
Example Use Cases:
Market Sentiment Analysis: An increase in the Long/Short ratio may indicate bullish sentiment among traders, while a decrease may indicate bearish sentiment.
Identifying Opportunities: Significant discrepancies between USD and USDT ratios may signal arbitrage opportunities or alert to significant market movements.
This indicator is a powerful tool for Ethereum traders who want a deeper understanding of market behavior and the dynamics of long and short positions on Bitfinex. Add the ETH Long/Short Ratio BITFINEX - (ALPHRACTAL) to your technical analysis toolkit and gain an edge in your trading strategy.
Bitfinex Shorts StratOverview
This strat applies the data from BITFINEX:USDSHORTS to the RSI indicator in order to provide SHORT/LONG entries as the number of contracts goes up and down. Although Bitfinex has lost relevance over the years its generally considered an exchange dominated by smart money rather than retail. I'd like to see if any insights can be gained by following their trading behaviour.
How to use
Select the underlying security you wish to trade and load the indicator. Select the appropriate short security by searching in the Bitfinex Short Symbol. RSI settings apply to short symbol not the actual asset. Strategy shorts the underlying asset when shorts rise and longs when they drop. The shorts symbol will follow the value of the loaded chart. Works best on 4 hour chart.
Why use shorts only rather than both long/shorts?
Bitfinex longs seem to be on a long-term uptrend accounting for 25x the number of shorts. Might be enormous confidence on part of the whales, but more likely reflects selling spot and buying perp. Given the size disparity and price action I don't think longs info is adding much.
Problems with script:
a) We don't really know the intentions of short players (e.g. speculation or hedging spot)
b) The script uses a decline in shorts as a long signal
c) RSI is a blunt tool there are probably better options for calculating high/lows in shorts
d) Shorts are accumulated both at highs and also when BTC price is already heavily trending down. This suggests some are speculative (at the highs) or protective/hedging during a decline
Based on this strat Bitfinex whales are more wrong than right.
Results don't carry across well into altcoins using the accompanying short symbol. However, what is interesting is that applying the BITFINEX:BTCUSDSHORTS to altcoin charts does work pretty well.
Strat needs some refinement to control for entries under different circumstances.
Probably not a great idea to use this as a strategy in isolation, but highlights how Bitfinex whale behaviour is a good gauge to follow.
WhaleCrew Long/Short Ratio (Bitfinex)Shows the long/short ratio (amount of longs per short) on ANY Bitfinex pair (BTCUSD, ETHUSD, ADAUSD, ...).
Bitfinex Spot PremiumOverview
A tool to display the spot price premium of Bitfinex coins vs the other big 3 exchanges.
Premium is calculated against:
- Coinbase
- Binance
The average is calculated through volume weighting. The absolute difference between the Bitfinex spot price and the calculated average is then displayed on the histogram.
Interacting with the tool
Colours: Green bars indicate a positive premium (Bitfinex spot price is greater than the average), Red bars indicate a negative premium. The ability to grey out smaller premiums is also enabled with the "Grey Small Vals" checkbox, this can be used to further emphasise larger premiums.
Ticker: The ticker input allows you to detect the Bitfinex premium for any coin traded within all 4 exchanges (Bitfinex, Coinbase, Binance, FTX). Just input the coins ticker symbol, for example, "BTC", "ETH", "UNI".
Indicator Ideology
Bitfinex is known for being the home of crypto "smart money". Therefore, positive premiums indicate stronger buying from "smart money". Although this premium is a good sign of bullish/ bearish market conditions, for example, consecutive days of a negative Bitfinex premium have been pretty good at indicating short term tops in BTC, this indicator should only be used as a confirmation signal.
Ultimate 'Multi-Timeframe' Multi-Averages + Bitfinex Margin %Added Bitfinex % longs and shorts to the "Ultimate Multitimeframe Multiaverages" indicator.
It works with all coins using charts from Bitfinex.
Bitfinex Long Short Per Periodshows degen activity for whatever time period
light blue = short close
red = short open
green = long open
yellow = long close
i have opened the source for this because its ez and i love taylor swift
Finex PremiumBitfinex:BTCUSD premium/discount compared to market average spot exchanges.
Smoothed option available.
StonkBTC - autoswitch secondary series for scalpersSince the drop in March of 2020, the U.S. ETF , SPY, has been correlated with bitcoin's moves, especially during the NY session.
This tool is meant to help traders who want to take advantage of that without having to switch the secondary series between BTCUSD and (generally) SPY when changing the ticker they are viewing.
How this works:
The indicator will automatically switch between bitcoin or equity index depending on what ticker your current chart is. Ideally this tool would be very simple to use.
Show/hide a 'track price' line
Index choice of SP500, Nasdaq 100, and Russell 2000. Further selection by ETF, futures, and CFD
Varied bitcoin price sources
You will need a separate subscription to TradingView to view realtime CME futures data (if not, it will be delayed by 10 minutes). Because of this, the default option chosen is the CFD for the most complete chart when viewing bitcoin.
NY Core Trading Session: 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET
Bitfinex Long/Short Delta (Longs - Shorts)Bitfinex Long/Short Delta (Longs - Shorts)
Longs = Green
Shorts = Red
Delta = Yellow
Bitfinex vs. Mex IndexBitfinex price vs. Bitmex index price, as a percentage. Bitmex index is an equally weighted average of Coinbase, Bitstamp & Kraken prices.
Dividing 2 symbolsHello Traders
This indicator is used to divide two assets between them. Why you would ask ?
For instance, in crypto trading, traders often look at the ratio Longs/Shorts or Shorts/Longs to figure out which side is leading the market and use this information as a powerful hedge for their next trade
stress Birfinex and BitmexThis script identifies stress points in the major exchanges, recommended use in 1h.
Finex PremiumThis is a simple script for the Bitfinex premium against Bitstamp
Easy to modify values
Bitfinex Sentiment Index [Long-Short]BSI provides two attractive graphs that breakdown the long (green area) and short (red area) positions ratio for the all Bitfinex margin cryptocurrency pairs only .
It is a quantitative measure of the bullishness or bearishness that can be used as a trading rule or in a trading system entries or exits. Included slow stochastic oscillator.
Bitfinex SHORTS/LONGS - Contrarian Trend - JDA script indicating BFX sentiment through the current long and short positions.
-The histogram shows the dominant position.
-The line on the bottom shows the expected market direction from a contrarian standpoint.
PS. cudo's to @alexgrover for the quad-reg function!!
#NotTradingAdvice #DYOR
All Longs Shorts USDSummary longs, shorts of cryptos ( BTC ETH EOS XRP LTC XMR) in millions USD on Bitfinex.
Detethered Price - Removing Tether FluctuationsAutodetects if a ticker is on a USDT dominated exchange and whether or not the pairing is in USDT value or BTC value.
Candles are then plotted to show the true value.
Bitfinex Longs/Shorts Ratio AlertableThis script contains Bitfinex longs/short ratio and generates alarms with a given input .default value is 60 which means alerts when either shorts/longs reach 60:40 ratio
Volume + Margin Toolkit (Longs & Shorts)-predicts volume on current bar based on how long is left in the bar
-shows how much volume is spent on margin positions
-shows how much buy & sell volume on margin positions
-shows volume in fiat value
-normalized view shows percent of volume spent on margin
-enter the security name for shorts & longs data, by default it is set to BITFINEX:BTCUSDLONGS and BTCUSDSHORTS.