[blackcat] L3 Volatility Ehlers Stochastic CGOOVERVIEW
This advanced indicator integrates the Center of Gravity Oscillator (CGO) with an Ehlers-Stochastic framework and an Adaptive Local Minimum-Maximum Average (ALMA) smoothing algorithm. Designed for non-overlaid charts, it identifies market momentum shifts by analyzing price action through multi-layer volatility analysis.
• Dual-line system:
✓ Stochastic CGO: Core oscillating line derived from weighted OHLC price calculations
✓ ALMA Lagging Line: Smoothing component using customizable offset/sigma parameters
• Dynamic color scheme:
✓ Green/red trend differentiation via crossover comparison
✓ Optional fill areas between lines (toggleable)
• Clear trade signals:
✓ Buy/Sell labels triggered by mathematically defined crossovers
✓ Zero-reference baseline marker (#0ebb23)
• Customizable parameters:
Fast Length (9 default) controls CGO sensitivity
Slow Length (5 default) governs ALMA responsiveness
ALMA Offset/Sigma allow adaptive curve optimization
Configure core parameters:
• Adjust Fast Length (CGO timeframe window)
• Set Slow Length, ALMA Offset, and Sigma for smoother/laggier response
Interpret visuals:
• Bullish trend = green shaded zone (when primary line above lagging line)
• Bearish trend = red shaded zone (primary line below lagging line)
Analyze signals:
• Buy triggers occur when rising CGO crosses above ALMA while below zero
• Sell triggers activate when falling CGO breaks below ALMA after exceeding zero base
Optimize display:
✓ Enable/disable fill area via Fill Between Lines
• Relies heavily on lookback periods - rapid market changes may reduce predictive accuracy
• Signal frequency increases during high-volatility environments
• Requires additional confirmation methods due to occasional premature crossovers
• Default parameter settings may lack universality across asset classes
• Best paired with volume-based confirmations for stronger signals
• Reducing ALMA Sigma sharpens line responsiveness at cost of noise susceptibility
• Increasing Fast Length extends calculation horizon while reducing peak sensitivity
• Weighted OHLC source formula prioritizes closing prices for swing direction assessment
Dao động trung tâm
Weight Convergence DivergenceWeight Convergence Divergence ⚖️
1. Introduction
The Weight Convergence Divergence (WCD) indicator applies principles of rotational equilibrium from classical physics to financial market analysis. By quantifying market momentum as a physical balance system, this indicator helps traders identify potential price reversals and continuation patterns through the visualization of market forces .
2. Theoretical Grounds 📚
The WCD draws inspiration from the physical concept of rotational equilibrium, where opposing forces create a balance or imbalance in a system (Giancoli, 2016, pp.247–249). In market analysis, this can be translated to the comparative measurement of bullish and bearish momentum (Bouchaud and Potters, 2003) . Lo and MacKinlay (1988) and Corbet and Katsiampa (2018) demonstrate that markets exhibit both mean-reverting and momentum characteristics, supporting the concept of opposing market forces that the WCD seeks to visualize. Bouchaud and Potters (2003) further highlight that principles from statistical physics can be applied to financial markets, providing a theoretical foundation for approaches like we are doing with the WCD.
3. Methodology 🧪
The WCD indicator quantifies market mass through the following approach:
Calculates mass by multiplying the candle's body (close-open) with volume mass = body * volume
Compares recent market mass (right side) with historical mass (left side)
Visualizes the equilibrium point with a dynamic balance line balance_ln
Generates signals when the balance shifts buy_signal = ta.crossover(right_mass, 0) and left_mass <= 0 and ly > middle_level
sell_signal = ta.crossunder(right_mass, 0) and left_mass >= 0 and ly < middle_level
4. Visual Elements 🎨
Balance Line: A tilting dashed line representing equilibrium between past and present market forces
🟩 Green Boxes: Positive market mass (bullishness)
🟥 Red Boxes: Negative market mass (bearishness)
▲ Buy Signals: When right mass turns positive while left mass is negative
▼ Sell Signals: When right mass turns negative while left mass is positive
5. Integrated Risk Management 🛡️
Automatic stop loss calculation based on Average True Range (ATR)
Dynamic profit targets calibrated to user-defined risk-reward ratios
Visual position management table to track entries, targets, and stops throughout trade duration
6. Parametrization ⚙️
Distance: Number of bars for mass calculation
ATR Length: Period for volatility calculation
ATR Factor: Multiplier applied to ATR for stop loss determination
Risk-Reward Ratio: Factor used for target calculation
7. Implementation Strategies 📈
7.1. Trend Reversal Strategy (More Risky) 🔄
Identify overextended market conditions
Wait for a counter-trend signal
Consider the calculated stop loss and take profit
7.2. Momentum Continuation Strategy (Less Risky) ➡️
Identify the prevailing trend
Look for multiple signals in the trend direction ( the balance line is not the trend! )
Wait for a second or third signal confirmation
Consider the calculated stop loss and take profit
8. Timeframe Flexibility: ⏱️
Lower timeframes (5-15m): Quick signals for scalping
Medium timeframes (30m-4h): Balanced for day trading
Higher timeframes (Daily+): Reliable signals for swing trading
9. References 📗
Bouchaud, J.-P. and Potters, M. (2003). Theory of Financial Risk and Derivative Pricing. doi: doi.org .
Corbet, S. and Katsiampa, P. (2018). Asymmetric mean reversion of Bitcoin price returns. International Review of Financial Analysis. doi: doi.org .
Giancoli, D.C. (2016). Physics : Principles with Applications. 7th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education, pp.247–249.
Lo, A.W. and MacKinlay, A.C. (1988). Stock Market Prices Do Not Follow Random Walks: Evidence from a Simple Specification Test. Review of Financial Studies, 1(1), pp.41–66. doi: doi.org .
Disclaimer ⚠️
The Weight Convergence Divergence indicator is designed for informational and educational purposes only. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Traders should conduct thorough analysis and employ proper risk management techniques. This tool does not constitute financial advice and should be used at the user's own discretion.
Smart Liquidity Wave [The_lurker]"Smart Liquidity Wave" هو مؤشر تحليلي متطور يهدف لتحديد نقاط الدخول والخروج المثلى بناءً على تحليل السيولة، قوة الاتجاه، وإشارات السوق المفلترة. يتميز المؤشر بقدرته على تصنيف الأدوات المالية إلى أربع فئات سيولة (ضعيفة، متوسطة، عالية، عالية جدًا)، مع تطبيق شروط مخصصة لكل فئة تعتمد على تحليل الموجات السعرية، الفلاتر المتعددة، ومؤشر ADX.
فكرة المؤشر
الفكرة الأساسية هي الجمع بين قياس السيولة اليومية الثابتة وتحليل ديناميكي للسعر باستخدام فلاتر متقدمة لتوليد إشارات دقيقة. المؤشر يركز على تصفية الضوضاء في السوق من خلال طبقات متعددة من التحليل، مما يجعله أداة ذكية تتكيف مع الأدوات المالية المختلفة بناءً على مستوى سيولتها.
طريقة عمل المؤشر
1- قياس السيولة:
يتم حساب السيولة باستخدام متوسط حجم التداول على مدى 14 يومًا مضروبًا في سعر الإغلاق، ويتم ذلك دائمًا على الإطار الزمني اليومي لضمان ثبات القيمة بغض النظر عن الإطار الزمني المستخدم في الرسم البياني.
يتم تصنيف السيولة إلى:
ضعيفة: أقل من 5 ملايين (قابل للتعديل).
متوسطة: من 5 إلى 20 مليون.
عالية: من 20 إلى 50 مليون.
عالية جدًا: أكثر من 50 مليون.
هذا الثبات في القياس يضمن أن تصنيف السيولة لا يتغير مع تغير الإطار الزمني، مما يوفر أساسًا موثوقًا للإشارات.
2- تحليل الموجات السعرية:
يعتمد المؤشر على تحليل الموجات باستخدام متوسطات متحركة متعددة الأنواع (مثل SMA، EMA، WMA، HMA، وغيرها) يمكن للمستخدم اختيارها وتخصيص فتراتها ، يتم دمج هذا التحليل مع مؤشرات إضافية مثل RSI (مؤشر القوة النسبية) وMFI (مؤشر تدفق الأموال) بوزن محدد (40% للموجات، 30% لكل من RSI وMFI) للحصول على تقييم شامل للاتجاه.
3- الفلاتر وطريقة عملها:
المؤشر يستخدم نظام فلاتر متعدد الطبقات لتصفية الإشارات وتقليل الضوضاء، وهي من أبرز الجوانب المخفية التي تعزز دقته:
الفلتر الرئيسي (Main Filter):
يعمل على تنعيم التغيرات السعرية السريعة باستخدام معادلة رياضية تعتمد على تحليل الإشارات (Signal Processing).
يتم تطبيقه على السعر لاستخراج الاتجاهات الأساسية بعيدًا عن التقلبات العشوائية، مع فترة زمنية قابلة للتعديل (افتراضي: 30).
يستخدم تقنية مشابهة للفلاتر عالية التردد (High-Pass Filter) للتركيز على الحركات الكبيرة.
الفلتر الفرعي (Sub Filter):
يعمل كطبقة ثانية للتصفية، مع فترة أقصر (افتراضي: 12)، لضبط الإشارات بدقة أكبر.
يستخدم معادلات تعتمد على الترددات المنخفضة للتأكد من أن الإشارات الناتجة تعكس تغيرات حقيقية وليست مجرد ضوضاء.
إشارة الزناد (Signal Trigger):
يتم تطبيق متوسط متحرك على نتائج الفلتر الرئيسي لتوليد خط إشارة (Signal Line) يُقارن مع عتبات محددة للدخول والخروج.
يمكن تعديل فترة الزناد (افتراضي: 3 للدخول، 5 للخروج) لتسريع أو تبطيء الإشارات.
الفلتر المربع (Square Filter):
خاصية مخفية تُفعّل افتراضيًا تعزز دقة الفلاتر عن طريق تضييق نطاق التذبذبات المسموح بها، مما يقلل من الإشارات العشوائية في الأسواق المتقلبة.
4- تصفية الإشارات باستخدام ADX:
يتم استخدام مؤشر ADX كفلتر نهائي للتأكد من قوة الاتجاه قبل إصدار الإشارة:
ضعيفة ومتوسطة: دخول عندما يكون ADX فوق 40، خروج فوق 50.
عالية: دخول فوق 40، خروج فوق 55.
عالية جدًا: دخول فوق 35، خروج فوق 38.
هذه العتبات قابلة للتعديل، مما يسمح بتكييف المؤشر مع استراتيجيات مختلفة.
5- توليد الإشارات:
الدخول: يتم إصدار إشارة شراء عندما تنخفض خطوط الإشارة إلى ما دون عتبة محددة (مثل -9) مع تحقق شروط الفلاتر، السيولة، وADX.
الخروج: يتم إصدار إشارة بيع عندما ترتفع الخطوط فوق عتبة (مثل 109 أو 106 حسب الفئة) مع تحقق الشروط الأخرى.
تُعرض الإشارات بألوان مميزة (أزرق للدخول، برتقالي للضعيفة والمتوسطة، أحمر للعالية والعالية جدًا) وبثلاثة أحجام (صغير، متوسط، كبير).
6- عرض النتائج:
يظهر مستوى السيولة الحالي في جدول في أعلى يمين الرسم البياني، مما يتيح للمستخدم معرفة فئة الأصل بسهولة.
7- دعم التنبيهات:
تنبيهات فورية لكل فئة سيولة، مما يسهل التداول الآلي أو اليدوي.
%%%%% الجوانب المخفية في الكود %%%%%
معادلات الفلاتر المتقدمة: يستخدم المؤشر معادلات رياضية معقدة مستوحاة من معالجة الإشارات لتنعيم البيانات واستخراج الاتجاهات، مما يجعله أكثر دقة من المؤشرات التقليدية.
التكيف التلقائي: النظام يضبط نفسه داخليًا بناءً على التغيرات في السعر والحجم، مع عوامل تصحيح مخفية (مثل معامل التنعيم في الفلاتر) للحفاظ على الاستقرار.
التوزيع الموزون: الدمج بين الموجات، RSI، وMFI يتم بأوزان محددة (40%، 30%، 30%) لضمان توازن التحليل، وهي تفاصيل غير ظاهرة مباشرة للمستخدم لكنها تؤثر على النتائج.
الفلتر المربع: خيار مخفي يتم تفعيله افتراضيًا لتضييق نطاق الإشارات، مما يقلل من التشتت في الأسواق ذات التقلبات العالية.
مميزات المؤشر
1- فلاتر متعددة الطبقات: تضمن تصفية الضوضاء وإنتاج إشارات موثوقة فقط.
2- ثبات السيولة: قياس السيولة اليومي يجعل التصنيف متسقًا عبر الإطارات الزمنية.
3- تخصيص شامل: يمكن تعديل حدود السيولة، عتبات ADX، فترات الفلاتر، وأنواع المتوسطات المتحركة.
4- إشارات مرئية واضحة: تصميم بصري يسهل التفسير مع تنبيهات فورية.
5- تقليل الإشارات الخاطئة: الجمع بين الفلاتر وADX يعزز الدقة ويقلل من التشتت.
إخلاء المسؤولية
لا يُقصد بالمعلومات والمنشورات أن تكون، أو تشكل، أي نصيحة مالية أو استثمارية أو تجارية أو أنواع أخرى من النصائح أو التوصيات المقدمة أو المعتمدة من TradingView.
#### **What is the Smart Liquidity Wave Indicator?**
"Smart Liquidity Wave" is an advanced analytical indicator designed to identify optimal entry and exit points based on liquidity analysis, trend strength, and filtered market signals. It stands out with its ability to categorize financial instruments into four liquidity levels (Weak, Medium, High, Very High), applying customized conditions for each category based on price wave analysis, multi-layered filters, and the ADX (Average Directional Index).
#### **Concept of the Indicator**
The core idea is to combine a stable daily liquidity measurement with dynamic price analysis using sophisticated filters to generate precise signals. The indicator focuses on eliminating market noise through multiple analytical layers, making it an intelligent tool that adapts to various financial instruments based on their liquidity levels.
#### **How the Indicator Works**
1. **Liquidity Measurement:**
- Liquidity is calculated using the 14-day average trading volume multiplied by the closing price, always based on the daily timeframe to ensure value consistency regardless of the chart’s timeframe.
- Liquidity is classified as:
- **Weak:** Less than 5 million (adjustable).
- **Medium:** 5 to 20 million.
- **High:** 20 to 50 million.
- **Very High:** Over 50 million.
- This consistency in measurement ensures that liquidity classification remains unchanged across different timeframes, providing a reliable foundation for signals.
2. **Price Wave Analysis:**
- The indicator relies on wave analysis using various types of moving averages (e.g., SMA, EMA, WMA, HMA, etc.), which users can select and customize in terms of periods.
- This analysis is integrated with additional indicators like RSI (Relative Strength Index) and MFI (Money Flow Index), weighted specifically (40% waves, 30% RSI, 30% MFI) to provide a comprehensive trend assessment.
3. **Filters and Their Functionality:**
- The indicator employs a multi-layered filtering system to refine signals and reduce noise, a key hidden feature that enhances its accuracy:
- **Main Filter:**
- Smooths rapid price fluctuations using a mathematical equation rooted in signal processing techniques.
- Applied to price data to extract core trends away from random volatility, with an adjustable period (default: 30).
- Utilizes a technique similar to high-pass filters to focus on significant movements.
- **Sub Filter:**
- Acts as a secondary filtering layer with a shorter period (default: 12) for finer signal tuning.
- Employs low-frequency-based equations to ensure resulting signals reflect genuine changes rather than mere noise.
- **Signal Trigger:**
- Applies a moving average to the main filter’s output to generate a signal line, compared against predefined entry and exit thresholds.
- Trigger period is adjustable (default: 3 for entry, 5 for exit) to speed up or slow down signals.
- **Square Filter:**
- A hidden feature activated by default, enhancing filter precision by narrowing the range of permissible oscillations, reducing random signals in volatile markets.
4. **Signal Filtering with ADX:**
- ADX is used as a final filter to confirm trend strength before issuing signals:
- **Weak and Medium:** Entry when ADX exceeds 40, exit above 50.
- **High:** Entry above 40, exit above 55.
- **Very High:** Entry above 35, exit above 38.
- These thresholds are adjustable, allowing the indicator to adapt to different trading strategies.
5. **Signal Generation:**
- **Entry:** A buy signal is triggered when signal lines drop below a specific threshold (e.g., -9) and conditions for filters, liquidity, and ADX are met.
- **Exit:** A sell signal is issued when signal lines rise above a threshold (e.g., 109 or 106, depending on the category) with all conditions satisfied.
- Signals are displayed in distinct colors (blue for entry, orange for Weak/Medium, red for High/Very High) and three sizes (small, medium, large).
6. **Result Display:**
- The current liquidity level is shown in a table at the top-right of the chart, enabling users to easily identify the asset’s category.
7. **Alert Support:**
- Instant alerts are provided for each liquidity category, facilitating both automated and manual trading.
#### **Hidden Aspects in the Code**
- **Advanced Filter Equations:** The indicator uses complex mathematical formulas inspired by signal processing to smooth data and extract trends, making it more precise than traditional indicators.
- **Automatic Adaptation:** The system internally adjusts based on price and volume changes, with hidden correction factors (e.g., smoothing coefficients in filters) to maintain stability.
- **Weighted Distribution:** The integration of waves, RSI, and MFI uses fixed weights (40%, 30%, 30%) for balanced analysis, a detail not directly visible but impactful on results.
- **Square Filter:** A hidden option, enabled by default, narrows signal range to minimize dispersion in high-volatility markets.
#### **Indicator Features**
1. **Multi-Layered Filters:** Ensures noise reduction and delivers only reliable signals.
2. **Liquidity Stability:** Daily liquidity measurement keeps classification consistent across timeframes.
3. **Comprehensive Customization:** Allows adjustments to liquidity thresholds, ADX levels, filter periods, and moving average types.
4. **Clear Visual Signals:** User-friendly design with easy-to-read visuals and instant alerts.
5. **Reduced False Signals:** Combining filters and ADX enhances accuracy and minimizes clutter.
#### **Disclaimer**
The information and publications are not intended to be, nor do they constitute, financial, investment, trading, or other types of advice or recommendations provided or endorsed by TradingView.
VWMA, AlphaTrend, CCI, Volume, PSAR IndicatorThis powerful all-in-one indicator combines VWMA, AlphaTrend, CCI, Volume, PSAR, and ADX Momentum Filtering to provide high-probability trading signals with risk management built-in. Designed for traders who demand precision, this tool dynamically identifies optimal entry and exit points while filtering noise for clear trend confirmation.
📌 Key Features:
✅ Smart Trend Detection: VWMA and AlphaTrend work together to confirm trend direction.
✅ Momentum-Based Entries: CCI & Volume act as confluence for stronger trade signals.
✅ Adaptive Stop-Loss & Take-Profit: ATR, Percentage, PIP-based SL/TP for maximum flexibility.
✅ Breakout & Breakdown Levels: Identify potential reversals before they happen.
✅ PSAR Exit Strategy: Secure profits with a proven trailing stop mechanism.
✅ ADX Momentum Filter: Trade only in strong trends, avoiding choppy markets.
✅ Session-Based Trading: Customize trading hours for different market conditions.
🚨 Who is this for? 🚨
🔸 Intraday & Swing Traders looking for precision setups.
🔸 Trend-following traders who want to filter fake signals.
🔸 Anyone who wants a clean, non-repainting, and customizable trading strategy.
🔗 Add this indicator to your chart today and supercharge your trading with confidence! 🚀
Money Printer V3 – BTC 15M EMA Crossover Strategy🚀 Overview
Money Printer V3 is a trend-following strategy built for crypto markets. It uses fast EMA crossovers with RSI filtering, optional MACD and volume confirmation, and ATR-based trailing stops to capture high-probability momentum trades. This version is optimized for 15-minute timeframes with responsive parameters to increase trade frequency and signal clarity.
📈 How It Works
Buy Conditions:
Fast EMA crosses above Slow EMA
RSI > 40 (customizable)
Optional: MACD histogram > 0
Optional: Volume above 1.5x 20-period average
Sell Conditions:
Opposite of the buy conditions
Risk Management:
Stop-loss and trailing stop are dynamically set using ATR
Position size based on account equity and ATR distance (2% risk per trade)
⚙️ Default Settings
Fast EMA: 5
Slow EMA: 20
RSI Threshold: 40
MACD Filter: OFF
Volume Filter: ON
ATR SL Multiplier: 2.5
ATR Trailing Multiplier: 3.5
Risk: 2% of equity per trade
Initial Capital: $5,000
Commission: 0.1%
Slippage: 0.5%
📊 Backtest Notes
Tested on BTC/USD 15-minute timeframe from 2018 to 2024
Produces 100+ trades for statistically relevant sample size
Strategy is not predictive — it reacts to confirmed trends with filters to reduce false signals
Past performance does not guarantee future results
📌 How to Use
Add this strategy to your BTC/USD 15M chart
Customize the input parameters to match your trading style
Enable alerts for buy/sell conditions
Always forward test before using with real funds
⚠️ Disclaimer
This script is for educational and research purposes only. Use at your own risk. Markets are unpredictable, and no strategy can guarantee profits. Always use proper risk management.
CyclePulse MomentumCyclePulse Momentum
CyclePulse Momentum is a powerful, adaptable indicator designed to identify momentum shifts and cyclic reversals across any asset—stocks, forex, cryptocurrencies, and more. By integrating a Cyclic Smoothed RSI (cRSI) with an innovative auto-detected dominant cycle, this tool delivers precise, market-tuned signals for traders seeking to capitalize on price and volume dynamics.
How It Works
Momentum Signals (Green/Red Triangles)
Green Triangles (Below Bars): Signal bullish momentum when volume exceeds a dynamic threshold (default 1.5x the 10-period average) and price rises significantly (default ≥1.5%) or volume momentum spikes (>20% over 5 bars).
Red Triangles (Above Bars): Signal bearish momentum under the same conditions with a price drop.
These highlight high-impact moves driven by volume and price surges.
cRSI Band Crossovers (Diamonds)
Light Turquoise Diamonds (Below Bars): cRSI crosses up through the low band, indicating a potential bullish reversal from oversold territory.
Light Purple Diamonds (Above Bars): cRSI crosses down through the high band, suggesting a bearish reversal from overbought levels.
Bands adapt dynamically to market conditions, enhancing reversal precision.
cRSI 25% Level Signals (Yellow X and Circle)
Yellow X (Above Bars): cRSI crosses below the 25% level under the high band, marking an early bearish pullback.
Yellow Circle (Below Bars): cRSI crosses above the 25% level over the low band, signaling an early bullish recovery.
These provide early warnings of momentum shifts within the cycle.
Auto Dominant Cycle Advantage
The standout feature is the auto-detected dominant cycle length, which adjusts between 10 and 40 bars based on real-time peak and trough analysis (50-bar lookback). Unlike fixed-cycle indicators, this adapts to each asset’s unique rhythm, making triggers—triangles, diamonds, and X’s/circles—significantly more accurate by aligning with the market’s natural tempo. A white number (e.g., "18") appears above bars when the cycle changes, keeping you informed without clutter.
Usage Tips
Momentum Trading: Use green/red triangles to catch strong trends or reversals.
Cycle Timing: Leverage turquoise/purple diamonds for high-probability reversal points, enhanced by the auto-cycle’s precision.
Early Entries: Yellow X’s and circles offer advance signals for momentum shifts.
Customization: Adjust thresholds for your asset—lower (e.g., 1.0) for stocks, higher (e.g., 2.0) for volatile crypto. Pair with support/resistance for confirmation.
Use Auto Dominant Cycle Length: Enable (default) for adaptive, accurate triggers; disable for a fixed cycle (default 20).
Base Volume Threshold: Default 1.5—tweak for signal frequency.
Base Price Change % Threshold: Default 1.5%—adjust to asset volatility.
Volume Momentum Lookback: Default 5—shorten for faster signals, lengthen for smoother ones.
Show cRSI Band Crossovers: Enable (default) for cRSI signals; disable for simplicity.
Why It Stands Out
The auto dominant cycle sets CyclePulse Momentum apart by dynamically syncing with market waves, ensuring triggers hit when they matter most. Whether you’re scalping on 15M or swinging on 1D, this indicator adapts to deliver sharper, more reliable insights.
OTT, CCI, OBV, EMA Strategy💡 Overview
The OTT, CCI, OBV, EMA Strategy is a high-precision trend-following and momentum-based trading system designed to capture profitable opportunities in all market conditions. By combining the Optimal Trend Tracker (OTT), Commodity Channel Index (CCI), On-Balance Volume (OBV), and Exponential Moving Average (EMA), this strategy provides high-probability buy and sell signals with well-defined risk management parameters.
🔹 Key Features:
✅ OTT-Based Trend Detection – Identifies bullish and bearish market conditions with precision.
✅ CCI Entry & Exit Confirmation – Filters trades with momentum validation.
✅ OBV Volume Analysis – Confirms trend strength based on smart money movements.
✅ EMA-Based Exits – Ensures optimal trade closures for maximizing profits.
✅ Adaptive Stop-Loss & Take-Profit – ATR, Percentage, and PIP-based options for customizable risk management.
✅ ADX Momentum Filter – Avoids low-volatility, choppy markets for better trade accuracy.
✅ Multi-Timeframe Trend Filter – Aligns trades with the broader market direction for improved success rates.
✅ Session & Day Filters – Trade only during preferred market hours for better consistency.
🎯 How It Works:
1️⃣ Bullish Entry:
✅ OTT signals an uptrend (MAvg crosses OTT level).
✅ CCI is above the oversold level (-100), confirming momentum.
✅ OBV is above its moving average, indicating strong volume participation.
2️⃣ Bearish Entry:
✅ OTT signals a downtrend (MAvg crosses below OTT level).
✅ CCI is below the overbought level (100), showing weakening momentum.
✅ OBV is below its moving average, confirming bearish volume.
3️⃣ Trade Management:
✅ Stop-Loss & Take-Profit can be set using ATR, percentage, or PIP-based calculations for risk optimization.
✅ Exits are dynamically managed using EMA crossovers and CCI signals.
🔍 Best Timeframes & Markets
📊 Works on stocks, forex, crypto, and indices across various timeframes.
⚡ Optimized for higher accuracy on 5m, 15m, 1H, and 4H charts for intraday and swing trading.
🚀 Why Use This Strategy?
This strategy is ideal for traders who want precision, risk management, and trend confirmation in one powerful tool. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, it helps you stay on the right side of the market with high-probability trade setups.
Spot - Fut spread v2"Spot - Fut Spread v2"
indicator is designed to track the difference between spot and futures prices on various exchanges. It automatically identifies the corresponding instrument (spot or futures) based on the current symbol and calculates the spread between the prices. This tool is useful for analyzing the delta between spot and futures markets, helping traders assess arbitrage opportunities and market sentiment.
Key Features:
- Automatic detection of spot and futures assets based on the current chart symbol.
- Flexible asset selection: the ability to manually choose the second asset if automatic selection is disabled.
- Spread calculation between futures and spot prices.
- Moving average of the spread for smoothing data and trend analysis.
Flexible visualization:
- Color indication of positive and negative spread.
- Adjustable background transparency.
- Text label displaying the current spread and moving average values.
- Error alerts in case of invalid data.
How the Indicator Works:
- Determines whether the current symbol is a futures contract.
- Based on this, selects the corresponding spot or futures symbol.
- Retrieves price data and calculates the spread between them.
- Displays the spread value and its moving average.
- The chart background color changes based on the spread value (positive or negative).
- In case of an error, the indicator provides an alert with an explanation.
Customization Parameters:
-Exchange selection: the ability to specify a particular exchange from the list.
- Automatic pair selection: enable or disable automatic selection of the second asset.
- Moving average period: user-defined.
- Colors for positive and negative spread values.
- Moving average color.
- Background transparency.
- Background coloring source (based on spread or its moving average).
The indicator is suitable for traders who analyze the difference between spot and futures prices, look for arbitrage opportunities, and assess the premium or discount of futures relative to the spot market.
ALTIN.S1 to XAU/TRY RatioThis script calculates the ratio between the Turkish Mint Gold Certificate (ALTIN.S1) and the gold price in TRY (XAU/TRY). It helps traders track the premium or discount of ALTIN.S1 compared to the actual gold price. The script also includes upper (1.15) and lower (1.00) boundary lines for reference.
MACD, RSI, CMF, VWAP, Range Filter IndicatorThis indicator combines multiple technical analysis tools—MACD, RSI, CMF, VWAP, and a Range Filter—to generate high-probability trading signals. It identifies optimal long and short entries, applies risk management techniques, and provides trend and momentum confirmation to improve accuracy.
Key Features:
✅ Multi-Confirmation Entry Signals: Uses MACD crossovers with RSI, CMF, and VWAP for stronger buy/sell setups.
✅ Trend Filter: Applies an MA-based filter (SMA, EMA, WMA, VWMA, HMA) to confirm market direction.
✅ Momentum Filter: Uses ADX and DI+/- to validate trend strength before trade execution.
✅ Risk/Reward Visualization: Displays trade entry, stop-loss, and take-profit levels.
✅ Customizable Trading Sessions: Allows trading only during specified market hours.
✅ Day Selection Filter: Choose which weekdays to enable trading signals.
✅ Dynamic Range Filter Exit Strategy: Uses an adaptive range filter to optimize exit points.
Entry Conditions:
📌 Long Entry:
✅ MACD line crosses above the signal line.
✅ MACD value is above zero (bullish momentum).
✅ RSI Confirmation (Optional): RSI > Mid Level (50).
✅ CMF Confirmation (Optional): CMF > 0 (positive money flow).
✅ VWAP Confirmation (Optional): Price above VWAP.
📌 Short Entry:
✅ MACD line crosses below the signal line.
✅ MACD value is below zero (bearish momentum).
✅ RSI Confirmation (Optional): RSI < Mid Level (50).
✅ CMF Confirmation (Optional): CMF < 0 (negative money flow).
✅ VWAP Confirmation (Optional): Price below VWAP.
Exit Conditions:
✅ Long Exit:
✅ Price falls below the Range Filter level.
✅ RSI Exit Confirmation (Optional): RSI crosses below Overbought level (70).
✅ Short Exit:
✅ Price rises above the Range Filter level.
✅ RSI Exit Confirmation (Optional): RSI crosses above Oversold level (30).
Additional Filters:
📌 Trend Filter: Uses moving averages (SMA, EMA, WMA, VWMA, HMA) to confirm trade direction.
📌 ADX Momentum Filter: Ensures ADX is above a defined threshold for strong trend setups.
📌 Session Filter: Enables trading only within selected time periods.
📌 Day Filter: Allows users to disable trading on specific weekdays.
Best Use Cases:
✅ Scalping & Intraday Trading: Optimized for lower timeframes like 5m, 15m, 1H.
✅ Swing Trading: Works effectively on 4H & Daily charts.
✅ All Asset Types: Can be used on stocks, indices, forex, and crypto.
Customization Options:
🛠️ Adjustable MACD, RSI, CMF, VWAP settings for flexibility.
🛠️ Enable/Disable individual entry confirmations based on preference.
🛠️ Modify trend and momentum thresholds to fit different market conditions.
🚀 Optimize your trades with this powerful, multi-confirmation strategy!
Nasan Ultimate Health Index (NUHI)The Nasan Ultimate Health Index (NUHI) is a technical indicator designed to measure the relative health of a stock compared to a benchmark index or sector. By incorporating price action, volume dynamics, and volatility, NUHI provides traders with a clearer picture of a stock’s performance relative to the broader market.
The NUHI is based on the idea that a stock’s relative strength and momentum can be assessed more effectively when adjusted for volume behavior and benchmark comparison. Instead of looking at price movement alone, this indicator factors in:
The stock’s price trend (via EMA)
Volume participation (green vs. red volume) and volume ratio - SMA(volume, 21)/ SMA(volume, 252)
Volatility-adjusted performance (ATR-based scaling)
Comparison with a selected benchmark (e.g., SPX, NDX, sector ETFs)
This results in a normalized and comparative score that helps traders identify outperforming, neutral, and underperforming stocks within a specific market environment.
The NUHI is constructed using the following elements:
1️⃣ Stock Raw Score (Unadjusted Momentum)
The exponential moving average (EMA) of the hlc3 (average of high, low, close) is used to define the price trend.
The difference between the current EMA and the EMA from n bars ago shows whether the stock is gaining or losing momentum.
This difference is divided by the ATR (Average True Range) to adjust for volatility.
2️⃣ Volume Behavior Adjustment
Volume is split into green volume (up candles) and red volume (down candles).
The ratio of green to red volume determines whether buyers or sellers dominate over the selected period (n bars).
If the stock is in an uptrend, green volume is weighted higher; if in a downtrend, red volume is weighted higher.
The stock’s Volume Ratio (short-term SMA divided by long-term SMA) is adjusted based on this weight.
3️⃣ Benchmark Comparison
A similar Raw Score calculation is performed on the selected benchmark (SPX, NDX, or sector ETF).
Benchmark price movements, volume behavior, and ATR adjustments mirror the stock’s calculations.
This provides a reference point for evaluating the stock’s relative strength.
4️⃣ Normalization Process
Both the stock and benchmark raw scores are min-max normalized over the past 252 bars (1-year lookback).
This scales values between 0 and 1, ensuring fair comparisons regardless of absolute price differences.
5️⃣ NUHI Calculation
The final NUHI value is computed using a logarithmic ratio between the normalized stock score and the normalized benchmark score:
This transformation ensures a more symmetrical representation of overperformance and underperformance.
Performance Zones
Strong Outperforming (NUHI between >0.41 and 0.69)
Leading (NUHI between >0.10 and 0.41)
Transitioning Outperformance (NUHI between 0.10 and 0)
Equilibrium (NUHI 0)
Transitioning Underperformance (NUHI between -0.10 and 0)
Lagging (NUHI between < -0.1 and -0.41)
Strong Underperforming (NUHI between< -0.41 and -0.69 )
How to Use NUHI
✅ Identifying Strong Stocks
If NUHI > 0, the stock is outperforming its benchmark.
If NUHI < 0, the stock is underperforming the benchmark.
✅ Trend Confirmation
A steadily rising NUHI and raw score (colored green) suggests sustained strength bullish conditions.
A falling NUHI and raw score (colored orange) indicates weakness and possible rotation into other assets.
✅ Finding Reversals
Bullish Divergence: If NUHI is improving while the stock’s raw score is negative, it may signal a bottoming opportunity.
Bearish Signs: If NUHI is dropping despite price strength, it could hint at underlying weakness.
Why a Stock in a Downtrend Can Have NUHI > 0 (and Vice Versa )
NUHI measures performance relative to both its own history and the benchmark.
A stock’s recent movement is compared to how it usually behaves and how the benchmark is performing.
Example Scenarios:
Stock in a Downtrend but NUHI > 0
The stock may still be in a downtrend (negative raw score), but it’s performing better relative to its past downtrend behavior and better than the benchmark over the same period.
This could mean it’s showing relative strength compared to the broader market or sector.
Stock in an Uptrend but NUHI < 0
Even in a uptrend (positive raw score), the stock might be underperforming relative to its past uptrend behavior and underperforming the benchmark.
What This Means:
NUHI > 0 in a downtrend → The stock is falling less aggressively than usual and/or holding up better than the benchmark.
NUHI < 0 in an uptrend → The stock is gaining less than expected based on its history and/or lagging behind the benchmark.
NUHI helps identify relative strength or weakness .
alphaJohnny Dynamic RSI IndicatorAlphaJohnny Dynamic RSI Indicator (Dyn RSI)
The Dynamic RSI Indicator (Dyn RSI) is a custom Pine Script tool designed for TradingView that aggregates Relative Strength Index (RSI) signals from multiple timeframes to provide a comprehensive view of market momentum. It combines RSI data from Weekly, Daily, 4-hour, 1-hour, and 30-minute intervals, offering traders a flexible and customizable way to analyze trends across different periods.
Key Features:
Multi-Timeframe RSI Aggregation: Combines RSI signals from user-selected timeframes for a holistic momentum assessment.
Dynamic or Equal Weighting: Choose between correlation-based dynamic weights (adjusting based on each timeframe’s correlation with price changes) or equal weights for simplicity.
Smoothed Momentum Line: A visually intuitive line that reflects the strength of the aggregate signal, smoothed for clarity.
Color-Coded Signal Strength:
Dark Green: Strong buy signal
Light Green: Weak buy signal
Yellow: Neutral
Light Red: Weak sell signal
Dark Red: Strong sell signal
Visual Markers: Large green triangles at the bottom for strong buy signals and red triangles at the top for strong sell signals.
How to Use:
Apply to Chart: Add the indicator to your TradingView chart (it will appear in a separate pane).
Customize Settings: Adjust inputs like RSI period, signal thresholds, included timeframes, weighting method, and smoothing period to fit your trading style.
Interpret Signals:
Momentum Line: Watch for color changes to gauge market conditions.
Triangles: Green at the bottom for strong buy opportunities, red at the top for strong sell opportunities.
The indicator is designed for a separate pane (overlay=false), with triangles positioned relative to the pane’s range.
Fine-tune thresholds and weights based on your strategy and the asset being analyzed.
The source code is open for modification to suit your needs.
This indicator is ideal for traders seeking a multi-timeframe perspective on RSI to identify potential trend reversals and momentum shifts.
RSI CandlesConvert momentum values to Japanese candlesticks to track patternsتحويل قيم الزخم الى شموع يابانيه لتتبع الانماط
Devil R arrowTwo RSI's crossing
One set to open and one set to close
Rsi not used in conventional way
Aggregated Spot vs Perp Volume (% Change)Aggregated Spot vs Perp Volume (% Change)
The "Aggregated Spot vs Perp Volume (% Change)" indicator helps crypto traders compare the momentum of spot and perpetual futures (perp) trading volumes across 12 major exchanges. It calculates the percentage change in volume from one bar to the next, highlighting divergences and showing which market—spot or perp—is leading a move. By focusing on relative changes, it eliminates the issue of absolute volume differences, making trends clear.
The indicator aggregates data from Binance, Bybit, OKX, Coinbase, Bitget, MEXC, Phemex, BingX, WhiteBIT, BitMEX, Kraken, and HTX. Users can toggle exchanges and choose to measure volume in coin units (e.g., BTC) or USD.
How It Works
Volume Aggregation:
Fetches spot and perp volume data for the selected crypto (e.g., BTC) from up to 12 exchanges.
Spot volume is included only if perp volume is available for the same pair, ensuring consistency.
Volume can be measured in coin units or USD (volume × spot price).
Percentage Change:
Calculates the percentage change in spot and perp volumes from the previous bar:
Percentage Change = ((Current Volume − Previous Volume) / Previous Volume) ×100
This focuses on relative momentum, making spot and perp volumes directly comparable.
Spot volume % change is plotted as a blue line, and perp volume % change as a red line, both with a linewidth of 1.
Who Should Use It
Crypto Traders: To understand spot vs. perp market dynamics across exchanges.
Momentum Traders: To spot which market is driving price moves via volume divergences.
Scalpers/Day Traders: For identifying short-term shifts in market activity.
Analysts: To study liquidity and sentiment in crypto markets.
How to Use It
Blue line: Spot volume % change.
Red line: Perp volume % change.
Look for divergences (e.g., a sharp rise in the red line but not the blue line suggests perp markets are leading).
Combine with Price:
Use alongside price charts to confirm trends or spot potential reversals.
Spot markets reflect actual asset trading, while perp markets, with leverage, attract speculative activity and often show higher volumes. This indicator uses percentage change to compare their momentum, helping traders identify market leadership and divergences. For example, a 50% increase in both spot and perp volumes plots at the same level, making it easy to see relative shifts across exchanges.
Stochastic Fusion Elite [trade_lexx]📈 Stochastic Fusion Elite is your reliable trading assistant!
📊 What is Stochastic Fusion Elite ?
Stochastic Fusion Elite is a trading indicator based on a stochastic oscillator. It analyzes the rate of price change and generates buy or sell signals based on various technical analysis methods.
💡 The main components of the indicator
📊 Stochastic oscillator (K and D)
Stochastic shows the position of the current price relative to the price range for a certain period. Values above 80 indicate overbought (an early sale is possible), and values below 20 indicate oversold (an early purchase is possible).
📈 Moving Averages (MA)
The indicator uses 10 different types of moving averages to smooth stochastic lines.:
- SMA: Simple moving average
- EMA: Exponential moving average
- WMA: Weighted moving average
- HMA: Moving Average Scale
- KAMA: Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average
- VWMA: Volume-weighted moving average
- ALMA: Arnaud Legoux Moving Average
- TEMA: Triple exponential moving average
- ZLEMA: zero delay exponential moving average
- DEMA: Double exponential moving average
The choice of the type of moving average affects the speed of the indicator's response to market changes.
🎯 Bollinger Bands (BB)
Bands around the moving average that widen and narrow depending on volatility. They help determine when the stochastic is out of the normal range.
🔄 Divergences
Divergences show discrepancies between price and stochastic:
- Bullish divergence: price is falling and stochastic is rising — an upward reversal is possible
- Bearish divergence: the price is rising, and stochastic is falling — a downward reversal is possible
🔍 Indicator signals
1️⃣ KD signals (K and D stochastic lines)
- Buy signal:
- What happens: the %K line crosses the %D line from bottom to top
- What does it look like: a green triangle with the label "KD" under the chart and the label "Buy" below the bar
- What does this mean: the price is gaining an upward momentum, growth is possible
- Sell signal:
- What happens: the %K line crosses the %D line from top to bottom
- What it looks like: a red triangle with the label "KD" above the chart and the label "Sell" above the bar
- What does this mean: the price is losing its upward momentum, possibly falling
2️⃣ Moving Average Signals (MA)
- Buy Signal:
- What happens: stochastic crosses the moving average from bottom to top
- What it looks like: a green triangle with the label "MA" under the chart and the label "Buy" below the bar
- What does this mean: stochastic is starting to accelerate upward, price growth is possible
- Sell signal:
- What happens: stochastic crosses the moving average from top to bottom
- What it looks like: a red triangle with the label "MA" above the chart and the label "Sell" above the bar
- What does this mean: stochastic is starting to accelerate downwards, a price drop is possible
3️⃣ Bollinger Band Signals (BB)
- Buy signal:
- What happens: stochastic crosses the lower Bollinger band from bottom to top
- What it looks like: a green triangle with the label "BB" under the chart and the label "Buy" below the bar
- What does this mean: stochastic was too low and is now starting to recover
- Sell signal:
- What happens: Stochastic crosses the upper Bollinger band from top to bottom
- What it looks like: a red triangle with a "BB" label above the chart and a "Sell" label above the bar
- What does this mean: stochastic was too high and is now starting to decline
4️⃣ Divergence Signals (Div)
- Buy Signal (Bullish Divergence):
- What's happening: the price is falling, and stochastic is forming higher lows
- What it looks like: a green triangle with a "Div" label under the chart and a "Buy" label below the bar
- What does this mean: despite the falling price, the momentum is already changing in an upward direction
- Sell signal (bearish divergence):
- What's going on: the price is rising, and stochastic is forming lower highs
- What it looks like: a red triangle with a "Div" label above the chart and a "Sell" label above the bar
- What does this mean: despite the price increase, the momentum is already weakening
🛠️ Filters to filter out false signals
1️⃣ Minimum distance between the signals
- What it does: sets the minimum number of candles between signals
- Why it is needed: prevents signals from being too frequent during strong market fluctuations
- How to set it up: Set the number from 0 and above (default: 5)
2️⃣ "Waiting for the opposite signal" mode
- What it does: waits for a signal in the opposite direction before generating a new signal
- Why you need it: it helps you not to miss important trend reversals
- How to set up: just turn the function on or off
3️⃣ Filter by stochastic levels
- What it does: generates signals only when the stochastic is in the specified ranges
- Why it is needed: it helps to catch the moments when the market is oversold or overbought
- How to set up:
- For buy signals: set a range for oversold (for example, 1-20)
- For sell signals: set a range for overbought (for example, 80-100)
4️⃣ MFI filter
- What it does: additionally checks the values of the cash flow index (MFI)
- Why it is needed: confirms stochastic signals with cash flow data
- How to set it up:
- For buy signals: set the range for oversold MFI (for example, 1-25)
- For sell signals: set the range for overbought MFI (for example, 75-100)
5️⃣ The RSI filter
- What it does: additionally checks the RSI values to confirm the signals
- Why it is needed: adds additional confirmation from another popular indicator
- How to set up:
- For buy signals: set the range for oversold MFI (for example, 1-30)
- For sell signals: set the range for overbought MFI (for example, 70-100)
🔄 Signal combination modes
1️⃣ Normal mode
- How it works: all signals (KD, MA, BB, Div) work independently of each other
- When to use it: for general market analysis or when learning how to work with the indicator
2️⃣ "AND" Mode ("AND Mode")
- How it works: the alarm appears only when several conditions are triggered simultaneously
- Combination options:
- KD+MA: signals from the KD and moving average lines
- KD+BB: signals from KD lines and Bollinger bands
- KD+Div: signals from the KD and divergence lines
- KD+MA+BB: three signals simultaneously
- KD+MA+Div: three signals at the same time
- KD+BB+Div: three signals at the same time
- KD+MA+BB+Div: all four signals at the same time
- When to use: for more reliable but rare signals
🔌 Connecting to trading strategies
The indicator can be connected to your trading strategies using 6 different channels.:
1. Connector KD signals: connects only the signals from the intersection of lines K and D
2. Connector MA signals: connects only signals from moving averages
3. Connector BB signal: connects only the signals from the Bollinger bands
4. Connector divergence signals: connects only divergence signals
5. Combined Connector: connects any signals
6. Connector for "And" mode: connects only combined signals
🔔 Setting up alerts
The indicator can send alerts when alarms appear.:
- Alerts for KD: when the %K line crosses the %D line
- Alerts for MA: when stochastic crosses the moving average
- Alerts for BB: when stochastic crosses the Bollinger bands
- Divergence alerts: when a divergence is detected
- Combined alerts: for all types of alarms
- Alerts for "And" mode: for combined signals
🎭 What does the indicator look like on the chart ?
- Main lines K and D: blue and orange lines
- Overbought/oversold levels: horizontal lines at levels 20 and 80
- Middle line: dotted line at level 50
- Stochastic Moving Average: yellow line
- Bollinger bands: green lines around the moving average
- Signals: green and red triangles with corresponding labels
📚 How to start using Stochastic Fusion Elite
1️⃣ Initial setup
- Add an indicator to your chart
- Select the types of signals you want to use (KD, MA, BB, Div)
- Adjust the period and smoothing for the K and D lines
2️⃣ Filter settings
- Set the distance between the signals to get rid of unnecessary noise
- Adjust stochastic, MFI and RSI levels depending on the volatility of your asset
- If you need more reliable signals, turn on the "Waiting for the opposite signal" mode.
3️⃣ Operation mode selection
- First, use the standard mode to see all possible signals.
- When you get comfortable, try the "And" mode for rarer signals.
4️⃣ Setting up Alerts
- Select the types of signals you want to be notified about
- Set up alerts for these types of signals
5️⃣ Verification and adaptation
- Check the operation of the indicator on historical data
- Adjust the parameters for a specific asset
- Adapt the settings to your trading style
🌟 Usage examples
For trend trading
- Use the KD and MA signals in the direction of the main trend
- Set the distance between the signals
- Set stricter levels for filters
For trading in a sideways range
- Use BB signals to detect bounces from the range boundaries
- Use a stochastic level filter to confirm overbought/oversold conditions
- Adjust the Bollinger bands according to the width of the range
To determine the pivot points
- Pay attention to the divergence signals
- Set the distance between the signals
- Check the MFI and RSI filters for additional confirmation
PierrePressure TTM Squeeze OscillatorPHEMEX:BTCUSDT The oscillator is calculated as the difference between the width of the Keltner Channels and the width of the Bollinger Bands.
Negative values indicate that the Bollinger Bands are inside the Keltner Channels (squeeze is on).
Positive values indicate that the squeeze has released.
Breakout Signal:
When the oscillator turns positive (i.e., a squeeze release occurs), the script checks the current candle:
Bullish Breakout: If the candle closes above its open.
Bearish Breakout: If the candle closes below its open.
A corresponding label ("Bull" or "Bear") is plotted on the chart.
Monitor the Histogram:
Below zero: Market is in a low-volatility squeeze.
Above zero: Squeeze has released, signaling a potential breakout.
Breakout Confirmation:
Use the breakout signal (bullish or bearish) to time your entries along with your ORB strategy.
This oscillator focuses solely on the TTM Squeeze and breakout signal, making it a great addition to your ORB strategy.
Strong Highs & Weak Lows (Small Triangles)This indicator highlights market structure shifts by identifying Strong Highs and Weak Lows based on simple price action logic.
Strong Highs are swing highs that are followed by a break of structure to the downside (bearish intent).
Weak Lows are swing lows that are followed by a break of structure to the upside (bullish intent).
These levels can indicate key turning points or liquidity grabs and are useful for traders focused on market structure, order flow, or liquidity-based strategies.
Clean triangle markers: tiny red triangles mark Strong Highs and tiny green triangles mark Weak Lows.
Optional candle coloring to further emphasize shifts in market intent.
Adjustable lookback period for swing detection.
Perfect for traders using smart money concepts, ICT, or price action-based entries.
Lance Breitstein AI-Trend Momentum SwiftEdgeThis indicator is inspired by Lance Breitstein's trend-following strategy, emphasizing trading in the direction of momentum while avoiding counter-trend setups. It uses hidden Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) to determine trend direction on the current timeframe. Signals are generated based on price breakouts and momentum, aligned with multi-timeframe analysis (1H, 4H, Daily) to enhance trade confirmation.
Key Features:
Visualizes trading signals as vertical "laser beams" (green for long, fuchsia for short) when conditions align.
Displays "Long OK" or "Short OK" labels below signals when the current trend matches at least one higher timeframe.
Includes a futuristic dashboard showing trend direction across 1H, 4H, and Daily timeframes.
Designed for simplicity and clarity, reflecting Breitstein's focus on immediate momentum within a defined trend.
How to Use:
Apply the indicator to your chart (works on any timeframe, though lower timeframes like 1M or 5M align with day trading).
Look for green laser beams with "Long OK" labels to consider long entries, indicating price is above EMA and VWAP, with momentum and higher timeframe support.
Look for fuchsia laser beams with "Short OK" labels for short entries, indicating price is below EMA and VWAP, with momentum and higher timeframe support.
Use the dashboard to assess trend alignment across 1H, 4H, and Daily (▲ for up, ▼ for down, — for neutral).
Avoid trading when no signals appear, as this suggests consolidation or lack of momentum.
Customize input parameters (EMA period, momentum period, etc.) to suit your trading style.
This indicator does not guarantee profits and should be used with proper risk management and market analysis.
Inspired by Lance Breitstein's philosophy: "Trade with the trend, let winners run, and cut losers quickly."
Highest High Line with Multi-Timeframe Supertrend and RSIOverview:
This powerful indicator combines three essential elements for traders:
Highest High Line – Tracks the highest price over a customizable lookback period across different timeframes.
Multi-Timeframe Supertrend – Displays Supertrend values and trend directions for multiple timeframes simultaneously.
Relative Strength Index (RSI) – Shows RSI values across different timeframes for momentum analysis.
✅ Customizable Highest High Line:
Selectable timeframes: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Adjustable lookback period
✅ Multi-Timeframe Supertrend:
Supports 1min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, 1H, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
ATR-based calculation with configurable ATR period and multiplier
Identifies bullish (green) & bearish (red) trends
✅ Multi-Timeframe RSI:
Calculates RSI for the same timeframes as Supertrend
Overbought (≥70) and Oversold (≤30) signals with color coding
✅ Comprehensive Table Display:
A clean, structured table in the bottom-right corner
Displays Supertrend direction, value, and RSI for all timeframes
Helps traders quickly assess trend and momentum alignment
How to Use:
Use the Highest High Line to identify key resistance zones.
Confirm trend direction with Multi-Timeframe Supertrend.
Check RSI values to avoid overbought/oversold conditions before entering trades.
Align multiple timeframes for stronger confirmation of trend shifts.
Ideal For:
✅ Scalpers (lower timeframes: 1m–30m)
✅ Swing Traders (higher timeframes: 1H–D)
✅ Position Traders (Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly)
💡 Tip: Look for Supertrend & RSI confluence across multiple timeframes for higher probability setups.
MACD + RSI + 200EMA Filtered SignalsMACD HAS RSI filter and EMA filter which gives good buy and sell signals.
Several indicators combine Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) with Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Exponential Moving Average (EMA) filters to generate potential buy and sell signals . These enhanced indicators use the EMA to filter signals based on the trend, only considering buy signals when the price is above the EMA and sell signals when it's below . The RSI helps identify overbought and oversold conditions, improving the accuracy of trade entries .
CCI with Zero Signal by Edwin KCCI with Zero Signal by Edwin K is a custom Commodity Channel Index (CCI) indicator designed for traders to analyze market trends and momentum more effectively. It combines the CCI calculation with a visually distinct histogram and color-coded candlestick bars for enhanced clarity and decision-making.
Key Features:
CCI Line:
Plots the CCI line based on the specified length (default: 21).
Helps identify overbought or oversold conditions, momentum shifts, and trend reversals.
Zero Signal Line:
A horizontal line at 0 serves as a reference point to distinguish between bullish and bearish momentum.
Displays a histogram that reflects the CCI's values.
Histogram bars change colors dynamically based on their relation to the zero line and the trend's direction.
Green/Lime: Positive momentum (above zero).
Red/Maroon: Negative momentum (below zero).
Candlestick Coloring:
Automatically paints candlesticks based on the histogram's color.
Provides an intuitive visual cue for momentum shifts directly on the price chart.
Use Cases:
Trend Confirmation: Use the histogram and candlestick colors to confirm the strength and direction of trends.
Momentum Shifts: Identify transitions between bullish and bearish momentum when the CCI crosses the zero line.
Entry and Exit Points: Combine this indicator with other tools to pinpoint optimal trade entries and exits.
This indicator offers a user-friendly yet powerful visualization of the CCI, making it an excellent tool for traders aiming to enhance their technical analysis.
Multi-Indicator Trading DashboardMulti-Indicator Trading Dashboard: Comprehensive Analysis and Actionable Signals
This Pine Script indicator, "Multi-Indicator Trading Dashboard," provides a comprehensive overview of key market indicators and generates actionable trading signals, all presented in a clear, easy-to-read table format on your TradingView chart.
Key Features:
Real-time Indicator Analysis: The dashboard displays real-time values and signals for:
RSI (Relative Strength Index): Tracks overbought and oversold conditions.
MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence): Identifies trend changes and momentum.
ADX (Average Directional Index): Measures trend strength.
Volatility (ATR-based): Estimates volatility as a percentage, acting as a VIX proxy for single-symbol charts.
Trend Determination: Analyzes 20, 50, and 200-period EMAs to provide a clear trend assessment (Strong Bullish, Cautious Bullish, Cautious Bearish, Strong Bearish).
Combined Trading Signals: Integrates signals from RSI, MACD, ADX, and trend analysis to generate a combined "Buy," "Sell," or "Neutral" action signal.
User-Friendly Table Display: Presents all information in a neatly organized table, positioned at the top-right of your chart.
Visual Chart Overlays: Plots 20, 50, and 200-period EMAs directly on the chart for visual trend confirmation.
Background Color Alerts: Colors the chart's background based on the "Buy" or "Sell" action signal for quick visual cues.
Customizable Inputs: Allows you to adjust key parameters like RSI lengths, MACD settings, ADX thresholds, and EMA periods.
How It Works:
Indicator Calculations: The script calculates RSI, MACD, ADX, and a volatility proxy (ATR) using standard Pine Script functions.
Trend Analysis: It compares 20, 50, and 200-period EMAs to determine the overall trend direction.
Individual Signal Generation: It generates individual "Buy," "Sell," or "Neutral" signals based on RSI, MACD, and ADX values.
Combined Signal Logic: It combines the individual signals and trend analysis, assigning a "Buy" or "Sell" action only when at least two indicators align.
Table Display: It creates a table and populates it with the calculated values, signals, and trend information.
Chart Overlays: It plots the EMAs on the chart and colors the background based on the combined action signal.
Use Cases:
Quick Market Overview: Get a snapshot of key market indicators and trend direction at a glance.
Confirmation Tool: Use the combined signals to confirm your existing trading strategies.
Educational Purpose: Learn how different indicators interact and influence trading decisions.
Automated Alerting: Set up alerts based on the "Buy" or "Sell" action signals.
Adjust the input parameters to fine-tune the indicator's sensitivity to your trading style and the specific market you're analyzing.
This indicator is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Always conduct thorough research and consult with 1 a qualified professional before making any 2 trading decisions.
Multi-Oscillator Adaptive Kernel | AlphaAlgosMulti-Oscillator Adaptive Kernel | AlphaAlgos
The Multi-Oscillator Adaptive Kernel (MOAK) is an advanced technical analysis tool that combines multiple oscillators through sophisticated kernel-based smoothing algorithms. This indicator is designed to provide clearer trend signals while filtering out market noise, offering traders a comprehensive view of market momentum across multiple timeframes.
Key Features
• Fusion of multiple technical oscillators (RSI, Stochastic, MFI, CCI)
• Advanced kernel smoothing technology with three distinct mathematical models
• Customizable sensitivity and lookback periods
• Clear visual signals for trend shifts and reversals
• Overbought/oversold zones for precise entry and exit timing
• Adaptive signal that responds to varying market conditions
Technical Components
The MOAK indicator utilizes a multi-layer approach to signal generation:
1. Oscillator Fusion
The core of the indicator combines normalized readings from up to four popular oscillators:
• RSI (Relative Strength Index) - Measures the speed and change of price movements
• Stochastic - Compares the closing price to the price range over a specific period
• MFI (Money Flow Index) - Volume-weighted RSI that includes trading volume
• CCI (Commodity Channel Index) - Measures current price level relative to an average price
2. Kernel Smoothing
The combined oscillator data is processed through one of three kernel functions:
• Exponential Kernel - Provides stronger weighting to recent data with exponential decay
• Linear Kernel - Applies a linear weighting from most recent to oldest data points
• Gaussian Kernel - Uses a bell curve distribution that helps filter out extreme values
3. Dual Signal Lines
• Fast Signal Line - Responds quickly to price changes
• Slow Signal Line - Provides confirmation and shows the underlying trend direction
Configuration Options
Oscillator Selection:
• Enable/disable each oscillator (RSI, Stochastic, MFI, CCI)
• Customize individual lookback periods for each oscillator
Kernel Settings:
• Kernel Type - Choose between Exponential, Linear, or Gaussian mathematical models
• Kernel Length - Adjust the smoothing period (higher values = smoother line)
• Sensitivity - Fine-tune the indicator's responsiveness (higher values = more responsive)
Display Options:
• Color Bars - Toggle price bar coloring based on indicator direction
How to Interpret the Indicator
Signal Line Direction:
• Upward movement (teal) indicates bullish momentum
• Downward movement (magenta) indicates bearish momentum
Trend Shifts:
• Small circles mark the beginning of new uptrends
• X-marks indicate the start of new downtrends
Overbought/Oversold Conditions:
• Values above +50 suggest overbought conditions (potential reversal or pullback)
• Values below -50 suggest oversold conditions (potential reversal or bounce)
Trading Strategies
Trend Following:
• Enter long positions when the signal line turns teal and shows an uptrend
• Enter short positions when the signal line turns magenta and shows a downtrend
• Use the slow signal line (area fill) as confirmation of the underlying trend
Counter-Trend Trading:
• Look for divergences between price and the indicator
• Consider profit-taking when the indicator reaches overbought/oversold areas
• Wait for trend shift signals before entering counter-trend positions
Multiple Timeframe Analysis:
• Use the indicator across different timeframes for confirmation
• Higher timeframe signals carry more weight than lower timeframe signals
Best Practices
• Experiment with different kernel types for various market conditions
• Gaussian kernels often work well in ranging markets
• Exponential kernels can provide earlier signals in trending markets
• Combine with volume analysis for higher probability trades
• Use appropriate stop-loss levels as the indicator does not guarantee price movements
This indicator is provided as-is with no guarantees of profit. Always use proper risk management when trading with any technical indicator. Nothing is financial advise.